6.087 Practical Programming in C, lec7

Pointers to pointers, pointer and string arrays, multidimensional arrays. Stacks and queues.

Pointer pointers

• What does this function do?

void swap (int ∗∗a , int ∗∗b){

int ∗temp = ∗a;

∗ a = ∗b;

∗b = temp;


• How does it compare to the familiar version of swap?

void swap ( int ∗a , int ∗b ){

int temp = ∗a;

∗a = ∗b;

∗b = temp;



Pointer array

• Have an array int arr [100]; that contains some numbers

• Want to have a sorted version of the array, but not modify arr

• Can declare a pointer array int ∗ sorted_array[100];containing pointers to elements of arr and sort the pointers insteadof the numbers themselves

• Good approach for sorting arrays whose elements are very large(like strings)


String arrays

• An array of strings, each stored as a pointer to an array ofchars

• Each string may be of different length

char str1[] = "hello"; /∗length = 6 ∗/

char str2[] = "goodbye";/∗ length = 8 */

char str3[] = "ciao"; /∗length = 5 ∗/

char ∗ strArray[ ] = { str1,str2, str3};

• Note that strArray contains only pointers, not the charactersthemselves


Multidimensional arrays

• C also permits multidimensional arrays specified using []brackets notation:

int world [20][30]; is a 20x30 2-Darray of int’s

• Higher dimensions possible:

char bigcharmatrix [15][7][35][4]; –what are the dimensions of this?

• Multidimensional arrays are rectangular; pointer arrays can bearbitrary shaped

