


同样,Groovy增加了一系列新的帮助类(Helper Classes),帮助开发者完成各种繁琐的工作,如数据库访问,单元测试,构造标记语言,处理XMLExtensible Markup Language,可扩展标志语言)和GUI编程等。

除了提供给java.lang.String帮助方法外,Groovy还引入了新的字符串类GString,它是groovy.lang.GString的实例。GString允许占位符嵌入到字符串中,如 “Hello, my name is ${name}”


l  模式(Pattern)操作符:~Pattern

l  查找(find)操作符:=~

l  匹配(match)操作符:==~



GDK是已有的JDK类的Groovy扩展。清单2.10展示了Groovyjava.lang.Objectjava.lang.Numberjava.io.File等类增加的新方法。Groovy GDK 大约共有60个增强类(enhanced classes)。完整的GDK API规范可参考http://groovy.codehaus.org/groovy-jdk


清单2.10 GDK的应用


def a = [1,2,3]

assert a.any {it > 2} //At least one element satisfies the condition

assert a.every{it > 0} //All elements must satisfy the condition

//Iterate over all the elements calling the closure on each item

assert a.collect{it * 2} == [2,4,6]

assert a.findAll{it > 2} == [3] //Finds all elements that satisfy the condition

a.print(a) //Prints the values of a, can be also written as print(a)



def x = 10

assert x.abs() == 10 //Returns absolute value

assert x.compareTo(3) == 1 //Compares two numbers

assert x.div(2) == 5 //Divides two numbers

def total = 0

x.downto(5) {

number -> total += number} //Sums the numbers from 10 to 5 inclusive

assert total == 45

total = 0


number -> total += number} //Sums the numbers from 10 to 15 inclusive

assert total == 75



def f = new File("C:\\temp\\groovy.txt") //Marks a file for creation

f.text = "Groovy rocks!" //File will be created if it doesn't exist

assert f.exists()

assert f.text == "Groovy rocks!"

f.append("Doesn't?") //Appends text to the file

assert f.text =="Groovy rocks!Doesn't?"

f.renameTo(new File("C:\\temp\\groovyRenamed.txt")) //Renames a file

assert f.name == "groovy.txt" //Files are immutable

[new File("C:\\temp\\groovy.txt"),new File("C:\\temp\\groovyRenamed.txt")].

each{it.delete()} //Deletes both files





l  单引号:等同于在Java 中声明字符串,但不支持GString

def text = 'Welcome to Groovy'

assert text as java.lang.String

l  双引号:支持GString。若要显示美元符号($),则必须这样写:\$

def language = "Groovy"

def text = "Welcome to $language"

assert text == "Welcome to Groovy"

assert text as groovy.lang.GString

l  三个连续单引号:可直接跨越数行并且在输出中包含回车符、制表符和空格符,但不支持GString

def text = '''

Welcome to Groovy



assert text == "\nWelcome to Groovy\n-------------------------\n"

l  三个连续双引号:类似于“单个联系单引号”,但支持GString,是在Groovy中声明字符串最通用的方法。

def language = "Groovy"

def text = """

Welcome to $language



assert text == "\nWelcome to Groovy\n--------------------\n"




清单 2.11 Groovy字符串应用

def text = "Welcome to Groovy"

//Both methods return the size of a String

assert text.size() && text.length() == 17

assert text.substring(0,7) == "Welcome"

assert text.contains("Welcome")

//Count number of occurences of a word in a String

assert text.count("Welcome") == 1

text += "\nWhat a great language"

//Decide whether a String can be parsed as a number or not

assert text.isNumber() == false

//Reverse a String

assert text.reverse() =="egaugnal taerg a tahW\nyvoorG ot emocleW"

assert text.findAll{it > 'w'} == ['y'] //Finds all characters greater than 'w'

assert text.replace('Groovy','Java') == 'Welcome to Java\nWhat a great language'


正则表达式(Regular Expressions)

正则表达式(Regular Expressions,有时简写为regexes)可以帮助您从文本中识别并提取符合指定特征的文本字符串。正则表达式是字符串模式匹配的一种方法,它通过定义一系列匹配符来匹配字符串中任何可能的模式。例如,使用正则表达式可查找一段文本中以 ion”结尾的所有单词,或者查找“color red”的出现次数。

关于正则表达式的完整讨论已经超出本书的范围。当然,目前已有regexes方面的书籍出版[1]。最常用的正则表达式模式元素,可参考本书第33.2节。正则表达式模式(pattern)可由Groovy slashyslash,斜线"/")语法来定义。模式用一个“//”给括起来,因此在模式中不需转义反斜线(backslashes,“\”):

def pattern = /abc/

assert pattern == 'abc'

pattern = /\s\d/

assert pattern == '\\s\\d'


这对于Java 程序员来说绝对是个好消息,因为Java中多数的正则表达式模式包含大量需要转义的反斜线。


l  模式操作符:~,定义一个Regex模式,即java.util.regex.Pattern实例;

l  查找操作符:=~,查找文本中符合指定模式的字符串,会返回一个java.util.regex.Matcher实例;

l  匹配操作符:==~,根据提供的正则表达式来匹配整个字符串,将返回Boolean值。


清单2.12 演示了Groovy正则表达式的应用示例,让读者了解一下Groovy Regex


清单2.12 Groovy的正则表达式应用

text = "Information technology revolution"

pattern = /\b\w*ion\b/  //Pattern: a word that ends with the letters 'ion'

assert text =~ pattern

def matched = []

//Find all matches of the pattern

text.eachMatch(pattern) { match -> matched += match[0] }

println matched

assert matched.size() == 2

assert matched[0] == "Information"

assert matched[1] == "revolution"

[1] Nathan A. Good, Regular Expression Recipes: A Problem- Solution Approach (Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2004).
