hdu 5476 Explore Track of Point(几何)

题目链接:hdu 5476 Explore Track of Poin

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;
typedef pair<int,int> pii;
const double pi = 4 * atan(1);
const double eps = 1e-6;

inline int dcmp (double x) { if (fabs(x) < eps) return 0; else return x < 0 ? -1 : 1; }
inline double getDistance (double x, double y) { return sqrt(x * x + y * y); }
inline double torad(double deg) { return deg / 180 * pi; }

struct Point {
    double x, y;
    Point (double x = 0, double y = 0): x(x), y(y) {}
    void read () { scanf("%lf%lf", &x, &y); }
    void write () { printf("%lf %lf", x, y); }

    bool operator == (const Point& u) const { return dcmp(x - u.x) == 0 && dcmp(y - u.y) == 0; }
    bool operator != (const Point& u) const { return !(*this == u); }
    bool operator < (const Point& u) const { return dcmp(x - u.x) < 0 || (dcmp(x-u.x)==0 && dcmp(y-u.y) < 0); }
    bool operator > (const Point& u) const { return u < *this; }
    bool operator <= (const Point& u) const { return *this < u || *this == u; }
    bool operator >= (const Point& u) const { return *this > u || *this == u; }
    Point operator + (const Point& u) { return Point(x + u.x, y + u.y); }
    Point operator - (const Point& u) { return Point(x - u.x, y - u.y); }
    Point operator * (const double u) { return Point(x * u, y * u); }
    Point operator / (const double u) { return Point(x / u, y / u); }
    double operator ^ (const Point& u) { return x*u.y - y*u.x; }
typedef Point Vector;
typedef vector<Point> Polygon;

struct Line {
    double a, b, c;
    Line (double a = 0, double b = 0, double c = 0): a(a), b(b), c(c) {}

struct DirLine {
    Point p;
    Vector v;
    double ang;
    DirLine () {}
    DirLine (Point p, Vector v): p(p), v(v) { ang = atan2(v.y, v.x); }
    bool operator < (const DirLine& u) const { return ang < u.ang; }

struct Circle {
    Point o;
    double r;
    Circle () {}
    Circle (Point o, double r = 0): o(o), r(r) {}
    void read () { o.read(), scanf("%lf", &r); }
    Point point(double rad) { return Point(o.x + cos(rad)*r, o.y + sin(rad)*r); }
    double getArea (double rad) { return rad * r * r / 2; }

namespace Punctual {
    double getDistance (Point a, Point b) { double x=a.x-b.x, y=a.y-b.y; return sqrt(x*x + y*y); }

namespace Vectorial {
    /* 点积: 两向量长度的乘积再乘上它们夹角的余弦, 夹角大于90度时点积为负 */
    double getDot (Vector a, Vector b) { return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y; }

    /* 叉积: 叉积等于两向量组成的三角形有向面积的两倍, cross(v, w) = -cross(w, v) */
    double getCross (Vector a, Vector b) { return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x; }

    double getLength (Vector a) { return sqrt(getDot(a, a)); }
    double getPLength (Vector a) { return getDot(a, a); }
    double getAngle (Vector u) { return atan2(u.y, u.x); }
    double getAngle (Vector a, Vector b) { return acos(getDot(a, b) / getLength(a) / getLength(b)); }
    Vector rotate (Vector a, double rad) { return Vector(a.x*cos(rad)-a.y*sin(rad), a.x*sin(rad)+a.y*cos(rad)); }
    /* 单位法线 */
    Vector getNormal (Vector a) { double l = getLength(a); return Vector(-a.y/l, a.x/l); }

namespace ComplexVector {
    typedef complex<double> Point;
    typedef Point Vector;

    double getDot(Vector a, Vector b) { return real(conj(a)*b); }
    double getCross(Vector a, Vector b) { return imag(conj(a)*b); }
    Vector rotate(Vector a, double rad) { return a*exp(Point(0, rad)); }

namespace Linear {
    using namespace Vectorial;

