1:我们可以在YASnippet/Snippets,进入相应的mode进行修改;文件名不需要跟key 的值一样,key 的值决定了我们了我们completion实现所需要输入的形式,如果我们想定义一个Key下的不同形式,只需让name不一样就行,下面的逻辑一样无所谓,相反:如果key,name都一样,即使下面的逻辑不一样,也不会都显示出来.key 不一样,name一样的话,同样不能被识别,所以必须确保name 不一样
# contributor: ryu #name :<select name="..."></select> # key: select # -- <select name="$1"> $0 </select>
# contributor: ryu #name :<select name="..."></select> # key: select # -- <select name="$1"> $0 </select>
<style type="text/css" media="${1:screen}"> $0 </style>
4:关于缩进的问题,我非常郁闷就是自定义的时候都有它都会在插入snippet以后,自动给我加一个空行,但是原文件带的模板就没有,我第一步看是不是因为我创建的时候,多加了一个可行,然后我用的是gedit打开的,发现确实没有空行。我于是就去stackoverflow搜了一下,有人说(setq require-final-newline nil) 就行了,然后我就在.emacs中还有yasnippet.el都加了这句话,就是不行。最后我就抱着试试看的态度,用emacs打开自定义的文件发现最后竟然有一个空行,我就崩溃了。。。。
(add-hook 'html-mode-hook (lambda() (setq sgml-basic-offset 4) (setq indent-tabs-mode t)))
6:在html-mode下,对文件的修改时间自动保存,关键是下面模式中对-4的理解,它是指明标签<p>Last modified: </p>所在文件中的位置。
;;setup for auto updating change time in html-mode file ;;auto-update time when you save the change. (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'time-stamp) ;;if the file has time pattern, below setup is to ensure emacs can read the pattern in file. ;;(setq time-stamp-pattern nil) ;;-4 indicating search for "Last modified " on the fourth line from the end of file;but i found ;;acctually it was the third line. ;;about time zone, I found china should be "UTC+8" but i dont know the reason when i dont like ;;this,it was the time of current time minus 8..so i change it to "UTC-8" (eval-after-load 'sgml-mode '(add-hook 'html-mode-hook (lambda () (set (make-local-variable 'time-stamp-pattern) "-4/<p>Last modified:[ \t]+%3a %3b %02H:%02M:%02S %Z %:y by %u</p>") (set (make-local-variable 'time-stamp-time-zone) "UTC-8"))))Time stamp
updating time stamp automatically
;;timestamps get localized, should change this var to english. (setq system-time-locale "C")
detail info for time pattern setup
resolution for my issue