

Homogeneous transformations
Homogeneous points and lines
Differential motion
Trajectory generation
Serial-link manipulator
Mobile robot
    Path planning
    CodeGen support

» Alphabetic listing

Homogeneous transformations

angvec2r angle/vector to RM
angvec2tr angle/vector to HT
eul2r Euler angles to RM
eul2tr Euler angles to HT
oa2r orientation and approach vector to RM
oa2tr orientation and approach vector to HT
r2t RM to HT
rt2tr (R,t) to HT
rotx RM for rotation about X-axis
roty RM for rotation about Y-axis
rotz RM for rotation about Z-axis
rpy2r roll/pitch/yaw angles to RM
rpy2tr roll/pitch/yaw angles to HT
se2 HT in SE(2)
t2r HT to RM
tr2angvec HT/RM to angle/vector form
tr2eul HT/RM to Euler angles
tr2rpy HT/RM to roll/pitch/yaw angles
tr2rt HT to (R,t)
tranimate animate a coordinate frame
transl set or extract the translational component of HT
trnorm normalize HT
trplot plot HT as a coordinate frame
trplot2 plot HT, SE(2), as a coordinate frame
trprint print an HT
trotx HT for rotation about X-axis
troty HT for rotation about Y-axis
trotz HT for rotation about Z-axis

Homogeneous points and lines

e2h Euclidean coordinates to homogeneous
h2e homogeneous coordinates to Euclidean
homline create line from 2 points
homtrans transform points

  • HT = homogeneous transformation, a 4x4 matrix, belongs to the group SE(3).
  • RM = RM, an orthonormal 3x3 matrix, belongs to the group SO(3).
  • Functions of the form tr2XX will also accept a RM as the argument.

Differential motion

delta2tr differential motion vector to HT
eul2jac Euler angles to Jacobian
rpy2jac RPY angles to Jacobian
skew vector to skew symmetric matrix
tr2delta HT to differential motion vector
tr2jac HT to Jacobian
vex skew symmetric matrix to vector
wtrans transform wrench between frames

Trajectory generation

ctraj Cartesian trajectory
jtraj joint space trajectory
lspb 1D trapezoidal trajectory
mtraj multi-axis trajectory for arbitrary function
mstraj multi-axis multi-segment trajectory
tpoly 1D polynomial trajectory
trinterp interpolate HT s


Quaternion constructor
/ divide quaternion by quaternion or scalar
* multiply quaternion by a quaternion or vector
Quaternion.inv invert a quaternion
Quaternion.norm norm of a quaternion
Quaternion.plot display a quaternion as a 3D rotation
Quaternion.unit unitize a quaternion
Quaternion.interp interpolate a quaternion

Serial-link manipulator

SerialLink construct a serial-link robot object
Link construct a robot link object
Revolute construct a revolute robot link object
Prismatic construct a prismatic robot link object
* compound two robots
SerialLink.friction return joint friction torques
SerialLink.nofriction return a robot object with no friction
SerialLink.perturb return a robot object with perturbed parameters
SerialLink.plot plot/animate robot
SerialLink.teach drive a graphical robot
CodeGenerator create efficient run-time kinematic and dynamics code


mdl_ball high order ball shaped mechanism
mdl_coil high order coil shaped mechanism
mdl_Fanuc10L Fanuc 10L (DH, kine)
mdl_MotomanHP6 Motoman HP6 (DH, kine)
mdl_phantomx Trossen Robotics PhantomX pincher
mdl_puma560 Puma 560 data (DH, kine, dyn)
mdl_puma560_3 Puma 560, first 3 joints, kine only
mdl_puma560_3_sym Puma 560, first 3 joints, symbolic, kine only
mdl_puma560akb Puma 560 data (MDH, kine, dyn)
mdl_p8 Puma 6-axis robot on a 2-axis XY base
mdl_S4ABB2p8 ABB S4 2.8 (DH, kine)
mdl_stanford Stanford arm data (DH, kine, dyn)
mdl_twolink simple 2-link example (DH, kine)
DHFactor convert elementary transformations to DH form


