
1.        内存检查



============= MEMWATCH 2.71 Copyright (C) 1992-1999 Johan Lindh =============


Started at Wed Jan 28 21:50:56 2008


Modes: __STDC__ 32-bit mwDWORD==(unsigned long)

mwROUNDALLOC==4 sizeof(mwData)==32 mwDataSize==32



Stopped at Wed Jan 28 21:51:59 2008


unfreed: <1> main.c(371), 8192 bytes at 0x805f7fc      {00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................}


Memory usage statistics (global):

 N)umber of allocations made: 1

 L)argest memory usage      : 8192

 T)otal of all alloc() calls: 8192

 U)nfreed bytes totals      : 8192


char *commandBuf=(char *)malloc(MAX_INPUT_LEN);


2.        Crash




* Function:    die

* Purpose:    test for backtrace

* Arguments:

* Returns:


int die()


    char *err = NULL;

    strcpy(err, "die");

    return 0;




* Function:    main

* Purpose:

* Arguments:

* Returns:


int main(int argc, char* argv[])


    int rc;

    pthread_t pid;

    pthread_t pid_server;



    rc = pthread_create(&pid, NULL, (void *) &dbg_entry, NULL);

    if (rc < 0)

        printf("error:%s/n", strerror(rc));  


    rc = pthread_create(&pid_server, NULL, (void *) &dbg_server1,

            (void *) "/var/dbg.ipc");   

    if (rc < 0)

        printf("error:%s/n", strerror(rc));  


    while (1);

    return 0;



### BEGIN LOG - DATE: 081025, TIME: 145642 ###



Segmentation Fault!

info.si_signo = 11

info.si_errno = 0

info.si_code  = 1 (SEGV_MAPERR)

info.si_addr  = (nil)

reg[00]       = 0x00000033

reg[01]       = 0x00000000

reg[02]       = 0x0000007b

reg[03]       = 0x0000007b

reg[04]       = 0xbffdd670

reg[05]       = 0xbffdd6e4

reg[06]       = 0xbffdd638

reg[07]       = 0xbffdd638

reg[08]       = 0x00d25ff4

reg[09]       = 0x00000000

reg[10]       = 0xb75df4c4

reg[11]       = 0x00000000

reg[12]       = 0x0000000e

reg[13]       = 0x00000006

reg[14]       = 0x08049f49

reg[15]       = 0x00000073

reg[16]       = 0x00010246

reg[17]       = 0xbffdd638

reg[18]       = 0x0000007b

Stack trace:

 1: 0x8049f49 <(null)+134520649> (./debug)

 2: 0x8049fd9 <(null)+134520793> (./debug)

 3: 0xc15e23 <__libc_start_main+211> (/lib/tls/

End of stack trace

[huangyonggang@localhost bin.x86]$


### END LOG - DATE: 081025, TIME: 145652 ###


反汇编[huangyonggang@localhost bin.x86]$ objdump -D debug &>log

或者[huangyonggang@localhost bin.x86]$ strace debug &>log1



08049f46 <die>:

 8049f46:    55                       push   %ebp

 8049f47:    89 e5                    mov    %esp,%ebp

 8049f49:    c7 05 00 00 00 00 64     movl   $0x656964,0x0

 8049f50:    69 65 00

 8049f53:    b8 00 00 00 00           mov    $0x0,%eax

 8049f58:    c9                       leave 

 8049f59:    c3                       ret   


08049f5a <main>:

 8049f5a:    55                       push   %ebp

 8049f5b:    89 e5                    mov    %esp,%ebp

 8049f5d:    83 ec 08                 sub    $0x8,%esp

 8049f60:    83 e4 f0                 and    $0xfffffff0,%esp

 8049f63:    83 ec 10                 sub    $0x10,%esp

 8049f66:    e8 82 08 00 00           call   804a7ed <setup_sigsegv>

 8049f6b:    6a 00                    push   $0x0

 8049f6d:    68 4b 97 04 08           push   $0x804974b

 8049f72:    6a 00                    push   $0x0

 8049f74:    8d 45 fc                 lea    0xfffffffc(%ebp),%eax

 8049f77:    50                       push   %eax

 8049f78:    e8 43 ef ff ff           call   8048ec0 <pthread_create@plt>

 8049f7d:    83 c4 10                 add    $0x10,%esp

 8049f80:    85 c0                    test   %eax,%eax

 8049f82:    79 1a                    jns    8049f9e <main+0x44>

 8049f84:    83 ec 0c                 sub    $0xc,%esp

 8049f87:    50                       push   %eax

 8049f88:    e8 63 ef ff ff           call   8048ef0 <strerror@plt>

 8049f8d:    83 c4 08                 add    $0x8,%esp

 8049f90:    50                       push   %eax

 8049f91:    68 bf e3 04 08           push   $0x804e3bf

 8049f96:    e8 63 f7 ff ff           call   80496fe <printf>

 8049f9b:    83 c4 10                 add    $0x10,%esp

 8049f9e:    68 c9 e3 04 08           push   $0x804e3c9

 8049fa3:    68 79 9b 04 08           push   $0x8049b79

 8049fa8:    6a 00                    push   $0x0

 8049faa:    8d 45 f8                 lea    0xfffffff8(%ebp),%eax

 8049fad:    50                       push   %eax

 8049fae:    e8 0d ef ff ff           call   8048ec0 <pthread_create@plt>

 8049fb3:    83 c4 10                 add    $0x10,%esp

 8049fb6:    85 c0                    test   %eax,%eax

 8049fb8:    79 1a                    jns    8049fd4 <main+0x7a>

 8049fba:    83 ec 0c                 sub    $0xc,%esp

 8049fbd:    50                       push   %eax

 8049fbe:    e8 2d ef ff ff           call   8048ef0 <strerror@plt>

 8049fc3:    83 c4 08                 add    $0x8,%esp

 8049fc6:    50                       push   %eax

 8049fc7:    68 bf e3 04 08           push   $0x804e3bf

 8049fcc:    e8 2d f7 ff ff           call   80496fe <printf>

 8049fd1:    83 c4 10                 add    $0x10,%esp

 8049fd4:    e8 6d ff ff ff           call   8049f46 <die>

 8049fd9:    eb fe                    jmp    8049fd9 <main+0x7f>

 8049fdb:    90                       nop   



3.        sigsegv的实现


int setup_sigsegv() {

    struct sigaction action;

    memset(&action, 0, sizeof(action));

    action.sa_sigaction = signal_segv;

    action.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;

    if(sigaction(SIGSEGV, &action, NULL) < 0) {


        return 0;



    return 1;


4.        小结


