The preceding chapter discussed the list, Lisp's most versatile data structure.arrays (including vectors and strings), structures, and hash tables. They may not be as flexible as lists, but they can make access faster, and take up less space.
common lisp中其他数据类型基本分为两类:
将或多或少的关键字映射到值上的表类型:哈希表(hash table),关联数组(associative array),映射表(map),字典(dictionary)
3:有了填充指针以后你就可以使用vector-push 和vector-pop。
5:尽管经常一起使用,:fill-pointer和:adjustable是无关的,你可以生成一个不带填充指针的可调整数组,但是只能在带填充指针的向量上使用vector-push 和vector-pop。在既带填充指针又可调的数组上使用vector-push-extend.
CL-USER> (make-array 5 :initial-element nil) #(NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL) CL-USER> (make-array 5 :fill-pointer 0) #() CL-USER> (defparameter *x* (make-array 5 :fill-pointer 0)) *X* CL-USER> (vector-push 'a *x*) 0 CL-USER> (vector-push 'b *x*) 1 CL-USER> (vector-pop *x*) B CL-USER> (make-array 5 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t) #() CL-USER> (defparameter *x* (vector 1 2 3)) *X*:
A one-dimensional array is also called a vector. You can create and fill one in a single step by calling vector,
CL-USER> (setf vec (make-array 4 :initial-element nil )) #(NIL NIL NIL NIL) CL-USER> (vector 1 3 4) #(1 3 4)
in syntax #nA, n is the number of dimensions of the array
CL-USER> (setf arr (make-array '(2 3) :initial-element nil )) #2A((NIL NIL NIL) (NIL NIL NIL)) CL-USER> (aref arr 0 0) NIL CL-USER> (setf (aref arr 0 0) 'b) B CL-USER> (aref arr 0 0) B
CL-USER> (setf *print-array* nil) NIL CL-USER> arr #<(SIMPLE-ARRAY T (2 3)) {26C1CD17}> CL-USER> (setf *print-array* t) T CL-USER> arr #2A((B NIL NIL) (NIL NIL NIL))3 :序列函数库
In Common Lisp the type sequence includes both lists and vectors (and therefore strings). Some of the functions that we have been using on lists are actually sequence functions, including remove, length, subseq, reverse, sort, every, and some.
nth for lists
aref and svref for vectors
Svref faster function called svref for use with vectors."sv" in the name stands for "simple vector,"A simple array is one that is neither adjustable, nor displaced, nor has a fill-pointer. Arraysare simple by default.
char for strings.Common
elt that works for sequences of any kind.
LENGTH 返回一个序列的长度,接受序列作为唯一参数。如果含有填充指针那么就是填充指针的值。
ELT element的缩写,接受序列和下标整数。同时接受setf进行值的设置。
CL-USER> (defparameter *x* (vector 1 2 3)) *X* CL-USER> (length *x*) 3 CL-USER> (elt *x* 2) 3 CL-USER> (setf (elt *x* 2) 0) 0 CL-USER> *x* #(1 2 0) CL-USER> (nth 2 '(2 4 5 6)) 5 CL-USER> (elt #(1 3 4) 1) 3 CL-USER> (char "abc" 1) #\b
CL-USER> (count 23 '(23 33 45 33 23)) 2 CL-USER> (count "me" '("me" "he" "hello")) 0 CL-USER> (count "me" '("me" "he" "hello") :test #'string=) 1 CL-USER> (find 23 '(23 33 45 33 23)) 23 CL-USER> (find 2 '(23 33 45 33 23)) NIL CL-USER> (find "me" '("me" "he" "hello")) NIL CL-USER> (position 33 '(23 33 45 33 23)) 1 CL-USER> (remove 23 #(23 33 45 33 23)) #(33 45 33) CL-USER> (remove 23 '(23 33 45 33 23)) (33 45 33) CL-USER> (remove #\a "football") "footbll" CL-USER> (substitute 1 23 '(23 33 45 33 23)) (1 33 45 33 1)
Many sequence functions take one or more keyword arguments from the standard set listed in this table.
:test argument can be any function of two arguments.
