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The experimental ARPANET was so successful that many of the organizations attached to it began to use it for daily data communications. In 1975 the ARPANET was converted from an experimental network to an operational network, and the responsibility for administering the network was given to the Defense Communications Agency (DCA). [1] However, development of the ARPANET did not stop just because it was being used as an operational network; the basic TCP/IP protocols were developed after the ARPANET was operational.

[1] DCA has since changed its name to Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA).

The TCP/IP protocols were adopted as Military Standards (MIL STD) in 1983, and all hosts connected to the network were required to convert to the new protocols. To ease this conversion, DARPA [2] funded Bolt, Beranek, and Newman (BBN) to implement TCP/IP in Berkeley (BSD) UNIX. Thus began the marriage of UNIX and TCP/IP.

[2] During the 1980s and early 1990s, ARPA, which is part of the U.S. Department of Defense, was named Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Currently known as ARPA, the agency is again preparing to change its name to DARPA. Whether it is known as ARPA or DARPA, the agency and its mission of funding advanced research has remained the same.

About the time that TCP/IP was adopted as a standard, the term Internet came into common usage. In 1983, the old ARPANET was divided into MILNET, the unclassified part of the Defense Data Network (DDN), and a new, smaller ARPANET. "Internet" was used to refer to the entire network: MILNET plus ARPANET.
