
  1. Initialize structure main_opts, set its pagable and connectable, also set its default name;
  2. Parse the command line options;
  3. Check if single instance, otherwise exit;
  4. Create and bind HCI socket server;
  5. Load main.conf options;
  6. Call g_io_add_watch to add io channels;
  7. Get D-Bus system path;
  8. Register to the D-Bus system bus;
  9. Start SDP server;
    1. initialize SDP server;
      Register the public browse group root;
      Register SDP server’s service record;
      Creating L2CAP socket server l2cap_sock;
      Create local unix socket unix_sock;
    2. Register device id;
    3. Add watch io_accept_event to l2cap_sock;
    4. Add watch io_accept_event to unix_sock;
  10. set_service_classes_callback(update_service_classes);
  11. Load plugins;
  12. Add watch io_stack_event to the handle of main_opts.sock;
  13. Initialze already connected services;
  14. Enter message loops{…};
  15. Unregister D-bus;
  16. Clean up plugins;
  17. Stop SDP server;
  18. Release other resources;
