#include <sendui.h>
#include <txtrich.h>
#include <senduiconsts.h>
#include <cmessagedata.h>
Link against:
LIBRARY Sendui.lib etext.lib
How to open editor:
_LIT( KAddress, "07738123456" ) ;
_LIT( KAlias, "Sam" ) ;
_LIT( KBodyData, "This is the message body" ) ;
_LIT( KSubject, "This is the subject" ) ;
CSendUi* sendAppUi = CSendUi:: NewLC ( ) ;
CMessageData* message = CMessageData:: NewLC ( ) ;
CRichText* richText = CRichText:: NewL ( iEikonEnv- > SystemParaFormatLayerL( ) ,
iEikonEnv- > SystemCharFormatLayerL( ) ) ;
CleanupStack:: PushL ( richText) ;
// Add an address
// Note, there are also options for the CC address
// and Bcc adress used in email
message- > AppendToAddressL( KAddress, KAlias) ;
// Add a subject line
message- > SetSubjectL( & KSubject) ;
richText- > InsertL( 0, KBodyData) ;
message- > SetBodyTextL( richText) ;
sendAppUi- > CreateAndSendMessageL( KSenduiMtmSmsUid, message, KNullUid, ETrue) ;
CleanupStack:: PopAndDestroy ( 3) ;
Following the code to open the email editor
CMessageData* message = CMessageData:: NewLC ( ) ;
message- > AppendToAddressL( _L( "[email protected]" ) ) ;
// start message editor through SendUI
iSendUi- > CreateAndSendMessageL( KSenduiMtmSmtpUid , message, KNullUid ) ;
CleanupStack:: PopAndDestroy ( message ) ;