    Line getLine (double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { return Line(y2-y1, x1-x2, y1*x2-x1*y2); }
    Line getLine (double a, double b, Point u) { return Line(a, -b, u.y * b - u.x * a); }

    bool getIntersection (Line p, Line q, Point& o) {
        if (fabs(p.a * q.b - q.a * p.b) < eps)
            return false;
        o.x = (q.c * p.b - p.c * q.b) / (p.a * q.b - q.a * p.b);
        o.y = (q.c * p.a - p.c * q.a) / (p.b * q.a - q.b * p.a);
        return true;

    /* 直线pv和直线qw的交点 */
    bool getIntersection (Point p, Vector v, Point q, Vector w, Point& o) {
        if (dcmp(getCross(v, w)) == 0) return false;
        Vector u = p - q;
        double k = getCross(w, u) / getCross(v, w);
        o = p + v * k;
        return true;

    /* 点p到直线ab的距离 */
    double getDistanceToLine (Point p, Point a, Point b) { return fabs(getCross(b-a, p-a) / getLength(b-a)); }
    double getDistanceToSegment (Point p, Point a, Point b) {
        if (a == b) return getLength(p-a);
        Vector v1 = b - a, v2 = p - a, v3 = p - b;
        if (dcmp(getDot(v1, v2)) < 0) return getLength(v2);
        else if (dcmp(getDot(v1, v3)) > 0) return getLength(v3);
        else return fabs(getCross(v1, v2) / getLength(v1));

    /* 点p在直线ab上的投影 */
    Point getPointToLine (Point p, Point a, Point b) { Vector v = b-a; return a+v*(getDot(v, p-a) / getDot(v,v)); }

    /* 判断线段是否存在交点 */
    bool haveIntersection (Point a1, Point a2, Point b1, Point b2) {
        double c1=getCross(a2-a1, b1-a1), c2=getCross(a2-a1, b2-a1), c3=getCross(b2-b1, a1-b1), c4=getCross(b2-b1,a2-b1);
        return dcmp(c1)*dcmp(c2) < 0 && dcmp(c3)*dcmp(c4) < 0;

    /* 判断点是否在线段上 */
    bool onSegment (Point p, Point a, Point b) { return dcmp(getCross(a-p, b-p)) == 0 && dcmp(getDot(a-p, b-p)) < 0; }
    bool onLeft(DirLine l, Point p) { return dcmp(l.v ^ (p-l.p)) >= 0; }

namespace Triangular {
    using namespace Vectorial;

    double getAngle (double a, double b, double c) { return acos((a*a+b*b-c*c) / (2*a*b)); }
    double getArea (double a, double b, double c) { double s =(a+b+c)/2; return sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)); }
    double getArea (double a, double h) { return a * h / 2; }
    double getArea (Point a, Point b, Point c) { return fabs(getCross(b - a, c - a)) / 2; }
    double getDirArea (Point a, Point b, Point c) { return getCross(b - a, c - a) / 2; }

namespace Polygonal {
    using namespace Vectorial;
    using namespace Linear;

    double getArea (Point* p, int n) {
        double ret = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
            ret += (p[i]-p[0]) ^ (p[i+1]-p[0]);
        return ret/2;

    /* 凸包 */
    int getConvexHull (Point* p, int n, Point* ch) {
        sort(p, p + n);
        int m = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            /* 可共线 */
            //while (m > 1 && dcmp(getCross(ch[m-1]-ch[m-2], p[i]-ch[m-1])) < 0) m--;
            while (m > 1 && dcmp(getCross(ch[m-1]-ch[m-2], p[i]-ch[m-1])) <= 0) m--;
            ch[m++] = p[i];
        int k = m;
        for (int i = n-2; i >= 0; i--) {
            /* 可共线 */
            //while (m > k && dcmp(getCross(ch[m-1]-ch[m-2], p[i]-ch[m-2])) < 0) m--;
            while (m > k && dcmp(getCross(ch[m-1]-ch[m-2], p[i]-ch[m-2])) <= 0) m--;
            ch[m++] = p[i];
        if (n > 1) m--;
        return m;

    int isPointInPolygon (Point o, Point* p, int n) {
        int wn = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            int j = (i + 1) % n;
            if (onSegment(o, p[i], p[j]) || o == p[i]) return 0; // 边界上
            int k = dcmp(getCross(p[j] - p[i], o-p[i]));
            int d1 = dcmp(p[i].y - o.y);
            int d2 = dcmp(p[j].y - o.y);
            if (k > 0 && d1 <= 0 && d2 > 0) wn++;
            if (k < 0 && d2 <= 0 && d1 > 0) wn--;
        return wn ? -1 : 1;

