有些人简单解释为Oracle为了推广自家的Oracle Linux而特意为之,实际上这一评价是不公允的。

ASMLIB的特殊性是它有部分Linux Kernel内核级别的组件, 而Kernel的开放与否完全取决于Kernel内核的维护者,对于Red Hat Enterprise Linux而言是Redhat公司。 由于Redhat公司从RHEL 6这个版本开始决定从Kernel中移除ASMLIB,并且不再给与Oracle公司对于该部分内核代码的访问修改权利,这直接导致Oracle不可能build出FOR RHEL 6的ASMLIB版本,因此显然这是Redhat的问题,而非O记得问题。


注意ASMLIB仅仅是不支持原生态的RHEL 6的Kernel,这不代表在RHEL 6上不可能用ASMLIB。Metalink文档介绍了相关信息:


What is ASMLib?


ASMLib is free, optional software for the Automatic Storage Management (ASM) feature of Oracle Database that simplifies the management and discovery of ASM disks and makes I/O processing and kernel resource usage with ASM storage more efficient. ASMLib is not required to use the Automatic Storage Management (ASM) feature of Oracle Database on Linux and all features and functionality of ASM will work without ASMLib.

Software Update Policy for ASMLib running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Oracle provides ASMLib software and support for customers who receive Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) operating system support from Red Hat and have a valid Oracle database support contract. Only the latest release of ASMLib will be provided for new Linux kernels released with each new RHEL minor release (“Update”). For example, if Red Hat were to release kernel 2.6.18-194.0.1.el5, Oracle will only release the latest version of ASMLib, say 2.0.5, for that kernel. Oracle will not release any previous versions of ASMlib for that kernel.

Furthermore, ASMLib software is only provided for Linux kernels for which the corresponding packages (devel, src, binaries) are available to Oracle. For example, Oracle cannot provide ASMLib software for kernels provided under Red Hat’s Extended Update Model or “z-stream” support.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (RHEL6)

For RHEL6 or Oracle Linux 6, Oracle will only provide ASMLib software and updates when configured Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK). Oracle will not provide ASMLib packages for kernels distributed by Red Hat as part of RHEL 6 or the Red Hat compatible kernel in Oracle Linux 6. ASMLib updates will be delivered via Unbreakable Linux Network(ULN) which is available to customers with Oracle Linux support. ULN works with both Oracle Linux or Red Hat Linux installations, but ASMlib usage will require replacing any Red Hat kernel with UEK

对于RHEL6,只要使用Oracle自己的Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel(UEK)内核则仍可以使用ASMLIB软件及其更新,仅仅是不支持RHEL 6自带的Kernel以及Redhat兼容的Kernel。  可以使用Unbreakable Linux Network(ULN)更新ASMLIB,前提是用户购买了Oracle Linux  Support服务。 不管是Oracle Linux还是Redhat Linux均可以使用ULN服务,但是ASMlib要求必须将任何Redhat Kernel替换为UEK。


而Kernel的开放与否完全取决于Kernel内核的维护者,对于Red Hat Enterprise Linux而言是Redhat公司。 由于Redhat公司从RHEL 6这个版本开始决定从Kernel中移除ASMLIB,并且不再给与Oracle公司对于该部分内核代码的访问修改权利,这直接导致Oracle不可能build出FOR RHEL 6的ASMLIB版本,因此显然这是Redhat的问题,而非O记得问题。
文章中的这一段的提法是有问题的,建议你对GPL、linux kernel以及asmlib的相关背景知识做一点更深入的了解。或者说,请再仔细看看Wim Coekaerts对asmlib的一篇相关文字:https://blogs.oracle.com/wim/entry/asmlib。

1. oracleasm-support - user space shell scripts
2. oracleasmlib - user space library (closed source)
3. oracleasm-`uname -r` - kernel driver



很高兴和你探讨这个问题(你是redhat的兄弟??), Wim Coekaerts对这个问题的主要描述是:


So today, we (Oracle) provide Oracle ASMLib for Oracle Linux and in particular on the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel. We did the build/testing/delivery of ASMLib for RHEL until RHEL5 but since RHEL6 decided that it was too much effort for us to also maintain all the build and test environments for RHEL and we did not have the ability to use the latest kernel features to introduce the Data Integrity features and we didn't want to end up with multiple versions of asmlib as maintained by us. SuSE SLES still builds and comes with the oracleasm module and they do all the work and RHAT it certainly welcome to do the same. They don't have to rebuild the userspace library, it's really about the kernel module.




ASM 不等于 ASMLIB,再说一次!



根本不需要!不要乱说! AIX 、 HP-UX、Solaris上根本没ASMLIB,这几个平台就不能用ASM了?

再说一次装ASM 不需要ASMLIB,ASMLIB只是一种设备绑定方案、不是ASM必须的。


今后只有Oracle Linux Kernel自带ASMLIB,其他的Linux均没有、也不需要有!

Why ASMLIB and why not? http://www.askmaclean.com/archives/why-asmlib-and-why-not.html


PS: 目前ASMLIB提供 RHEL 6的版本了, 下载链接:http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/linux/asmlib/rhel6-1940776.html


甲骨文近期发表了一份Oracle数据库ASMLib的声明,声明中称甲骨文将不再提供Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)6的ASMLib和相关更新,这引发了Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)客户的不满和疑虑。
  甲骨文在这份声明中表示,ASMLib更新将通过Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN)来发布,并仅对Oracle Linux客户开放。ULN虽然为甲骨文和红帽的客户服务,但如果客户想要使用ASMlib,就必须使用Oracle的kernel来替换掉红帽的。
  这样的声明对于甲骨文的部分客户来说也比较意外,因为他们的系统中也运行了红帽Linux。Concordia信息管理系统公司的DBA Marianne Gillfillan对甲骨文的这份声明感到担忧,她不确定甲骨文的声明是否意味着他们将强迫Oracle客户必须放弃红帽产品才能够使用ASM:“我确信甲骨文正试图将RHEL的技术支持转移到Oracle Enterprise Linux上。”
  Oracle OCP及oracle-base.com站长Tim Hall有不同的看法,他认为Linux内核的设备管理器udev将成为ASMLib的替代品。他说:“甲骨文推出ASMLib的初衷是想让其他存储厂商可以利用它作为API。但事实上ASMLib从来没有起到过这样的作用,因此所有的ASMLib最后做的都是磁盘搜索和许可。这样的工作其实udev都可以做到,而且它的优势是不必在内核版本更改时升级。”
  Gillfillan至今也没有接到甲骨文或者红帽公司关于这份声明的解释,尽管udev是不错的替代品,但她认为许多DBA使用ASMLib都已经成为一种习惯,所以他们今后还是将转向Oracle技术支持。与此同时,Gillfillan也将开始积极地对udev等替代品进行测试,如果它们达不到标准,她将继续使用ASMLib并转向Oracle Enterprise Linux。



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