






    本质:Windows程序中并不是用物理地址来标识一个内存块,文件,任务或动态装入模块的,相反的,Windows API给这些项目分配确定的句柄,并将句柄返回给应用程序,然后通过句柄来进行操作。



[From MSDN]


TN003: Mapping of Windows Handles to Objects

This note describes the MFC routines that support mapping Windows object handles to C++ objects.

The Problem

Windows objects are normally represented by HANDLEs. The MFC classes wrap Windows object handles with C++ objects. The handle wrapping functions of the MFC class library provide a way to find the C++ object that is wrapping the Windows object with a particular handle. There are times when a Windows object does not have a C++ wrapper object, however, and at these times a temporary object is created to act as the C++ wrapper.

The Windows objects that use handle maps are:

  • HWND (CWnd and CWnd-derived classes)
  • HDC (CDC and CDC-derived classes)
  • HMENU (CMenu)
  • HPEN (CGdiObject)
  • HBRUSH (CGdiObject)
  • HFONT (CGdiObject)
  • HBITMAP (CGdiObject)
  • HPALETTE (CGdiObject)
  • HRGN (CGdiObject)
  • HIMAGELIST (CImageList)
  • SOCKET (CSocket)

Given a handle to any of these objects, you can find the MFC object that wraps the handle by calling the static member function FromHandle. For example, given an HWND called hWnd:


will return a pointer to the CWnd that wraps the hWnd. If that hWnd does not have a specific wrapper object, then a temporary CWnd is created to wrap the hWnd. This makes it possible to get a valid C++ object from any handle.

Once you have a wrapper object, you can get to its handle through a public member variable. In the case of an CWnd, m_hWnd contains the HWND for that object.

Attaching Handles to MFC Objects

Given a newly created handle-wrapper object and a handle to a Windows object, you can associate the two by calling Attach. For example:

CWnd myWnd; myWnd.Attach(hWnd); 

This makes an entry in the permanent map associating myWnd and hWnd. Calling CWnd::FromHandle(hWnd) will now return a pointer to myWnd. When myWnd is deleted, the destructor will automatically destroy the hWnd by calling the Windows DestroyWindow function. If this is not desired, the hWnd must be detached from myWnd before the myWnd object is destroyed (normally when leaving the scope at which myWnd was defined). The Detach member function does this.

