shell pipes 管道


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A shell pipe is a way to connect the output of one program to the input of another program without any temporary file.


command1 | command2
command1 | command2 | commandN
command1 arg1 | command2 arg1 arg2
get_data_command | verify_data_command | process_data_command | format_data_command >
get_data_command < | verify_data_command | process_data_command | format_data_command >
  • You can connect two or more commands at a time.
  • The data path which joins two programs is called a pipe.
  • The vertical bar (|) is the pipe symbol.
  • A shell pipe supports Unix philosophy of chaining programs thorougher to complete complex task.
  • Redirection in pipes is also allowed.
  • The data path only works in one direction:

shell pipes 管道_第1张图片


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