simpleLogClass gLog; ... gLog.fileMaxSize = 64 * 1024; //gLog.outputLevel = simpleLog::LevelType::_TRACE;//默认TRACE级别输出 gLog.fileName = ws2s(GetLocalAppDataPath(L"SmartCloud")) + "\\WeesooUpdate.log"; gLog.fileOldName = ws2s(GetLocalAppDataPath(L"SmartCloud")) + "\\WeesooUpdate.old.log"; ... gLog.error("读取配置文件失败!"); ... gLog.trace("开启下载!"); ...
// KagulaLogger.cpp : Implementation of CKagulaLogger #include "stdafx.h" #include "KagulaLogger.h" #include <comutil.h> #pragma comment(lib, "comsuppw.lib") // CKagulaLogger /* 参考资料 [1]《BSTR、char*和CString转换》 http://blog.csdn.net/zeuskaaba/article/details/4082826 */ STDMETHODIMP CKagulaLogger::Init(BSTR LogFileName, BSTR backupFileName, LONG fileSizeLimit) { char *plogFileName = _com_util::ConvertBSTRToString(LogFileName); char *pbackupFileName = _com_util::ConvertBSTRToString(backupFileName); //simpleLogClass _logger; _logger.fileMaxSize = fileSizeLimit; _logger.fileName = plogFileName; _logger.fileOldName = pbackupFileName; delete plogFileName; delete pbackupFileName; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CKagulaLogger::Trace(BSTR msg) { char *p = _com_util::ConvertBSTRToString(msg); std::string strMsg = p; delete p; _logger.trace(strMsg); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CKagulaLogger::Info(BSTR msg) { char *p = _com_util::ConvertBSTRToString(msg); std::string strMsg = p; delete p; _logger.info(strMsg); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CKagulaLogger::Error(BSTR msg) { char *p = _com_util::ConvertBSTRToString(msg); std::string strMsg = p; delete p; _logger.error(strMsg); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CKagulaLogger::SetOutputLevel(BSTR level) { //使用_com_util::ConvertBSTRToString转数据类型,需要把临时指针delete掉,否则会内存泄露。 char *p =_com_util::ConvertBSTRToString(level); string sLevel = p; delete p; if (sLevel=="trace") { _logger.outputLevel = simpleLog::LevelType::_TRACE; } else if (sLevel=="info") { _logger.outputLevel = simpleLog::LevelType::INFO; } else if (sLevel=="error") { _logger.outputLevel = simpleLog::LevelType::_ERROR; } else if (sLevel=="naught") { _logger.outputLevel = simpleLog::LevelType::NAUGHT; } return S_OK; }
#ifndef _SIMPLELOG_H_ #define _SIMPLELOG_H_ /* Title:C++ simple log LastUpdate:kagula@2016-01-29 Revision:3 Environment:VS2010SP1 Note:using under emergency status! History [3]2016-01-29 [1]GCC 4.4.7 Support. [2]2015-10-10 [1]support multi instance in the same process. [1]2015-04-10 [1]limit log file size[2]add output level function![3]add test case */ #include <string> #include <fstream> using namespace std; namespace simpleLog { namespace LevelType{//less is more important. extern const int _TRACE; extern const int INFO; extern const int _ERROR; extern const int NAUGHT; //no output } } class simpleLogClass { public: simpleLogClass(); void trace(std::string strTrace); void info(std::string strInfo); void error(std::string strInfo); string fileName; string fileOldName; long fileMaxSize; int outputLevel; private: void outputDebugInfo(int _outputLevel, std::string strInfo); void limitFileSize(); long getFileSize(); void writeTime(ofstream &file); }; #endif
#include "simpleLog.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <boost/thread/thread.hpp> using namespace std; namespace simpleLog { namespace LevelType{//less is more important. const int _TRACE = 90; const int INFO = 50; const int _ERROR = 30; const int NAUGHT = 0; //no output } } simpleLogClass::simpleLogClass() { fileName = "simpleLog.log"; fileOldName = "simpleLog.old.log"; fileMaxSize = 64 * 1024;//default is 64KB size. outputLevel = simpleLog::LevelType::_TRACE; } long simpleLogClass::getFileSize() { FILE * pFile; long size; pFile = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "rb"); if (pFile == NULL) return 0l; fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_END); size = ftell(pFile); fclose(pFile); return size; } void simpleLogClass::limitFileSize() { if (getFileSize() > fileMaxSize) { //if old name file exist, remove it. remove(fileOldName.c_str()); //rename the current file to old name file. rename(fileName.c_str(), fileOldName.c_str()); } } void simpleLogClass::writeTime(ofstream &file) { time_t t; tm *lt; t = time(NULL); lt = localtime(&t); file << (lt->tm_year + 1900) << "-" << (lt->tm_mon + 1) << "-" << lt->tm_mday << " "; file << lt->tm_hour << ":" << lt->tm_min << ":" << lt->tm_sec << " "; } void simpleLogClass::outputDebugInfo(int _outputLevel, std::string strInfo) { static boost::mutex mInfo; boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(mInfo); limitFileSize(); std::string strLevel; switch (_outputLevel) { case simpleLog::LevelType::_TRACE: strLevel = "trace"; break; case simpleLog::LevelType::INFO: strLevel = "info"; break; case simpleLog::LevelType::_ERROR: strLevel = "error"; break; } std::ofstream file(fileName.c_str(), ios::app | ios::out); writeTime(file); file << strLevel.c_str() << " " << strInfo.c_str() << endl; file.close(); } void simpleLogClass::trace(std::string strTrace) { if (outputLevel >= simpleLog::LevelType::_TRACE) { outputDebugInfo(simpleLog::LevelType::_TRACE, strTrace); } } void simpleLogClass::info(std::string strInfo) { if (outputLevel >= simpleLog::LevelType::INFO) { outputDebugInfo(simpleLog::LevelType::INFO, strInfo); } } void simpleLogClass::error(std::string strInfo) { if (outputLevel >= simpleLog::LevelType::_ERROR) { outputDebugInfo(simpleLog::LevelType::_ERROR, strInfo); } }