【超细致视频教程下载】涵盖了Unity 3d每一个按钮~每一个功能~

【超细致视频教程下载】涵盖了Unity 3d每一个按钮~每一个功能~_第1张图片

【超细致视频教程下载】涵盖了Unity 3d每一个按钮~每一个功能~_第2张图片

Section 1 - Introduction

     • 1 - Introduction
     • 2 - Getting Unity

Section 2 - Terminology

     • 1 - Introduction
     • 2 - Projects
     • 3 - Scenes
     • 4 - Packages
     • 5 - Prefabs
     • 6 - GameObjects
     • 7 - Components
     • 8 - Assets
     • 9 - Scripts
【超细致视频教程下载】涵盖了Unity 3d每一个按钮~每一个功能~_第3张图片

Section 3 - Our First Level

    •  1 - Introduction
    •  2 - Project Creation
    •  3 - Initial Terrain Setup
    •  4 - Saving Scene
    •  5 - Terrain Toolkit
    •  6 - Terrain Sculpting
    •  7 - Play Testing
    •  8 - Testing and Adjusting
    •  9 - Adding Terrain Assets
    •  10 - Procedural Texturing
    •  11 - Texture Painting
    • 1 2 - Adding Trees
    •  13 - Adding Details
    •  14 - Skyboxes
    •  15 - Sun and Lens Flare
    •  16 - External Assets
    •  17 - Importing FBX Files
    •  18 - Collision Objects
    •  19 - Water
    •  20 - Snow Effect
    •  21 - Fog and Ambient Light
    •  22 - Adding Steam Effect
    •  23 - Camp Fire Effect
    •  24 - Camp Fire Sound
    •  25 - Wind Sound
    •  26 - WindZone
    •  27 - Lightmapping
    •  28 - Build and Wrap-up
【超细致视频教程下载】涵盖了Unity 3d每一个按钮~每一个功能~_第4张图片

Section 4 - Primary Interface

    •  1 - Interface at a Glance
    •  2 - Scene View vs. Game View
    •  3 - Maya-style Viewport Navigation
    •  4 - FPS-style Viewport Navigation
    •  5 - Scene Gizmo
    •  6 - Draw Modes
    •  7 - Render Modes
    •  8 - Viewport Functions
    •  9 - Game Aspect
    •  10 - Game View Toolbar
    •  11 - Main Menubar - File
    •  12 - Main Menubar - Edit
    •  13 - Main Menubar - Assets
    •  14 - Main Menubar - GameObjects
    •  15 - Main Menubar - Components
    •  16 - Main Menubar - Terrain
    •  17 - Main Menubar - Window
    •  18 - Main Menubar - Help
    •  19 - Toobar - Transform Tools
    •  20 - Toolbar - Pivot & Local/Global
    •  21 - Toolbar - Play Controls
    •  22 - Layer Dropdown
    •  23 - Toolbar - Layout Dropdown
    •  24 - Project View - Overview
    •  25 - Project View - OS Folder Structure
    •  26 - Project View - Linking
    •  27 - Project View - Creating
    •  28 - Project View - Search
    • 2 9 - Hierarchy - Overview
    •  30 - Hierarchy - Linking
    •  31 - Hierarchy - Creating
    •  32 - Heirarchy - Search
    •  33 - Inspector - Overview
    •  34 - Inspector - Properties - Play Mode
【超细致视频教程下载】涵盖了Unity 3d每一个按钮~每一个功能~_第5张图片

Section 5 - Secondary Interface

    •  1 - Animation View - Overview
    •  2 - Animation View - Animating Transforms
    •  3 - Animation View - Other Properties
    •  4 - Animation View - Working with Curves
    •  5 - Animation View - Reusing Curves
    •  6 - Profiler
    •  7 - Console
    •  8 - Render Settings
    •  9 - Project Settings - Input
    •  10 - Project Settings - Tags
    •  11 - Project Settings - Audio
    •  12 - Project Settings - Time
    •  13 - Project Settings - Player
    •  14 - Project Settings - Physics
    •  15 - Project Settings - Quality
    •  16 - Project Settings - Network
    •  17 - Project Settings - Editor
    •  18 - Preferences - General
    •  19 - Preferences - Colors
    •  20 - Preferences - Keys

Section 6 - Customizing the User Interface

    •  1 - Docking and Undocking
    •  2 - Adding and Removing
    •  3 - Saving and Loading Layouts
【超细致视频教程下载】涵盖了Unity 3d每一个按钮~每一个功能~_第6张图片

Section 7 - Working with Game Objects

    •  1 - Intro
    •  2 - Creating
    •  3 - Moving
    •  4 - Rotate
    •  5 - Scale
    •  6 - Duplication
    •  7 - Parenting
    •  8 - Adding, Resetting, & Removing Components
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Section 8 - Working with Prefabs

