Given a singly linked list, determine if it is a palindrome.
Follow up:
Could you do it in O(n) time and O(1) space?
class Solution { public: bool isPalindrome(ListNode* head) { if(head == NULL || head->next == NULL) return true; ListNode* s = head, *f = head; while(f->next != NULL && f->next->next != NULL) { f = f->next->next; s = s->next; } s->next = reverse(s->next); s = s->next; ListNode* p = head; while(s != NULL) { if(s->val != p->val) return false; s = s->next; p = p->next; } return true; } ListNode* reverse(ListNode* root) { if(root->next == NULL) return root; ListNode* newRoot = reverse(root->next); root->next->next = root; root->next = NULL; return newRoot; } };
public class Solution { public boolean isPalindrome(ListNode head) { if(head == null || head.next == null) return true; ListNode s = head, f = head; while(f.next != null && f.next.next != null) { s = s.next; f = f.next.next; } s.next = reverse(s.next); s = s.next; ListNode p = head; while(s != null) { if(s.val != p.val) return false; s = s.next; p = p.next; } return true; } public ListNode reverse(ListNode root) { if(root.next == null) return root; ListNode newRoot = reverse(root.next); root.next.next = root; root.next = null; return newRoot; } }
class Solution: # @param {ListNode} head # @return {boolean} def isPalindrome(self, head): if head == None or head.next == None: return True fast, slow = head, head while fast.next != None and fast.next.next != None: fast = fast.next.next slow = slow.next slow.next = self.reverse(slow.next) slow = slow.next p = head while slow != None: if slow.val != p.val: return False slow = slow.next p = p.next return True def reverse(self, head): if head.next == None: return head newHead = self.reverse(head.next) head.next.next = head head.next = None return newHead