edit the f8w2530.xcl,
uncomment these two lines:
在project>=options>=linker>=format选择Debug information for C-SPY就可以了,如果要用SmartRF Flash programmer下载程序就要选在Other。
2010-09-09 18:42
如何配置IAR for 8051为CC2530产生HEX文件
这是从TI论坛里面得到的,如何配置 IAR FOR 8051 为CC2530 Z-STACK产生HEX文件。具体内容如下:
The following steps describe how to configure the IAR EW8051 to generate a hex file forCC2530 when using the banked code model for the Z-Stack by using theZ-stack project GenericApp as an example.
Environment: ZigBee Z-stack 2.2.0, CC2530, IAR EW 8051 7.51A
Step 1: Openthe Z-stack workspace with IAR and locate the linker filef8w2530.xcl.
The f8w2530.xcl file can be found in the Tools file groupin IAR.
Step 2:Include the linker file –M option by including the 3 lines as shown in thefigure below.
Lines to include:
Note that for IAR 7.51A (and later versions) these 3lines can stay included also when generating debug files. This was not the casefor earlier versions.
The –M linker option is used to convert banked codememory layout used internally by the IAR C-SPY debugger to the physical memorylayout used in the Intel hex file.
Step 3: Openthe Project options and click the Linker tab
Step 4: Clickthe “Override default” option in the “Output file” box and rename theGenericApp.a51 to GenericApp.hex
Select the “Other” button in the “Format” box. Choose“Output format”: intel-extended
Step 5: It isimportant to check that the correct linker configuration file (*.xcl) is used.The linker file is selected in the “Linker” -> “Config” tab
Step 6: When the IAR project is built the hex file will be generated andplaced in the folder specified as output directory for executables. This isspecified in IAR EW 8051 under “Project” -> “Options” -> “GeneralOptions” -> “Output” in the “Executables” tab.
For the chosen Z-stack example this folder is:..\Projects\zstack\Samples\GenericApp\CC2530DB\CoordinatorEB\Exe
Step 7: Nowyou are done and the device can be programmed with this hex file for exampleusing the SmartRF Flash programmer tool