    /* 旋转卡壳 */
    void rotatingCalipers(Point *p, int n, vector<pii>& sol) {
        int j = 1; p[n] = p[0];
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            while (getCross(p[j+1]-p[i+1], p[i]-p[i+1]) > getCross(p[j]-p[i+1], p[i]-p[i+1]))
                j = (j+1) % n;
            sol.push_back(make_pair(i, j));
            sol.push_back(make_pair(i + 1, j + 1));

    void rotatingCalipersGetRectangle (Point *p, int n, double& area, double& perimeter) {
        p[n] = p[0];
        int l = 1, r = 1, j = 1;
        area = perimeter = 1e20;

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            Vector v = (p[i+1]-p[i]) / getLength(p[i+1]-p[i]);
            while (dcmp(getDot(v, p[r%n]-p[i]) - getDot(v, p[(r+1)%n]-p[i])) < 0) r++;
            while (j < r || dcmp(getCross(v, p[j%n]-p[i]) - getCross(v,p[(j+1)%n]-p[i])) < 0) j++;
            while (l < j || dcmp(getDot(v, p[l%n]-p[i]) - getDot(v, p[(l+1)%n]-p[i])) > 0) l++;
            double w = getDot(v, p[r%n]-p[i])-getDot(v, p[l%n]-p[i]);
            double h = getDistanceToLine (p[j%n], p[i], p[i+1]);
            area = min(area, w * h);
            perimeter = min(perimeter, 2 * w + 2 * h);

    /* 计算半平面相交可以用增量法,o(n^2),初始设置4条无穷大的半平面 */
    /* 用有向直线A->B切割多边形u,返回左侧。可能退化成单点或线段 */
    Polygon cutPolygon (Polygon u, Point a, Point b) {
        Polygon ret;
        int n = u.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            Point c = u[i], d = u[(i+1)%n];
            if (dcmp((b-a)^(c-a)) >= 0) ret.push_back(c);
            if (dcmp((b-a)^(c-d)) != 0) {
                Point t;
                getIntersection(a, b-a, c, d-c, t);
                if (onSegment(t, c, d))
        return ret;

    /* 半平面相交 */
    int halfPlaneIntersection(DirLine* li, int n, Point* poly) {
        sort(li, li + n);

        int first, last;
        Point* p = new Point[n];
        DirLine* q = new DirLine[n];
        q[first=last=0] = li[0];

        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
            while (first < last && !onLeft(li[i], p[last-1])) last--;
            while (first < last && !onLeft(li[i], p[first])) first++;
            q[++last] = li[i];

            if (dcmp(q[last].v ^ q[last-1].v) == 0) {
                if (onLeft(q[last], li[i].p)) q[last] = li[i];

            if (first < last)
                getIntersection(q[last-1].p, q[last-1].v, q[last].p, q[last].v, p[last-1]);

        while (first < last && !onLeft(q[first], p[last-1])) last--;
        if (last - first <= 1) { delete [] p; delete [] q; return 0; }
        getIntersection(q[last].p, q[last].v, q[first].p, q[first].v, p[last]);

        int m = 0;
        for (int i = first; i <= last; i++) poly[m++] = p[i];
        delete [] p; delete [] q;
        return m;

    /* 去除多边形共线点 */
    Polygon simplify (const Polygon& poly) {
        Polygon ret;
        int n = poly.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            Point a = poly[i];
            Point b = poly[(i+1)%n];
            Point c = poly[(i+2)%n];
            if (dcmp((b-a)^(c-b)) != 0 && (ret.size() == 0 || b != ret[ret.size()-1]))
        return ret;

namespace Circular {
    using namespace Linear;
    using namespace Vectorial;
    using namespace Triangular;

