Oracle 语法之 OVER (PARTITION BY ..) 及开窗函数收藏

 oracle的分析函数over 及开窗

函数一:分析函数over Oracle从8.1.6开始提供分析函数,分析函数用于计算基于组的某种聚合值,它和聚合函数的不同之处是对于每个组返回多行,而聚合函数对于每个组只返回一行。 下面通过几个例子来说明其应用。 


       date       sale 

        1           20

        2           15

        3           14

        4           18

        5           30  



DATE   SALE       SUM    

----- -------- ------    

1      20        20           --1天

2      15        35           --1天+2天   

3      14        49           --1天+2天+3天

4      18        67 

5      30        97 


 NAME   CLASS S     

----- ----- ----------------------    

fda    1      80                        

ffd    1      78                        

dss    1      95                        

cfe    2      74                        

gds    2      92                        

gf     3      99                        

ddd    3      99                        

adf    3      45                        

asdf   3      55                        

3dd    3      78                    

通过:       --     select * from 


                                                                  select name,class,s,rank()over(partition by class order by s desc) mm 

                                                                            from t2     )    

                                                          where mm=1    

 --     得到结果:    

NAME   CLASS S                       MM                                                                                            ----- ----- ---------------------- ----------------------    

dss    1      95                      1                         

gds    2      92                      1                         

 gf     3      99                      1                         

ddd    3      99                      1                



2.rank()和dense_rank()的区别是:       --rank()是跳跃排序,有两个第二名时接下来就是第四名      


3.分类统计 (并显示信息)    

A   B   C                         

 -- -- ----------------------    

m   a   2                         

n   a   3                         

m   a   2                         

n   b   2                         

n   b   1                         

x   b   3                         

x   b   2                         

x   b   4                         

h   b   3   

select a,c,sum(c)over(partition by a) from t2                  


A   B   C        SUM(C)OVER(PARTITIONBYA)        

 -- -- ------- ------------------------   

h   b   3        3                          

m   a   2        4                          

m   a   2        4                          

n   a   3        6                          

n   b   2        6                          

n   b   1        6                          

 x   b   3        9                          

x   b   2        9                          

x   b   4        9                            

 如果用sum,group by 则只能得到   

A   SUM(C)                              

 -- ----------------------   

h   3                        

m   4                        

 n   6                        

 x   9                        

无法得到B列值         ===== select * from test

数据: A B C 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 2 2 5 3 4 6

---将B栏位值相同的对应的C 栏位值加总 select a,b,c, SUM(C) OVER (PARTITION BY B) C_Sum from test

A B C C_SUM 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 7 2 2 5 7 1 3 3 3 3 4 6 6


---如果不需要已某个栏位的值分割,那就要用 null

eg: 就是将C的栏位值summary 放在每行后面

select a,b,c, SUM(C) OVER (PARTITION BY null) C_Sum from test

A B C C_SUM 1 1 1 17 1 2 2 17 1 3 3 17 2 2 5 17 3 4 6 17



SQL> select * from salary;

NAME DEPT SAL ---------- ---- ----- a 10 2000 b 10 3000 c 10 5000 d 20 4000

SQL> select name,dept,sal,sal*100/sum(sal) over(partition by dept) percent from salary;

NAME DEPT SAL PERCENT ---------- ---- ----- ---------- a 10 2000 20 b 10 3000 30 c 10 5000 50 d 20 4000 100



举例如下: 1:        over(order by salary)

                         按照salary排序进行累计,order by是个默认的开窗函数    over(partition by deptno)按照部门分区

2:   over(order by salary range between 5 preceding and 5 following)   


例如:对于以下列      aa      1      2      2      2      3      4      5      6      7      9      

sum(aa)over(order by aa range between 2 preceding and 2 following)   


AA                       SUM             ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------------    

1                       10                                                                  2                       14                                                                  2                       14                                                                  2                       14                                                                  3                       18                                                                  4                       18                                                                  5                       22                                                                  6                       18                                                                            7                       22                                                                   9                       9                                                                              就是说,对于aa=5的一行 ,sum为   5-1<=aa<=5+2 的和    对于aa=2来说 ,sum=1+2+2+2+3+4=14     ;    又如 对于aa=9 ,9-1<=aa<=9+2 只有9一个数,所以sum=9    ;              

3:其它:      over(order by salary rows between 2 preceding and 4 following)          



over(order by salary rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following)    


等效:   over(order by salary range between unbounded preceding and unbounded following)           

等效      over(partition by null)

你可能感兴趣的:(Oracle 语法之 OVER (PARTITION BY ..) 及开窗函数收藏)