Oracle Database Version History

Oracle 数据库各个版本的历史情况,以及相应版本所引入的一些新的特性(New Features)。

版本 日期 特性
2 1979年6月 提供了连接和子查询这些高级的查询支持,最大的客户美国国防部
3 1983年3月 开始支持事务、事务的前后镜像的日志机制,以及事务回滚
4 1984年10月 开始支持一致性读查询
5 1985年4月 引入Clint/Server架构,同时除了第一版的OPS,OPS就是RAC的老祖宗
6 1988年7月 开始出现Buffer Cache,Row Level Locking和匿名PL/SQL Block
7.0 1992年6月 Oracle设计了Library Cache、Shared SQL Cursor、CBO、存储过程、函数、包、DML Trigger、Snapshot和两阶段提交(Two Phase Commit)也就是分布式事务的支持
7.1 1994年5月 开始支持高级复制和并行查询
7.2 1995年5月 支持Inline Views
7.3 1996年2月 引入了位图索引、Standby Database、Hash Join
8.0 1997年6月 Oracle内核逐步稳定,更多智能化功能开始出现。开始出现分区技术、IOT和大对象的支持(BLOB、CLOB)。这个版本还引入了Reverse Key Index。RMAN也是8.0开始提供的。
8.1.5 1999年2月 引入了物化视图、函数索引(Function Based Index)和复合分区技术。也正是这一版本,Oracle开始提供嵌在数据库内的JVM。
8.1.6 1999年11月 引入了STATSPACK,Cursor Sharing和分析函数
8.1.7 2000年8月 引入第一版的Data Guard
9i Release 1(9.0.1) 2001年6月 * Traditional Rollback Segments (RBS) are still available, but can be replaced with automated System Managed Undo (SMU). Using SMU, Oracle will create it's own "Rollback Segments" and size them automatically without any DBA involvement.
* Flashback query (dbms_flashback.enable) - one can query data as it looked at some point in the past. This feature will allow users to correct wrongly committed transactions without contacting the DBA to do a database restore.
* Use Oracle Ultra Search for searching databases, file systems, etc. The UltraSearch crawler fetch data and hand it to Oracle Text to be indexed.
* Oracle Nameserver is still available, but deprecate in favour of LDAP Naming (using the Oracle Internet Directory Server). A nameserver proxy is provided for backwards compatibility as pre-8i client cannot resolve names from an LDAP server.
* Oracle Parallel Server's (OPS) scalability was improved - now called Real Application Clusters (RAC). Full Cache Fusion implemented. Any application can scale in a database cluster. Applications doesn't need to be cluster aware anymore.
* The Oracle Standby DB feature renamed to Oracle Data Guard. New Logical Standby databases replay SQL on standby site allowing the database to be used for normal read write operations. The Data Guard Broker allows single step fail-over when disaster strikes.
* Scrolling cursor support. Oracle9i allows fetching backwards in a result set.
* Dynamic Memory Management - Buffer Pools and shared pool can be resized on-the-fly. This eliminates the need to restart the database each time parameter changes were made.
* On-line table and index reorganization.
* VI (Virtual Interface) protocol support, an alternative to TCP/IP, available for use with Oracle Net (SQL*Net). VI provides fast communications between components in a cluster.
* Build in XML Developers Kit (XDK). New data types for XML (XMLType), URI's, etc. XML integrated with AQ.
* Cost Based Optimizer now also consider memory and CPU, not only disk access cost as before.
* PL/SQL programs can be natively compiled to binaries.
* Deep data protection - fine grained security and auditing. Put security on DB level. SQL access do not mean unrestricted access.
* Resumable backups and statements - suspend statement instead of rolling back immediately.
* List partitioning - partitioning on a list of values.
* ETL (eXtract, transformation, load) Operations - with external tables and pipelining.
* Oracle OLAP - Express functionality included in the DB.
* Data Mining - Oracle Darwin's features included in the DB. 
9i Release 2 (9.2.0) 2002年5月 Locally Managed SYSTEM tablespaces
Oracle Streams - new data sharing/replication feature (can potentially replace Oracle Advance Replication and Standby Databases)
XML DB (Oracle is now a standards compliant XML database)
Data segment compression (compress keys in tables - only when loading data)
Cluster file system for Windows and Linux (raw devices are no longer required).
Create logical standby databases with Data Guard
Java JDK 1.3 used inside the database (JVM)
Oracle Data Guard Enhancements (SQL Apply mode - logical copy of primary database, automatic failover
Security Improvements - Default Install Accounts locked, VPD on synonyms, AES, Migrate Users to Directory 
10gR1 2004年1月 * Grid computing - an extension of the clustering feature (Real Application Clusters)
* Manageability improvements (self-tuning features)
* Performance and scalability improvements
* Automated Storage Management (ASM)
* Automatic Workload Repository (AWR)
* Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM)
* Flashback operations available on row, transaction, table or database level
* Ability to UNDROP a table using a recycle bin
* Ability to rename tablespaces
* Ability to transport tablespaces across machine types (E.g Windows to Unix)
* New 'drop database' statement
* New database scheduler - DBMS_SCHEDULER
* Support for bigfile tablespaces that are up to 8 Exabytes in size
* Datapump - faster data movement with expdp and impdp
* SYSAUX tablespace has been introduced
* NID utility has been introduced to change the database name and/or id. 
10gR2 2005年6月 * Transparent Data Encryption
* Async COMMITs
* The CONNECT ROLE can now only connect (CREATE privs removed)
* Passwords for DB Links are encrypted
* New asmcmd utility for managing ASM storage
* Support for regular expressions in SQL and PL/SQL 
11gR1 2007年7月 Apparently Oracle added about 482 new features in the Oracle Database 11g version. For Details, Refer:
11gR2 2009年9月 * Improved data compression ratios (up to 20x).
* Ability to upgrade database applications while users remain online.
* New ease-of-use features that make Grid computing more accessible.
* Automation of key systems management activities. 
12cR1 2013年7月 The First Database Designed for the Cloud


Oracle EBS进化史

《大话Oracle RAC》


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