Info 2012-04-13 07:34:55.541067 30382 4140783296 Poster exited with code=1, pid = 5851 (posting from sourcedb, queue xxxx, to localdb)
Error 2012-04-13 07:34:55.539377 5851 4140263104 Poster stopped: Internal error encountered; cannot continue (posting from sourcedb, queue xxxx, to localdb)
Error 2012-04-13 07:34:55.538931 5851 4140263104 Poster: ../src/opst_mt/syncop.c:196: SyncOp: Unknown op=UNKNOWN. (posting from sourcedb, queue xxxx, to localdb) [module opo]
Notice 2012-04-13 07:34:54.431949 5851 4140263104 Poster: SQL Cache disabled. (posting from sourcedb, queue xxxx, to localdb) [module opo]
新建的通道,是从version 7复制到version 6,估计是这个问题。于是按照文档处理如下:
On source:
Sp_ctrl> set param SP_OCT_TARGET_COMPATIBILITY 6.1
Sp_ctrl> stop capture
Sp_ctrl> start capture