安装spring tool suite 在eclipse4.2上:
打开“Help"-->"Eclipse Marketplace" --> 搜索 STS --> 选择 Spring Tool Suite For 3.8,4.2-->按照提示安装即可。楼主已经安装通过。
使用spring tool suite 创建spring mvc 项目:
在按照上面博客里操作后,在发布项目到tomcat上时,启动报错:java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader。
The solution was simple. Right Click on your web project in Project Explorer -> select 'Properties'. Under project properties, select 'Deployment Assembly'. The Deployment Assembly property page shows the content that will be published as a assembled artifact by Eclipse to the server. You need to tell Eclipse that you want all your Maven dependencies to be published too. To do that, click 'Add' button, then select 'Java Build Path Entries'. Click Next and select Maven Dependencies. This will publish the Maven dependency JAR files to the lib folder when Eclipse publishes your project to WST server. This approach worked for me.