aix 下ODM 删除残余lv信息

aix双机hacmp同步中总是失败,提示2边testvg的lv信息不一致,手工通过lsvg  -l  testvg 发现无不同,于是再如下命令:

1. A机上synclvodm  -v testvg

2. B机上exportvg testvg,再importvg  -y  testvg  hdiskpower2

3. 再次hacmp同步,还是报同样的错,于是猜测可能是2边ODM库lv信息不一致。




Sometimes situations occur where a logical volume is deleted, but the ODM is not up to date. E.g. when "lsvg -l" doesn't show you the logical volume, but the lslv command can still show information about the logical volume. Not good.

To resolve this issue, first try:

# synclvodm -v [volume group name]

If that doesn't work, try this: (in the example below logical volume hd7 is used). Save the ODM information of the logical volume:

# odmget -q name=hd7 CuDv | tee -a /tmp/CuDv.hd7.out
# odmget -q name=hd7 CuAt | tee -a /tmp/CuAt.hd7.out

If you mess things up, you can allways use the following command to restore the ODM information:

# odmadd /tmp/[filename]

Delete the ODM information of the logical volume:

# odmdelete -o CuDv -q name=hd7
# odmdelete -o CuAt -q name=hd7

Then, remove the device entry of the logical volume in the /dev directory (if present at all).

你可能感兴趣的:(aix 下ODM 删除残余lv信息)