
参考:《Linux® Debugging and Performance Tuning: Tips and Techniques》 chapter 4

1. memwatch

2. yamd

3. electric fence

4. valgrind 


valgrind -v --leak-check=yes a.out

Valgrind can also perform cache simulations and annotate your source line by line with the number of cache misses.

It is not good to be in a situation where an allocation overrun happens after thousands of memory management calls. I've spent many long hours tracking down odd memory corruption problems. One problem application worked on our development workstation but would fail after 2,000 calls to malloc() on the new product workstation. The real problem was an overrun around call 1,000. The new system had the problem because the reserved malloc() area was laid out differently, so the offending memory was located at a different place and destroyed something different when it did the overrun.