注意的就是 :key 因为他是一个单参数函数对象。序列可以最为一个实参传递过去,同样 list/vector 都行,所以当一个序列式列表的集合的时候,通常可以用 :key 关键字调入 first 函数。下面的例子正好佐证,它是每个元素调用一次frist-1然后判断,继而处理下一个元素。同时序列中的元素作为一个实参传递给了x。
CL-USER> (defun first-1(x)(format t "looking at ~s~%" x)(first x)) FIRST-1 CL-USER> (find 'a '((a 10)(b 20)) :key #'first-1) looking at (A 10) (A 10) CL-USER> (position 3 ' ( 1 0 7 5 ) :test #'<) 25:高阶函数
一组为:与基本函数名相同并追加-if。另一组是追加-if-not. 很显然其后应该跟着返回值是布尔类型的函数对象。其实无论怎么变你只要清楚他是循环进行处理并且每个元素处理时候都会最为实参传进来就行了。
CL-USER> (count-if #'evenp #(1 2 3 4)) 2 CL-USER> (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x)(char= (elt x 0) #\f)) #("foo" "bar" "foom")) #("foo" "foom") CL-USER> (remove-if-not #'alpha-char-p #("foo" "bar" "1baz") :key #'(lambda (x)(elt x 0))) #("foo" "bar")
CL-USER> (remove-duplicates #(1 2 3 1 2 4 5)) #(3 1 2 4 5)
Copy-seq / Reverse 后跟序列
Concatenate 返回将任意数量序列连接在一起的新序列。因为序列包含3中类型,所以你得指明到底要什么类型的值。
CL-USER> *a* (1 2 3) CL-USER> (copy-seq *a*) (1 2 3) CL-USER> *a* (1 2 3) CL-USER> (reverse *a*) (3 2 1) CL-USER> *a* (1 2 3) CL-USER> (concatenate 'vector #(2 1) "string") #(2 1 #\s #\t #\r #\i #\n #\g) CL-USER> (concatenate 'list '(1 2 3) "string") (1 2 3 #\s #\t #\r #\i #\n #\g) CL-USER> (concatenate 'string "string" '(1 2) #(13 34)) ; No value CL-USER> (concatenate 'string "string" '(#\t #\r)) "stringtr"
Merge 接受两个序列和一个谓词,并且按照这个谓词合并这两个序列。由下面的实例对于排序的话,都是循环式的进行比较直到顺序排好,跟我们前面的迭代函数一样,所以这3个函数也都有:key关键字,可进行一些预处理
CL-USER> (defvar *test* #("foo" "bar" "baz")) *TEST* CL-USER> (sort #("foo" "bar" "baz" "bar") #'string<) #("bar" "bar" "baz" "foo") CL-USER> (stable-sort #("foo" "bar" "baz" "bar") #'string<) #("bar" "bar" "baz" "foo") CL-USER> (sort *test* #'string<) #("bar" "baz" "foo") CL-USER> *test* #("bar" "baz" "foo") CL-USER> (merge 'vector #(1 3 5) #(2 4 6) #'<) #(1 2 3 4 5 6)
CL-USER> (subseq "football" 3 6) "tba" CL-USER> (defvar *x* "football") *X* CL-USER> (setf (subseq *x* 3 6) "xxx") "xxx" CL-USER> *x* "fooxxxll" CL-USER> (setf (subseq *x* 3 6) "abcd") "abcd" CL-USER> *x* "fooabcll" CL-USER> (setf (subseq *x* 3 6) "xx") "xx" CL-USER> *x* "fooxxcll"
CL-USER> (position "ab" '("ab" "dd" "bb") :test #'string=) 0 CL-USER> (position #\a "family") 1 CL-USER> (position "am" "family" :test #'string=) NIL CL-USER> (position "ab" '("ab" "dd" "bb") :test #'string=) 0 CL-USER> (position "ab" '("ab" "dd" "bb") :test #'string=) 0
Mismatch 用于找出两个序列中首次分叉的位置,如果序列一样的话返回NIL。跟前面说的单独的非string=函数部分功能一样,其他标准的函数如string>,先到分叉位置,如果分叉位置的元素之间的关系仍旧符合谓词,那么就索引,这个时候就跟mismatch一样了,但是如果关系不符合就返回了NIL.支持那5种关键字。
CL-USER> (mismatch '("am" "me" "he") '("am" "he")) 0 CL-USER> (mismatch '("am" "me" "he") '("am" "he") :test #'string=) 1 CL-USER> (string< "family" "lisp") 0 CL-USER> (string< "lisp" "family") NIL
Every :每一个都为真时返回真。
Some :只要有真的就返回真
Notany :not any more. 每一个都为假返回真,与every相对。
Notevery :只要有假的就返回真。与some相对
下面的例子说明,并不是说相对的话,他们最后的结果就是相反 的呀。
CL-USER> (every #'> #(1 2 3 4) #(5 4 3 2)) NIL CL-USER> (some #'> #(1 2 3 4) #(5 4 3 2)) T CL-USER> (notany #'> #(1 2 3 4) #(5 4 3 2)) NIL CL-USER> (notevery #'> #(1 2 3 4) #(5 4 3 2)) T
CL-USER> (every #'< '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6) '(5 6)) T CL-USER> (every #'< '(1 2 3) '(4 5) '(5 6 2)) T CL-USER> (every #'< '(1 2 3) '(6 5) '(5 6 2)) NIL
CL-USER> (map 'list #'+ '(1 2 3) #(4 5 6)) (5 7 9) CL-USER> (map 'list #'< '(1 2 3) #(4 5 6)) (T T T) CL-USER> (defvar *a* #(6 6 7 8 9)) *A* CL-USER> (map-into *a* #'+ '(1 2 3) '(4 5)) #(5 7 7 8 9) CL-USER> (map-into 'a #'+ '(1 2 3) '(3 4)) ; No value 'a not a sequence CL-USER> (map-into a #'+ '(1 2 3) '(3 4)) a is unbound
Reduce 映射到单个序列上,先将两个参数的函数应用到序列的最初两个元素上,再将返回值和序列后续元素继续用于该函数。注意一定要是能够接受两个参数的函数,并且函数后面只能跟一个序列。字面上说reduce就是减少的意思, +在这里实现的功能就好比sum=+ a.
CL-USER> (reduce #'+ '(1 2 3 4)) 10 CL-USER> (reduce #'+ '(1 2 3 4) '(4 5 6)) ; No value