What's New in Dxperience 7.3.7

What's Included & New
.NET Product Line - v7.3.7

New Features/Changes

ASPxperience Suite

  • S19119 - ASPxMenu - Add an ability to show a popup element (a submenu) over an IFrame

eXpress Persistent Objects

  • S90509 - Update the SQLlite provider version to 1.048

Resolved Issues

ASPxGridView and Editors Suite

  • B91692 - ASPxCheckBox - a round trip to server occurs if the AutoPostBack is true and the e.processonserver is set to false on the CheckedChanged client event
  • B91756 - ASPxCombobBox - Text is returned instead of a numeric value when used on an ASPxCallbackPanel
  • B19911 - ASPxComboBox - A control's ID is set within the PrepareControlHierarchy method
  • B19897 - ASPxComboBox fails with a java script error if the ASPxCallbackPanel's PerformCallback method is called within the SelectedIndexChanged client-side event handler
  • B91829 - ASPxGridView - Columns are incorrectly rendered if the ShowVerticalScrollbar option is set to True
  • B91536 - ASPxGridView - Master-Detail - The detail GridView's InitNewRow event doesn't initialize edit cells
  • Q93484 - ASPxGridView - Paging doesn't work if the SEOFriendly property is set to Enabled
  • B19966 - ASPxGridView - Styles.Footer.HorizontalAlignment and Styles.GroupFooter.HorizontalAlignment do not work for all summary items
  • B91832 - ASPxGridView - The editing problem when using the Edit Form Template in Firefox
  • B91778 - ASPxGridView inside a TabControl produces a JavaScript error
  • Q93998 - ASPxPopupControl's - Java Script error when invoking the PopupControl after the PopupEditForm
  • B19920 - ASPxRadioButtonList - the client-side SetSelectedIndex method does not work
  • B91880 - Firefox columns show only a part of a caption, and IE cannot resize columns
  • B91523 - In FireFox with a scrollable grid, ASPxComboBox listbox is displayed far below the grid
  • B19895 - NullReferenceExeption in ASPxComboBox
  • B91851 - Popup Edit Form should not disappear in case a row cannot be updated

ASPxperience Suite

  • B19925 - An "Access is denied" script error occurs when using the ASPxNavBar and ASPxPopupMenu, and the Skype add ins are enabled
  • B19927 - ASPxGridView - User controls are not rendered if the ASPxGridView contains a command column
  • Q94528 - ASPxRoundPanel - child control's ControlState is not loaded
  • B19857 - Documentation - ASPxDataWebControlBase.Bound property description is incorrect


  • B91235 - Filter window - Populating the filter window does not raise the FieldValueDisplayText event
  • B91911 - Index out of range during export
  • Q92128 - OLAP - Custom totals don't work
  • B19968 - Pager isn't updated after calling the ExpandAll method

DXperience Suite

  • B91735 - DXDesignKeys - Default design-time look and feel doesn't work in Windows Vista x64
  • B91922 - Exception when a form is closed programmatically, after calling the SkinManager.EnableFormSkins method
  • B91853 - Skin Editor doesn't corrupt the subversion folder structure

XtraBars Suite

  • B19893 - Main menu - It's impossible to select a menu item via the Alt key, and then via the corresponding letter key
  • B91669 - Ribbon - BarStaticItem's ShowImageInToolbar property doesn't work when the item is placed within the Tabs area

XtraCharts Suite

  • S90463 - Code - Avoid first chance exceptions when calling the DevExpress.Data.Browsing.DataContext method

XtraEditors Library

  • B19854 - Cannot build DevExpress.XtraEditors.v7.3.Design from sources - the Reference element is unrecognized in DevExpress.XtraEditors.Design.csproj
  • B91654 - DropDownButton ignores BorderStyle setting of an assigned StyleController
  • B91840 - If a SuperTip was set on a BarButtonItem, and then cleared, the hint property is then set, the hint will not appear when hovering
  • B91923 - The MaskBox Tutorial doesn't work if you try to edit the EditMask

XtraGrid Suite

  • B91788 - FilterControl loses its value when dragging a scrollbar
  • B19869 - Incorrect ImageComboBox grouping by display text
  • B91894 - Printing - The "Negating the minimum value" error occurs when previewing or printing a grid
  • B91842 - The Print, ShowPrintPreview and ExportToPdf methods don't render Boolean values

XtraLayout Suite

  • B91774 - Exception while restoring a layout
  • B91668 - If the OptionsSerialization.DiscardOldItems option is set to True, an exception is raised
  • B91505 - Layout control crashes when clicking “Reset Layout” on unhidden Docking Panels
  • B91644 - Printing area is dependent on the layout control scroll state
  • B19717 - Text is rendered incorrectly when GDI+ painting mechanism is enabled
  • B91111 - The LayoutControl.StartStoreRestore and EndStoreRestore methods are missing in 7.3


  • B91784 - "Add or Remove Buttons" menu hotkeys don't work
  • B19862 - ControlContainer group style - child control overlaps the parent group's borders

XtraPivotGrid Suite

  • B92009 - Customization Form - The error message occurs when double-clicking an empty space
  • B91915 - Filter arrow is not immediately highlighted when the filter is set programmatically
  • B91541 - GroupIntervalNumericRange - Changing the GroupIntervalNumericRange does not take effect, when a field is set into the filter area
  • B92007 - Prefilter - The "Edit Prefilter" button is covered up by filter text when the filter text is too long
  • B91719 - PreFilter - The PreFilter dialog does not display text from the FieldValueDisplayText event or from the GroupIntervals
  • B91714 - SummaryDataSource - The CreateSummaryDataSource method returns unnecessary empty columns for filter area fields
  • B19891 - TopValues function doesn't work when the SortBySummaryInfo is not null

XtraReports Suite

  • B91954 - Design Time - When creating a Detail Report band via the context menu, the DataAdapter property isn't automatically set
  • B91689 - End-User Designer - Ribbon - Sometimes an old style toolbar appears in preview
  • B19851 - Export to HTML - Images can't be printed in Internet Explorer 6.0, because of using the fixPng JS function
  • B91798 - Page Builder - Sometimes the process of report creation hangs, if the report contains an XRSubreport control
  • B19871 - Page Builder - Unnecessary blank space appears after the XRSubreport control
  • B19846 - Web - ReportViewer ignores export options passed to its WriteTextTo method
  • B91836 - Web - When printing a report from Internet Explorer 7.0 on Windows Vista, sometimes the print output is scaled
  • B19905 - Web - When printing from Internet Explorer 7.0, chart images are missing, if the web site is hosted on Windows Server 2003
  • B91852 - XRCrossBandBox - Sometimes borders become invisible
  • B91054 - XRCrossBandLine - A line becomes invisible if its width is set to 1 report unit
  • B19880 - XRRichText - Text formatting is lost when the text is changed in the PrintOnPage event handler

XtraScheduler Suite

  • B91691 - AppointmentChanging event - appointment of Occurrence type is passed two times through the handler
  • B91682 - AppointmentChanging event - Occurrence appointment type is changed even if the operation is canceled
  • B91826 - Export to Outlook is not accomplished for appointments with reoccurrence type WeekDays=WorkDays


  • B91887 - ParentContainer - subsequent null assignment results in an unhandled exception

XtraTreeList Suite

  • B91728 - The RefreshDataSource method works incorrectly
  • B91739 - TreeList does not correctly respond to the IBindingList.ItemAdded event
  • B91797 - XtraTreeList node needs to be clicked twice to get selected

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