ctypes free memory which is allocated by C

In Python, how to explicitly free the non-trivial memory (not int/char/ etc) returned by C module ?

Say C interface is like as below:

struct Dummy
    int a;
    int b;

struct Dummy* allocate_dummy(int a, int b)
    struct Dummy * dummy = (struct Dummy*) malloc (sizeof(struct Dummy));
    dummy->a = a;
    dummy->b = b;
    return dummy;

Python code:
class Dummy(Structure):
    _fields__ = [('a', c_int), ('b', c_int)]

dummy_dll = CDLL('dummy.dll')
dummy_dll.allocate_dummy.argtypes = [c_int, c_int]
dummy_dll.allcate_dummy.restypes = POINTER(Dummy)
res = dummy_dll.allocate_dummy(1, 2)

In order to free "res", we can do:
1) Write a "void free_dummy(struct Dummy* pd)" to do this (Basically this is the best practice and the best way if possible)
2) Call msvcrt.free to free the memory.  Tricks, please REMEMBER TO use the same MS C RUNTIME library as the allocated one to free the memory, otherwise, usually you got access violation issue.
Basically, cdll.msvcrt.free is not what you need. For example, I build a dll by using Visual Studio 2012 Express, then the right dll which fress the allocated memory will be something like:
msvcrt = CDLL('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\\VC\\redist\\x64\Microsoft.VC110.CRT\\msvcr110.dll')

Same issue may happen in Linux env.

你可能感兴趣的:(ctypes free memory which is allocated by C)