调用 abort() 函数来终止发现异常的程序. abort() 函数将直接终止程序而不是首先返回到主函数(在 VC 下的入口函数 main[控制台] 或 WinMain[窗体程序])中
#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> double hmean(double a,double b) { if(a == -b) { std::cout<<"untenable arguments to hmean()"<<std::endl; std::abort(); //发现错误,终止程序. } return 2.0*a*b/(a+b); } void main() { double x,y,z; std::cout<<"Enter two number: \n"; while(std::cin>>x>>y) { z = hmean(x,y); std::cout<<"Barmonic mean of "<<x<<" and "<<y<<" is "<<z<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Enter next set of numbers < q to quit >:"; } std::cout<<"Bye!"<<std::endl; system("pause"); }
当输入为 12 -12 时候输出结果( 编译器为 VS2005 ):
... //try block
throw typeX_argX;//抛出异常
... //try block
catch(type1 arg1){
... //catch block
catch(type2 arg2){
... //catch block
catch(typeN argN) {
... //catch block
catch(...) //用于捕获任何异常,所以切记要把它放最后一个.
... //catch block
throw-catch 块是可以嵌套分层的,并通过异常对象的数据类型来进行匹配,以找到正确的 catch-block 异常错误处理代码,过程如下:
在一个异常捕获的中的 try-catch 搜索过程:
(所谓的第一个 catch-block表示的是在 try 语句块后第一个紧跟的 catch-block,第二第三 catch-block 也是根据 try 位置而定)
在多个异常捕获的嵌套中的 try-catch 搜索过程:
虽然 throw-catch 机制类似于函数参数和函数返回机制,但是还是有写不同之处.其中之一是函数中的返回语句将控制权返回到调用函数的函数,但是 throw 语句将函数控制权向上返回到第一个这样的函数:包含能够捕获相应异常的 try-catch 组合.
返回类型 函数名(形参列表)throw(异常类型1异常类型2 ... )
exception 类:
位于 exception 头文件中,它可以作用于其他异常类的基类,并且有一个名为 what() 的成员函数,它返回一个字符串,该字符串的特性随派生类的实现而异.
stdexcept 异常类
头文件 stdexcept 定义了其他几个异常类.
首先该类定义了 logic_error 和 runtime_error 类
logic_error 异常系列描述了典型的逻辑错误.其派生类有:
runtime_error 异常系列描述了可能在运行期间发生但难以预见和防范的错误.其派生类有:
bad_alloc 异常类:
在处理使用 new 是可能出现的内存分配问题. C++ 提供了两种可能选择的方式.实现只能有一种方式.但也可以使用编译器开关或者其他一些方法,让编程者能够选择喜欢的方式
try-catch 使用例子:
#include <iostream> using namespace std; void main() { double x(0),y(0),z(0); cout<<"enter two number:"<<endl; while(cin>>x>>y) { try{ if(x == -y) throw "x == -y isn't allowed!"; z = 2.0*x*y/(x+y); } catch(const char* s) { cout<<s<<endl; cout<<"Enter a new pair of numbers:\n"; continue; } std::cout<<"Harmonic mean of "<<x<<" and "<<y<<" is "<<z<<endl; std::cout<<"Enter next set of numbers< q to quit >:\n"; } cout<<"Bye!\n"; system("pause"); }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; double hmean(double x,double y)throw(const char*) { if(x == -y) throw "x == -y isn't allowed!"; return 2.0*x*y/(x+y); } void main() { double x(0),y(0),z(0); cout<<"enter two number:"<<endl; while(cin>>x>>y) { try{ z = hmean(x,y); } catch(const char* s) { cout<<s<<endl; cout<<"Enter a new pair of numbers:\n"; continue; } std::cout<<"Harmonic mean of "<<x<<" and "<<y<<" is "<<z<<endl; std::cout<<"Enter next set of numbers< q to quit >:\n"; } cout<<"Bye!\n"; system("pause"); }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; void hmean(double x,double y)throw(const char*,int) { if(x > y) throw "x > y isn't allowed!"; if(x<0 || y<0) throw 0; } void main() { double x(0),y(0),z(0); cout<<"enter two number:"<<endl; while(cin>>x>>y) { try{ hmean(x,y); cout<<"these numbers is ok!"<<endl; } catch(const char* s) { cout<<s<<endl; cout<<"Enter a new pair of numbers:\n"; continue; } catch(int) { cout<<"invalid number!"<<endl; cout<<"Enter a new pair of numbers(greater than zero):\n"; continue; } std::cout<<"Enter next set of numbers< q to quit >:\n"; } system("pause"); }
例1 -- 基类在子类之前
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class A { public: void show(){cout<<"this is class A"<<endl;} }; class B:public A { public: void show(){cout<<"this is class B"<<endl;} }; class C:public B { public: void show(){cout<<"this is class C"<<endl;} }; void main() { int i; A a; B b; C c; cout<<"enter a number(0 is throw class A; 1 is throw class B; 2 is throw class C):\n"; while(cin>>i) { try{ switch(i) { case 0: throw a; break; case 1: throw b; break; case 2: throw c; break; default: cout<<"the number is invalid!"<<endl; } } catch(A a) { a.show(); } catch(B a) { a.show(); } catch(C a) { a.show(); } cout<<"enter a number(0 is throw class A; 1 is throw class B; 2 is throw class C):\n"; } system("pause"); }
例2 -- 基类在子类之后
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class A { public: void show(){cout<<"this is class A"<<endl;} }; class B:public A { public: void show(){cout<<"this is class B"<<endl;} }; class C:public B { public: void show(){cout<<"this is class C"<<endl;} }; void main() { int i; A a; B b; C c; cout<<"enter a number(0 is throw class A; 1 is throw class B; 2 is throw class C):\n"; while(cin>>i) { try{ switch(i) { case 0: throw a; break; case 1: throw b; break; case 2: throw c; break; default: cout<<"the number is invalid!"<<endl; } } catch(C a) { a.show(); } catch(B a) { a.show(); } catch(A a) { a.show(); } cout<<"enter a number(0 is throw class A; 1 is throw class B; 2 is throw class C):\n"; } system("pause"); }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; void main() { int i; cout<<"enter a number(0 is throw_int; 1 is throw_double; 2 is throw_char):\n"; while(cin>>i) { try{ try{ switch(i) { case 0: throw 0; break; case 1: throw 1.1; break; case 2: throw 'a'; break; default: cout<<"the number is invalid!"<<endl; } } catch(char) { cout<<"in the in_catch(char)!"<<endl; } catch(double) { cout<<"in the catch(double)!"<<endl; } } catch(int) { cout<<"in the catch(int)!"<<endl; } catch(char) { cout<<"in the out_catch(char)!"<<endl; } cout<<"enter a number(0 is throw_int; 1 is throw_double; 2 is throw_char):\n"; } system("pause"); }