    /* 直线和原的交点 */
    int getLineCircleIntersection (Point p, Point q, Circle O, double& t1, double& t2, vector<Point>& sol) {
        Vector v = q - p;
        /* 使用前需清空sol */
        double a = v.x, b = p.x - O.o.x, c = v.y, d = p.y - O.o.y;
        double e = a*a+c*c, f = 2*(a*b+c*d), g = b*b+d*d-O.r*O.r;
        double delta = f*f - 4*e*g;
        if (dcmp(delta) < 0) return 0;
        if (dcmp(delta) == 0) {
            t1 = t2 = -f / (2 * e);
            sol.push_back(p + v * t1);
            return 1;

        t1 = (-f - sqrt(delta)) / (2 * e); sol.push_back(p + v * t1);
        t2 = (-f + sqrt(delta)) / (2 * e); sol.push_back(p + v * t2);
        return 2;

    /* 圆和圆的交点 */
    int getCircleCircleIntersection (Circle o1, Circle o2, vector<Point>& sol) {
        double d = getLength(o1.o - o2.o);

        if (dcmp(d) == 0) {
            if (dcmp(o1.r - o2.r) == 0) return -1;
            return 0;

        if (dcmp(o1.r + o2.r - d) < 0) return 0;
        if (dcmp(fabs(o1.r-o2.r) - d) > 0) return 0;

        double a = getAngle(o2.o - o1.o);
        double da = acos((o1.r*o1.r + d*d - o2.r*o2.r) / (2*o1.r*d));

        Point p1 = o1.point(a-da), p2 = o1.point(a+da);

        if (p1 == p2) return 1;
        return 2;

    /* 过定点作圆的切线 */
    int getTangents (Point p, Circle o, Vector* v) {
        Vector u = o.o - p;
        double d = getLength(u);
        if (d < o.r) return 0;
        else if (dcmp(d - o.r) == 0) {
            v[0] = rotate(u, pi / 2);
            return 1;
        } else {
            double ang = asin(o.r / d);
            v[0] = rotate(u, -ang);
            v[1] = rotate(u, ang);
            return 2;

    /* a[i] 和 b[i] 分别是第i条切线在O1和O2上的切点 */
    /* have some problems */
    int getTangents (Circle o1, Circle o2, Point* a, Point* b) {
        int cnt = 0;
        if (o1.r < o2.r) { swap(o1, o2); swap(a, b); }
        double d2 = getLength(o1.o - o2.o); d2 = d2 * d2;
        double rdif = o1.r - o2.r, rsum = o1.r + o2.r;
        if (d2 < rdif * rdif) return 0;
        if (dcmp(d2) == 0 && dcmp(o1.r - o2.r) == 0) return -1;

        double base = getAngle(o2.o - o1.o);
        if (dcmp(d2 - rdif * rdif) == 0) {
            a[cnt] = o1.point(base); b[cnt] = o2.point(base); cnt++;
            return cnt;

        double ang = acos( rdif / sqrt(d2) );
        a[cnt] = o1.point(base+ang); b[cnt] = o2.point(base+ang); cnt++;
        a[cnt] = o1.point(base-ang); b[cnt] = o2.point(base-ang); cnt++;

        if (dcmp(d2 - rsum * rsum) == 0) {
            a[cnt] = o1.point(base); b[cnt] = o2.point(base); cnt++;
        } else if (d2 > rsum * rsum) {
            double ang = acos( rsum / sqrt(d2) );
            a[cnt] = o1.point(base+ang); b[cnt] = o2.point(pi+base+ang); cnt++;
            a[cnt] = o1.point(base-ang); b[cnt] = o2.point(pi+base-ang); cnt++;
        return cnt;

    /* 三点确定外切圆 */
    Circle CircumscribedCircle(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3) {  
        double Bx = p2.x - p1.x, By = p2.y - p1.y;  
        double Cx = p3.x - p1.x, Cy = p3.y - p1.y;  
        double D = 2 * (Bx * Cy - By * Cx);  
        double cx = (Cy * (Bx * Bx + By * By) - By * (Cx * Cx + Cy * Cy)) / D + p1.x;  
        double cy = (Bx * (Cx * Cx + Cy * Cy) - Cx * (Bx * Bx + By * By)) / D + p1.y;  
        Point p = Point(cx, cy);  
        return Circle(p, getLength(p1 - p));  

