Minor revision required \- IEEE Intelligent Systems, ISSI\-2009\-09\-0121\.R1






IEEE Intelligent Systems, ISSI-2009-09-0121.R1

manuscript type: SI: Mar/Apr 2010 - Context-Aware Middleware

"Message Receiver Determination in Multiple Simultaneous IM Conversations"




Dear Mr. Wang,


The review process for the above referenced manuscript is complete. After carefully examining the manuscript and reviews, the editor in chief has decided that the manuscript requires minor revisions.


Your minor revision is due *three weeks* from today.  Please do NOT exceed our 7,500–word limit as you make your revisions.  The reviewer comments are included at the bottom of this letter.  Also included below is a summary and prioritization of the points made in the reviews for you to consider in making the revision.  Check your Author Center in ScholarOne Manuscripts for any additional file(s) that may be included with the decision letter by clicking on the "Manuscripts with Decisions" queue and then clicking on the "view decision letter" link for this manuscript.  You must scroll down to the very bottom of the letter to see the file(s), if any.  Be advised that you are required to provide information on how you have addressed each of the reviewers' comments.


Once the revised manuscript is prepared, you can submit it in ScholarOne Manuscripts (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/is-cs ).  Log on to your Author Center, where you will find this manuscript record listed under "Manuscripts with Decisions."  Click on the "Create a Revision" link located under the "Actions” section.  Enter your response to the reviewers’ comments in the space provided.  You can use this space to document any changes you make to the original manuscript.  In order to expedite the processing of the revised manuscript, please be as specific as possible in your response to the reviewers.  Complete the submission process by answering all required fields and by making necessary updates to the manuscript information.


IMPORTANT:  Your original files are available to you when you upload your revised manuscript.  Please DELETE any redundant files before completing the submission.


Because we are trying to facilitate timely publication of manuscripts submitted to IEEE Intelligent Systems, your revised manuscript should be uploaded on or before the three-week deadline.  Please contact me immediately if it is not possible for you to submit your revision by the due date.


If you have any questions regarding our policies or procedures, please refer to the IEEE Intelligent Systems author guidelines found at, http://www.computer.org/mc/intelligent/author.htm.  Once again, thank you for submitting your manuscript to IEEE Intelligent Systems and I look forward to receiving your revision.




Joel T. Luber


IEEE Intelligent Systems

[email protected]

