

select s.sid,s.value "Hard Parses",
t.value "Executions Count"
from v$sesstat s,v$sesstat t
where s.sid=t.sid
and s.statistic#=(select statistic#
from v$statname where name='parse count (hard)')
and t.statistic#=(select statistic#
from v$statname where name='execute count')
and s.value>0

order by 2 desc;

       SID Hard Parses Executions Count
---------- ----------- ----------------
         1         394             2372
        15         124             1558
        13          31               44
        29          18              264
         6           8               55
        25           5               45
        14           4               40
        43           2                3
        26           1                3

9 rows selected.
