SQL> select * from v$version where rownum<2; BANNER ---------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle Database 10g Release - 64bit Production SQL> show user; USER is "GX_ADM" SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE tst 2 AS 3 v_usr VARCHAR2(30); 4 BEGIN 5 SELECT username INTO v_usr FROM v$process WHERE ROWNUM < 2; 6 DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Username is ' || v_usr); 7 END; 8 / Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors. SQL> show errors; Errors for PROCEDURE TST: LINE/COL ERROR -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 5/1 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored 5/33 PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
--根据上面提示的错误信息,咋一看就是表和视图不存在 --而实际上动态性能视图是一个同义词,并非真正的视图,下面尝试使用sys帐户对其赋予权限到所需用户 --收到了ORA-02030错误信息,也就是说只能对固定的表和视图进行权限赋予 SQL> conn / as sysdba Connected. SQL> grant select on v$process to gx_adm; grant select on v$process to gx_adm * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02030: can only select from fixed tables/views SQL> conn gx_adm/xxx -->使用gx_adm用户连接数据库 Error accessing PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE Warning: Product user profile information not loaded! You may need to run PUPBLD.SQL as SYSTEM Connected. --用户本身是可以访问该动态性能视图的 SQL> select username FROM v$process WHERE ROWNUM < 2 and username is not null; USERNAME --------------- oracle SQL> conn / as sysdba Connected. --Author : Leshami --Blog : http://blog.csdn.net/leshami --基于真实的视图授予权限 SQL> grant select on v_$process to gx_adm; Grant succeeded. --下面再次编译正常 gx_adm@CNMMBO> alter procedure tst compile; Procedure altered. --我们也可以通过执行计划来查看底层访问对象为X$KSUPR,这也就是为什么前面授权失败的原因 SQL> set autot trace exp; SQL> select username FROM v$process WHERE ROWNUM < 2 and username is not null; Execution Plan ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| ------------------------------------------------------------------ | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 35 | 0 (0)| | 1 | COUNT STOPKEY | | | | | | 2 | FIXED TABLE FULL| X$KSUPR | 1 | 35 | 0 (0)| ------------------------------------------------------------------
3、Metalink文章(Doc ID 1062335.6)
ORA-942 when select from any v$view within stored PL/SQL procedure (Doc ID 1062335.6)
Problem Description:
You are selecting from a system view, such as V$SESSION, from within a PL/SQL
stored procedure and you receive an ORA-00942 error.
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
Cause: The table or view entered does not exist, a synonym
that is not allowed here was used, or a view was
referenced where a table is required. Existing user
tables and views can be listed by querying the data
dictionary. Certain privileges may be required to
access the table. If an application returned this
message, the table the application tried to access
does not exist in the database, or the application
does not have access to it.
Action: Check each of the following:
- the spelling of the table or view name.
- that a view is not specified where a table is
- that an existing table or view name exists. Contact
the database administrator if the table needs to be
created or if user or application privileges are
required to access the table.
Also, if attempting to access a table or view in another
schema, make certain the correct schema is referenced
and that access to the object is granted.
Problem Explanation:
The ORA-00942 is produced because the privilege to use the V$ views has been
granted to the user via a role, roles are not in effect within stored PL/SQL procedures.
Problem References:
Oracle7 Server Application Developer's Guide
Search Words:
Solution Description:
Grant the owner of the stored procedure select directly on the needed V$ view.
(Remember that the grant must be made on the actual table or view name, not the synonym):
SQL> GRANT SELECT on V_$SESSION to <user_name>;
Solution Explanation:
Granting the owner of the PL/SQL stored procedure select directly on the required
V$ view will allow the select to complete successfully.
有关Oracle RAC请参考
RAC 数据库的启动与关闭
再说 Oracle RAC services
Services in Oracle Database 10g
Migrate datbase from single instance to Oracle RAC
Oracle RAC 连接到指定实例
Oracle RAC 负载均衡测试(结合服务器端与客户端)
Oracle RAC 服务器端连接负载均衡(Load Balance)
Oracle RAC 客户端连接负载均衡(Load Balance)
ORACLE RAC 下非缺省端口监听配置(listener.ora tnsnames.ora)
ORACLE RAC 监听配置 (listener.ora tnsnames.ora)
配置 RAC 负载均衡与故障转移
CRS-1006 , CRS-0215 故障一例
基于Linux (RHEL 5.5) 安装Oracle 10g RAC
使用 runcluvfy 校验Oracle RAC安装环境
有关Oracle 网络配置相关基础以及概念性的问题请参考:
Oracle 监听器日志配置与管理
设置 Oracle 监听器密码(LISTENER)
配置ORACLE 客户端连接到数据库
Oracle 冷备份
Oracle 热备份
Oracle 备份恢复概念
Oracle 实例恢复
Oracle 基于用户管理恢复的处理
SYSTEM 表空间管理及备份恢复
Oracle 基于备份控制文件的恢复(unsing backup controlfile)
RMAN 概述及其体系结构
RMAN 配置、监控与管理
RMAN 备份详解
RMAN 还原与恢复
RMAN catalog 的创建和使用
基于catalog 创建RMAN存储脚本
基于catalog 的RMAN 备份与恢复
RMAN 备份路径困惑
linux 下RMAN备份shell脚本
Oracle 表空间与数据文件
Oracle 密码文件
Oracle 参数文件
Oracle 联机重做日志文件(ONLINE LOG FILE)
Oracle 控制文件(CONTROLFILE)
Oracle 归档日志
Oracle 回滚(ROLLBACK)和撤销(UNDO)
Oracle 数据库实例启动关闭过程
Oracle 10g SGA 的自动化管理
Oracle 实例和Oracle数据库(Oracle体系结构)