How to install live555 in the MSYS?

How to install live555 in the MSYS?


Where to download?

live555-latest.tar.gz , and it is latest version when article is wrote. The other and lastest linkage can be found in the


How to extract it?

$ tar xvzf ./live555-latest.tar.gz

$ cd ./live


How to generate Makefile?

Step1: Eidt ‘./config.mingw’




  ‘COMPILE_OPTS =         $(INCLUDES) -I. -O2 -DSOCKLEN_T=int’



Step2: Generate Makefile

$ ./genMakefiles mingw


How to fix the compiling errors?

Step1: Edit ‘include/AVIFileSink.hh’

Original source codes

New source codes

82th : unsigned AVIFileSink::addByte

unsigned addByte


Step2: Edit ‘include/QuickTimeFileSink.hh’

Original source codes

New source codes

90th : unsigned QuickTimeFileSink::addByte

unsigned addByte


How to build it?

$ make



1. The configuration of live555 has not included how to install the header files and libraries. Because they are large number inside, I ignore this step.

2. If readers want to use these libraries, the ‘-I’ and ‘-L’ will be used to tell GCC where to find them. As mentioned in the FFMPEG Understanding(7. How to solve the issue of searching path?) , readers can add these directories into the environment’s variables: C_INCLUDE_PATH and LIBRARY_PATH to be automatically searched by GCC.

3. I think that live555 will add install command in the future. Let’s wait for it:- ).


Anyway, for more questions, please visit .




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