    /* 三点确定内切圆 */
    Circle InscribedCircle(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3) {  
        double a = getLength(p2 - p3);  
        double b = getLength(p3 - p1);  
        double c = getLength(p1 - p2);  
        Point p = (p1 * a + p2 * b + p3 * c) / (a + b + c);  
        return Circle(p, getDistanceToLine(p, p1, p2));  

    /* 三角形一顶点为圆心 */
    double getPublicAreaToTriangle (Circle O, Point a, Point b) {
        if (dcmp((a-O.o)^(b-O.o)) == 0) return 0;
        int sig = 1;
        double da = getPLength(O.o-a), db = getPLength(O.o-b);
        if (dcmp(da-db) > 0) {
            swap(da, db);
            swap(a, b);
            sig = -1;

        double t1, t2;
        vector<Point> sol;
        int n = getLineCircleIntersection(a, b, O, t1, t2, sol);

        if (dcmp(da-O.r*O.r) <= 0) {
            if (dcmp(db-O.r*O.r) <= 0)    return getDirArea(O.o, a, b) * sig;

            int k = 0;
            if (getPLength(sol[0]-b) > getPLength(sol[1]-b)) k = 1;

            double ret = getArea(O.o, a, sol[k]) + O.getArea(getAngle(sol[k]-O.o, b-O.o));
            double tmp = (a-O.o)^(b-O.o);
            return ret * sig * dcmp(tmp);

        double d = getDistanceToSegment(O.o, a, b);
        if (dcmp(d-O.r) >= 0) {
            double ret = O.getArea(getAngle(a-O.o, b-O.o));
            double tmp = (a-O.o)^(b-O.o);
            return ret * sig * dcmp(tmp);

        double k1 = O.r / getLength(a - O.o), k2 = O.r / getLength(b - O.o);
        Point p = O.o + (a - O.o) * k1, q = O.o + (b - O.o) * k2;
        double ret1 = O.getArea(getAngle(p-O.o, q-O.o));
        double ret2 = O.getArea(getAngle(sol[0]-O.o, sol[1]-O.o)) - getArea(O.o, sol[0], sol[1]);
        double ret = (ret1 - ret2), tmp = (a-O.o)^(b-O.o);
        return ret * sig * dcmp(tmp);

    double getPublicAreaToPolygon (Circle O, Point* p, int n) {
        if (dcmp(O.r) == 0) return 0;
        double area = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            int u = (i + 1) % n;
            area += getPublicAreaToTriangle(O, p[i], p[u]);
        return fabs(area);

using namespace Vectorial;
using namespace Linear;
using namespace Circular;
Point A, B, C;

//Vector getNormal (Vector a) { double l = getLength(a); return Vector(-a.y/l, a.x/l); }
//bool getIntersection (Point p, Vector v, Point q, Vector w, Point& o);
//double getAngle (Vector a, Vector b) { return acos(getDot(a, b) / getLength(a) / getLength(b)); }
//int getLineCircleIntersection (Point p, Point q, Circle O, double& t1, double& t2, vector<Point>& sol);

bool inTriangle (Point t, Point a, Point b, Point c) {
    double s = getArea(a, b, c);
    double sa = getArea(t, a, b);
    double sb = getArea(t, b, c);
    double sc = getArea(t, a, c);
    return dcmp(s - sa - sb - sc) == 0;

double solve () {
    Point M = (B + C) / 2, T;
    Vector v1 = getNormal(B-A), v2 = getNormal(C-A);
    getIntersection(B, v1, C, v2, T);
    double r = getLength(T-B), rad = getAngle(B-T, C-T);

    return getLength(A-M) + rad * r;

int main () {
    int cas;
    scanf("%d", &cas);
    for (int kcas = 1; kcas <= cas; kcas++) {
        A.read(), B.read(), C.read();
        printf("Case #%d: %.4lf\n", kcas, solve());
    return 0;

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