try {
try-fields //我们程序执行要实现某种功能所必需的语句
throw exception-object;//利用条件判断,当某种条件满足时抛出异常表达式
catch (exception-[object | pointer | reference] e) { //捕获异常并进行异常处理,不同的异常表达式类型需要不同的catch块,
catch (...) { //捕获异常并进行异常处理,这里面的...是可以捕捉任意类型的异常
double Div(double a,double b) { if (b==0) //除数b为零,出错告警中断 { cout<<"Error:attempted to divid by zero!/n"; exit(1); } else return a/b; //除数b为非零,正常返回除法运算结果 } void main() { cout<<"8/2="<<Div(8,2)<<endl; cout<<"1.5/0.0="<<Div(1.5,0.0)<<endl; cout<<"3.4/3.1="<<Div(3.4,3.1)<<endl; }
double Div1(double a,double b) { if (b==0) throw b; //发现异常,抛出异常对象b return a/b; } void main() { try { cout<<"8/2="<<Div1(8,2)<<endl; cout<<"1.5/0.0="<<Div1(1.5,0.0)<<endl; cout<<"3.4/3.1="<<Div1(3.4,3.1)<<endl; } catch(double) //异常处理程序 { cout<<"Error:attempted to divid by zero!/n"; } }
条件满足 throw 参数(只有一个,可以是任何类型,甚至是一个对象)
throw 参数(只有一个,可以是任何类型,甚至是一个对象)
{ 异常处理 }
void func(){ float x, num, den; ... //initialize num and den try{ //把操作放到try块里面,不良的写法; if(den==0){ throw "Divided by zero"; } x=num/den; } //... }
float divide(float a, float b){ //在函数体中实现操作,推荐写法; if(b==0){ throw "divided by zero"; } return a/b; } void func(){ float x, num, den; //initialize num and den try{ x=divide(num, den); } catch(const char* error){ cout<<error; } //... }
float divide(float a, float b){ if(b==0){ throw "divided by zero"; } return a/b; } float middle(float a, float b){ //嵌套写法,推荐写法; return divide(a, b); } void func(){ float x, num, den; //initialize num and den try{ x=middle(num, den); } catch(char* error){ cout<<error; } //... }
#include<iostream> using namespace std; float divide(int a, int b){ if(b==0){ throw "divided by zero"; } return float(a)/float(b); } float middle(int a, int b){ try{ return divide(a, b); } catch(const char* str){ cout<<"Caught by function middle."<<endl; throw str; } } void func(int d){ float x; int num=100; int den=d; //initialize num and den try{ x=middle(num, den); } catch(const char* error){ cout<<error<<endl; } } int main() { int i=1; cin>>i; func(i); return 0; }
3.异常处理的问题------栈展开(Stack unwinding):
int a=5; //在栈上声明的;
int b=8; //在栈上声明的;
char* p=new char[100] //p在栈上,p指向的内存在堆上;
//throw "exception"; //会发生内存泄漏;
#include<iostream> using namespace std class Error_message { public: char* message; int* arrayptr; Error_message(char* str, int* p):message(str),arrayptr(p){} }; void f(){ int* a=new int[10]; int i=0; if(i==0){ throw Error_message("error", a); //throw "error"(抛出一个构造函数构造出来的临时对象); } delete [] a; //已经throw了,这里的delete无作用; } void g(){ try{ f(); } catch(Error_message& m){ delete [] m.arrayptr; //通过构造函数删除指针在堆上分配的空间; cout<<m.message<<endl; } catch(const char* str){ cout<<str<<endl; } } int main() { g(); return 0; }
▌不捕获异常(Uncaught exception):
func(){ int* p=new char[100000000000000]; if(p==NULL){ throw "exception"; //此处终结函数; } delete p; } void my_clear(){ cout<<"OK,clear!"<<endl; } //terminate() set_terminate(my_clear); //调用set_terminate()捕获异常; int main() { func(); }
重设异常的两个函数:From MSDN
set_terminate():Installs your own termination routine to be called by terminate.
set_new_handler( ):Installs a user function that is to be called when operator new fails in its attempt to allocate memory.
new_handler set_new_handler(new_handler _Pnew);
// new_set_new_handler.cpp // compile with: /EHsc #include<new> #include<iostream> using namespace std; void __cdecl newhandler( ) { cout << "The new_handler is called:" << endl; throw bad_alloc( ); return; } int main( ) { set_new_handler (newhandler); try { while ( 1 ) { new int[5000000]; cout << "Allocating 5000000 ints." << endl; } } catch ( exception e ) { cout << e.what( ) << " xxx" << endl; } } 结果: Allocating 5000000 ints. Allocating 5000000 ints. Allocating 5000000 ints. Allocating 5000000 ints. Allocating 5000000 ints. Allocating 5000000 ints. Allocating 5000000 ints. Allocating 5000000 ints. Allocating 5000000 ints. Allocating 5000000 ints. Allocating 5000000 ints. Allocating 5000000 ints. Allocating 5000000 ints. Allocating 5000000 ints. Allocating 5000000 ints. Allocating 5000000 ints. Allocating 5000000 ints. Allocating 5000000 ints. Allocating 5000000 ints. Allocating 5000000 ints. Allocating 5000000 ints. Allocating 5000000 ints. Allocating 5000000 ints. Allocating 5000000 ints. The new_handler is called: bad allocation