Cannot open database "db1" requested by the login. The login failed.



Oh! I could solve it.


Let me share it so that other people can get the benefit if they fall in this problem:



Solution to the Problem:


I've just changed the authentication mode to sql authentication and then rewrite my connection string with the user name and password of the sql server. But remember to add Trusted_Connection=no;  in the connection string other wise it wont work.


Now it looks like:

"Server=localhost;Database=test;integrated security=sspi;Uid=sa;Pwd=test;Trusted_Connection=no;";


For help on how to change the authentication mode plz visit:


Now I think I don't need the ASPNET user anymore for accessing the database.



C、无法打开数据库 "MSCUPTDB"


  Cannot open database "mscuptdb" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'username'


   必须在运行 SQL Server 的计算机上创建 mscuptdb 数据库。如果未创建数据库和数据库角色,请运行位于 Updates Publisher 安装文件夹的 CreatePubToolDb.sql SQL 脚本,以创建 mscuptdb 数据库和 System_Center_Updates_Publisher_User 数据库角色。

  安装 Updates Publisher 的用户必须具有访问 SQL Server 数据库的权限。用户必须具有 mscuptdb 数据库中的 System_Center_Updates_Publisher_User 数据库角色成员身份的 SQL Server 用户登录。