DHFactor transform sequence to DH description
SerialLink.fkine forward kinematics
SerialLink.ikine inverse kinematics (numeric)
SerialLink.ikine6s inverse kinematics for 6-axis arm with sph.wrist
SerialLink.jacob0 Jacobian in base coordinate frame
SerialLink.jacobn Jacobian in end-effector coordinate frame
SerialLink.maniplty compute manipulability


SerialLink.accel forward dynamics
SerialLink.cinertia Cartesian manipulator inertia matrix
SerialLink.coriolis centripetal/coriolis torque
SerialLink.fdyn forward dynamics
wtrans transform a force/moment
SerialLink.gravload gravity loading
SerialLink.inertia manipulator inertia matrix
SerialLink.itorque inertia torque
SerialLink.rne inverse dynamics

Mobile robot

Map point feature map object
RandomPath driver for Vehicle object
RangeBearingSensor "laser scanner" object
Vehicle construct a mobile robot object
sl_bicycle Simulink "bicycle model" of non-holonomic wheeled vehicle
Navigation Navigation superclass
Sensor robot sensor superclass
plot_vehicle plot vehicle
makemap make a map, occupancy grid
mdl_quadcopter simple quadcopter model
sl_quadrotor Simulink model of a flying quadrotor


EKF extended Kalman filter object
ParticleFilter Monte Carlo estimator

Path planning

Bug2 bug navigation
DXform distance transform from map
Dstar D* planner
PRM probabilistic roadmap planner
RRT rapidly exploring random tree


plot2 plot trajectory
plotp plot points
plot_arrow draw an arrow
plot_box draw a box
plot_circle draw a circle
plot_ellipse draw an ellipse
plot_homline plot homogeneous line
plot_point plot points
plot_poly plot polygon
plot_sphere draw a sphere
qplot plot joint angle trajectories
plot2 Plot trajectories
plotp Plot trajectories
xaxis set x-axis scaling
yaxis set y-axis scaling
xyzlabel label axes x, y and z


about summary of object size and type
angdiff subtract 2 angles modulo 2pi
bresenham Bresenhan line drawing
circle compute/draw points on a circle
colnorm columnwise norm of matrix
diff2 elementwise diff
distancexform compute distance transform
edgelist list of edge pixels
gauss2d Gaussian distribution in 2D
ishomog true if argument is a 4x4 matrix
ismatrix true if non scalar
isrot true if argument is a 3x3 matrix
isvec true if argument is a 3-vector
numcols number of columns in matrix
numrows number of rows in matrix
peak find peak in 1D signal
peak2 find peak in 2D signal
PGraph general purpose graph class
polydiff derivative of polynomial
Polygon general purpose polygon class
randinit initialize random number generator
ramp create linear ramp
runscript interactively run a script or demo
unit unitize a vector
tb_optparse toolbox argument parser

CodeGen support

distributeblocks distribute blocks in a Simulink library
doesblockexist checks if a Simulink block exists
multidfprintf fprintf to multiple files
symexpr2slblock embedded Matlab symbolic functions
simulinkext determine extension of Simulink files


rtbdemo Serial-link manipulator demonstration
tripleangle GUI to demonsrate triple angle rotations


sl_quadcopter Simulink model of a flying quadcopter
sl_braitenberg Simulink model a Braitenberg vehicle
movepoint non-holonomic vehicle moving to a point
moveline non-holonomic vehicle moving to a line
movepose non-holonomic vehicle moving to a pose
walking example of 4-legged walking robot
eg_inertia joint 1 inertia I(q1,q2)
eg_inertia22 joint 2 inertia I(q3)
eg_grav joint 2 gravity load g(q2,q3)

  • located in the examples folder

Copyright © 1990-2011 Peter Corke
