TCP/IP 详解 卷1 ch11 User Datagram Protocol

1. UDP provides no reliability


2. The application needs to worry about the size of the resulting IP datagram. If it exceeds the network's MTU, the IP datagram is fragmented.


3. The TCP port numbers are independent of the UDP port numbers. TCP和UDP的端口号是独立的


4. The UDP checksum covers the UDP header and the UDP data.

Checksum in the IP header only covers the IP header-it does not cover any data in the IP datagram.


5. The IP layer at the destination performs the reassembly, 只有在目的端重组IP分片,但是即使只丢失了一个分片,也要重传整个数据报。


6. MTU发现机制,利用:当路由器收到一个需要分片的数据报,而在IP首部设置了不分片的标志比特,则发送ICMP不可达差错报文。


7. Interaction Between UDP and ARP

例如:UDP包8192,ARP表为空,会发送6个ARP请求。ARP input queue is LIFO, while UDP is FIFO.



8. ICMP Source Quench Error


9. UDP Server Design

1) Client IP Address and Port Number
2) Destination IP Address

3) UDP Input Queue

most UDP servers are iterative servers. This means a single server process handles all the client requests on a single UDP port (the server's well-known port).


4) Restricting Local IP Address

Most UDP servers wildcard their local IP address when they create a UDP end point. This means that an incoming UDP datagram destined for the server's port will be accepted on any local interface.

5) Restricting Foreign IP Address




