Two related entities shown using Crow’s Foot notation. In this example, an optional relationship is shown between Artist and Song; the symbols closest to the song entity represents “zero, one, or many”, whereas a song has “one and only one” Artist. The former is therefore read as, an Artist (can) perform(s) “zero, one, or many” song(s).
Crow’s Foot的可选项optionality和关联基数cardinality 表示法:
Optionality 可选项:用来表示该关联关系是可选的,还是必须的。对于可选的关联关系,通常表现为用于关联的外键字段允许为null值,或者对于使用中间关联关系表的情况下可以不出现关联数据,而必须的关联关系则不允许外键为null或者必须存在关联数据
Cardinality 关联基数:用来表示关联实体的数量上限,为1、n等