INV&WMS Picking Rule

Inventory Picking Rule(Oracle Apps R12)

用于在非WMS组织下,给Sales Order, WIP, OPM Manufacturing设置挑库规则

路径:Inventory > Setup > Rules > Picking

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  • Lot: You can sort by lot based on the following criteria:

    • Lot Number Asc: Sorts the lot by number in ascending order.

    • Lot Number Desc: Sorts the lot by number in descending order.

    • FIFO: Sorts the lot by first in first out.

    • FEFO: Sorts the lot by first expired first out.

  • Revision: You can sort by revision based on the following criteria:

    • Revision Asc: Sorts by revision in ascending order.

    • Revision Asc: Sorts by revision in descending order.

    • Effective Date Asc: Sorts by revision effective date in ascending order.

    • Effect Date Desc: Sorts by revision effective date in descending order.

  • Subinventory: You can sort by subinventory based on the following criteria:

    • Subinventory Asc: Sorts by subinventory in ascending order.

    • Subinventory: Desc: Sorts by subinventory in descending order.

    • Receipt Date Asc: Sorts by receipt date in ascending order.

    • Receipt Date: Desc: Sorts by receipt date in descending order.

  • Locator: You can choose to sort by locator based on the following criteria:

    • Locator Asc: Sorts by locator in ascending order.

    • Locator Desc: Sort by locator in descending order.

    • Receipt Date Asc: Sorts by receipt date in ascending order.

    • Receipt Date: Desc: Sorts by receipt date in descending order.

创建完一个Picking rule之后,你可以使用Rules Workbench来把Picking Rule规则分配给具体的Item项。Seq的数字越小,优先级越高。

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Organization Parameter下边关于Picking Rule的设置

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Picking Default里的Rule是用于选择一个默认的rule规则,这个默认的Picking rules用于Order Management来挑选货物。根据NOTE1327488.1,If it will assign seeded picking rule at Org Paramerts and user define Picking rules in Rules Bench.. Which one is effective?

The Rules workbench has a high priority over the Organization Parameters Picking Rule。

特别注意:This rule will not be employed in a WMS enabled organization. (WMS 的Org不用默认的Org Picking Rule)

Item下Picking Rule的设置

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用于设置这个Item默认选取的rule规则。所以Picking Rule可以在Org级设置也可以在Item级制定。

WMS Picking Rule

路径:Warehouse Manager > Setup > Warehouse Configuration > Rules > Warehouse Execution > Rules

INV Rule和WMS Rule的关系:

对于非WMS组织,应该使用Inv的Picking Rule,只有WMS才用上边这个路径来设置Picking Rule。下图为非WMS组织打开WMS Rule form的提示,"WMS Rules / Strategies are not supported in INV org. Use Picking Rules : Inventory -> Setup -> Rule -> picking"

INV&WMS Picking Rule_第5张图片

如果是在WMS下,打开WMS Rules form,界面如下:

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很明显WMS的Picking Rule能定义更负责的挑库规则。下边为的一段解释

picking rule in inventory determine the order in which revisions, lots, subinventories, and locators are picked for sales orders.

Picking rule in WMS is used for directed picking creates material allocations and directs operators to pick material from specific locations.

They(INV rule and WMS Rule) workin conjunction with the different pick methodologies. Pick methodologies refer to the different method an operator performs picking tasks. For example, an operator may select to pick an order by itself, or to pick multiple orders at the same time.

The system generates picking tasks and dispatches them to qualified operators based on rules. After picking is complete, the system provides operators with the appropriate number and size of containers the order requires for shipping.

WMS Rule定义的流程

In a WMS Organization,you need to create your rule with following nav path:

Warehouse Manager > Setup > Warehouse Configuration > Warehouse Execution > Rules

After doing that and enabling the rule you should be able to assign rule to Rules Workbench.

Nav Path: Warehouse Manager > Setup > Warehouse Configuration > Warehouse Execution > Rules Workbench

Then you should run Generate All Rules concurrent program

Warehouse Manager > Others > Others > Requests > Requests > Run > Generate All Rules

另外关于Pick Release Rules

路径:Order Management > Shipping > setup > Define Release Rules Forms

Pick Release Rule和Picking Rule 是两个不同的东西,Pick Release rule是一个在做SO Pick Release时的模板,做SO Pick Release的时候,你可以选择不同的模板,这样可以会自动带出Pick Release的预定义选项。(感觉应该改名字叫Release Template,会更清楚些)
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INV Picking Rule的后台逻辑

从R12开始,对于非WMS Org,在做Pick Release的时候,WMS Rules Engine会被调用,就是说,对于non WMS organizations,Rule Engine将不会看WMS strategies,它只会看Inventory Picking Rules。

每创建一个新的Rule,在MTL_PICKING_RULES表会插入一条记录,Sample Query:
SELECT * FROM mtl_inv_picking_rules WHERE wms_rule_id = 10533;

LOT_SORT:                 0 - NONE, no sort; 1 - Lot number Asc; 2 - Lot number Desc; 3 - FIFO , first in first out; 4 - FEFO, first expire first out
LOT_SORT_RANK:     Order by rank regarding to other sort criteria, saved as wms_sort_criteria.sequence_number
REVISION_SORT:        0 - NONE; 1 - Revision Asc; 2 - Revision Desc; 3 - Effective date Asc; 4 - Effective date Desc
REVISION_SORT_RANK:Order by rank regarding to other sort criteria, saved as wms_sort_criteria.sequence_number
SUBINVENTORY_SORT:0 - NONE; 1 - Subinventory Asc; 2 - Subinventory Desc; 3 - Receipt date Asc; 4 - Receipt date Desc
SUBINVENTORY_SORT_RANK:Order by rank regarding to other sort criteria, saved as wms_sort_criteria.sequence_number
LOCATOR_SORT:        0 - NONE; 1 - Locator Asc; 2 - Locator Desc; 3 - Receipt date Asc; 4 - Receipt date Desc
LOCATOR_SORT_RANK:Order by rank regarding to other sort criteria, saved as wms_sort_criteria.sequence_number

当Enable这个Rule之后,在wms_rules_b表也会有对应的记录产生,Sample Query:
FROM wms_rules_b b,wms_rules_tl tl
WHERE b.rule_id = tl.rule_id
AND b.rule_id=10533

Rule Workbench对应的Table是wms_selection_criteria_txn(picking rule assignments),可以使用下边的Query查询Rule Workbench的信息,Sample Query:
Select * from wms_selection_criteria_txn where return_type_id=&rule_id;

select text from dba_source where name='WMS_RULE_XXXX';

可以从INV Log中找到,挑库的时候到底使用了那个Rule Id,比如,可以在日志中找到下边的信息
[01-AUG-11 05:57:43] wms.plsql.WMS_Rule_PVT.Apply.l_rule_id: 10533

wms.plsql.WMS_Engine_PVT.Create_Suggestions.end G_SUGG_FAILURE_MESSAGE: WMS_PICK_NO_ROWS