    •  1 - Intro
    •  2 - Creating Prefabs
    •  3 - Prefab Instancing

Section 9 - Working with Packages

    •  1 - Intro
    •  2 - Exporting and Importing Packages

Section 10 - Snapping

    •  1 - Intro
    •  2 - Placement Snapping
    •  3 - Rotation Snapping
    •  4 - Scale Snapping
    •  5 - Vertex Snapping
【超细致视频教程下载】涵盖了Unity 3d每一个按钮~每一个功能~_第8张图片

Section 11 - Tags and Layers

    •  1 - Introduction
    •  2 - Creating and Assigning Tags
    •  3 - Creating and Assigning Layers

Section 12 - Cameras

    •  1 - Intro
    •  2 - Clear Flags and Background
    •  3 - Culling Mask
    •  4 - Projection
    •  5 - FOV and Clip Planes
    •  6 - Viewport Rect and Depth
    •  7 - Rendering Paths
    •  8 - Target Texture
    •  9 - Skybox
    •  10 - Multi-Camera Setup

    Section 13 - Character Controllers
    •  1 - First Person Controller
    •  2 - Third Person Controller

【超细致视频教程下载】涵盖了Unity 3d每一个按钮~每一个功能~_第9张图片

Section 14 - Lights

    •  1 - Introduction
    •  2 - Light Types
    •  3 - Light Color and Intensity
    •  4 - Light Cookies
    •  5 - Shadows: Intro
    •  6 - Shadows: Types and Strength
    •  7 - Shadows: Resolution
    •  8 - Shadows: Bias
    •  9 - Shadows: Quality Settings
    •  10 - Lens Flares
    •  11 - Render Mode
    •  12 - Culling Mode

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Section 15 - Lightmapping

    •  1 - Overview
    •  2 - Object Panel
    •  3 - Bake Panel
    •  4 - Maps Panel

Section 16 - Terrain

    •  1 - Introduction
    •  2 - Terrain Resolution
    •  3 - Terrain Sculpting Tools
    •  4 - Painting Terrain Texture
    •  5 - Painting Trees
    •  6 - Painting Details
    •  7 - Base Terrain Settings
    •  8 - Tree and Detail Object Settings
    •  9 - Wind Setting s
    •  10 - Terrain Collider
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Section 17 - Terrain Toolkit

    •  1 - Overview
    •  2 - Voronoi
    •  3 - Fractal
    •  4 - Perlin
    •  5 - Smooth
    •  6 - Normalise
    •  7 - Thermal Erosion
    •  8 - Hydraulic Ersosion
    •  9 - Tidal Erosion
    •  10 - Wind Erosion
    •  11 - Painting Erosion
    •  12 - Texture Overview
    •  13 - Texture Slope
    •  14 - Texture Height

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Section 18 - Particles

    •  1 - Introduction
    •  2 - Emission, Energy, & Size
    •  3 - Linear Properties
    •  4 - Tangent and Angular Velocity
    •  5 - Remaining Ellipsoid Properties
    •  6 - Mesh Emitter Unique Properties
    •  7 - Particle Animator - Color
    •  8 - Particle Animator - Local Rotation Axes
    •  9 - Particle Animator - Size Grow
    •  10 - Particle Animator - Forces
    •  11 - Particle Animator - Damping
    •  12 - Particle Animator - Autodestruct
    •  13 - Particle Renderer - Materials
    •  14 - Particle Renderer - Particle Orientation
    •  15 - Particle Renderer - UV Animation
    •  16 - World Particle Collider
    •  17 - Arc Welding System - 1
    •  18 - Arc Welding System - 2
    •  19 - Arc Welding System - 3
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Section 19 - Trails

    •  1 - Overview
    •  2 - Setup and Shape
    •  3 - Trail Color
    •  4 - Min Vertex Distance and Autodestruct

Section 20 - Physics

    •  1 - Intro
    •  2 - Rigid Bodies
    •  3 - Constant Forces
    •  4 - Primitive Colliders
    •  5 - Mesh Collider
    •  6 - Creating Complex Colliders
    •  7 - Wheel Collider
    •  8 - Character Controller
    •  9 - Fixed Joint
    •  10 - Hinge Joint
    •  11 - Spring Joint
    •  12 - Character Joint
    •  13 - Configurable Joint
    •  14 - Cloth Setup
    •  15 - Cloth Flag
    •  16 - Cloth Beachball
    •  17 - Cloth Tearable Sheet
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Section 21 - Audio

    •  1 - Audio
    •  2 - Audio Files
    •  3 - Audio Lister and Audio Source
    •  4 - Audio Reverb Zones
    •  5 - Audio Low Pass Filter
    •  6 - Audio High Pass Filter
    •  7 - Audio Echo Filter
    •  8 - Audio Distortion Filter
    •  9 - Audio Reverb Filter
    •  10 - Audio Chorus Filter


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