You are given an expression with numbers, brackets and operators. For this task only the brackets matter. Brackets come in three flavors: "{}" "()" or "[]". Brackets are used to determine scope or to restrict some expression. If a bracket is open, then it must be closed with a closing bracket of the same type. The scope of a bracket must not intersected by another bracket. For this task, you should to make a decision to correct an expression or not based on the brackets. Do not worry about operators and operands.
Input: An expression with different of types brackets. A string (unicode).
Output: The correctness the expression or don’t. A boolean.
checkio( "((5+3)*2+1)" ) = = True
checkio( "{[(3+1)+2]+}" ) = = True
checkio( "(3+{1-1)}" ) = = False
checkio( "[1+1]+(2*2)-{3/3}" ) = = True
checkio( "(({[(((1)-2)+3)-3]/3}-3)" ) = = False
checkio( "2+3" ) = = True
How it is used: When you write code or complex expressions in a mathematical package, you can get huge headache when it comes to excess or missing brackets. This concept can be useful for your own IDE.
Precondition: There are only brackets ("{}" "()" or "[]"), digits or operators ("+" "-" "*" "/").
0 < |expression| < 103
record = {} def check(expression, target1, target2): tag1 = tag2 = None reverse_expression = expression[::-1] tag1 = expression.find(target1) tag2 = reverse_expression.find(target2) if tag1 == -1 and tag2 == -1: return True if tag2 == -1 or tag1 == -1: return False tag2 = len(expression)-tag2-1 return checkio(expression[tag1+1:tag2]) def checkio(expression): if expression in record: return record[expression] record[expression] = check(expression, '(', ')') and check(expression, '[', ']') and check(expression, '{', '}') return record[expression] print checkio('(((([[[{{{3}}}]]]]))))') #These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing if __name__ == '__main__': assert checkio(u"((5+3)*2+1)") == True, "Simple" assert checkio(u"{[(3+1)+2]+}") == True, "Different types" assert checkio(u"(3+{1-1)}") == False, ") is alone inside {}" assert checkio(u"[1+1]+(2*2)-{3/3}") == True, "Different operators" assert checkio(u"(({[(((1)-2)+3)-3]/3}-3)") == False, "One is redundant" assert checkio(u"2+3") == True, "No brackets, no problem"
def checkio(Expression): 'Check expression for correct brackets order' x = "".join(a for a in Expression if a in "{}()[]") while ("()" in x) or ("[]" in x) or ("{}" in x): x=x.replace("()","") x=x.replace("{}","") x=x.replace("[]","") return len(x)==0