
pkgadd -d /cdrom/sol_10_811_x86/Solaris_10/Product SUNWi1cs
pkgadd -d /cdrom/sol_10_811_x86/Solaris_10/Product SUNWi15cs

-bash-3.2# df -h
文件系统               大小   用了   可用 容量      挂接在
/dev/dsk/c0d0s0        9.2G   4.2G   4.9G    47%    /
/devices                 0K     0K     0K     0%    /devices
ctfs                     0K     0K     0K     0%    /system/contract
proc                     0K     0K     0K     0%    /proc
mnttab                   0K     0K     0K     0%    /etc/mnttab
swap                   1.8G   996K   1.8G     1%    /etc/svc/volatile
objfs                    0K     0K     0K     0%    /system/object
sharefs                  0K     0K     0K     0%    /etc/dfs/sharetab
                       9.2G   4.2G   4.9G    47%    /lib/
fd                       0K     0K     0K     0%    /dev/fd
swap                   1.8G    40K   1.8G     1%    /tmp
swap                   1.8G    28K   1.8G     1%    /var/run
/dev/dsk/c0d0s6         30G   9.0G    20G    31%    /oracle
                       2.1G   2.1G     0K   100%    /cdrom/sol_10_113_x86

-bash-3.2# pkginfo -i SUNWarc SUNWlibms SUNWtoo SUNWi1cs SUNWi15cs SUNWxwfnt SUNWxwplt SUNWmfrun 

SUNWxwplr SUNWxwdv SUNWgcc SUNWbtool SUNWi1of SUNWhea SUNWlibm SUNWsprot SUNWuiu8 SUNWpool SUNWpoolr
system      SUNWarc   Lint Libraries (usr)
system      SUNWbtool CCS tools bundled with SunOS
system      SUNWgcc   gcc - The GNU C compiler
system      SUNWhea   SunOS Header Files
system      SUNWi15cs X11 ISO8859-15 Codeset Support
system      SUNWi1cs  X11 ISO8859-1 Codeset Support
system      SUNWi1of  ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) Optional Fonts
system      SUNWlibm  Math & Microtasking Library Headers & Lint Files (Usr)
system      SUNWlibms Math & Microtasking Libraries (Usr)
system      SUNWmfrun Motif RunTime Kit
system      SUNWpool  Resource Pools
system      SUNWpoolr Resource Pools (Root)
system      SUNWsprot Solaris Bundled tools
system      SUNWtoo   Programming Tools
system      SUNWuiu8  Iconv modules for UTF-8 Locale
system      SUNWxwdv  X Windows System Window Drivers
system      SUNWxwfnt X Window System platform required fonts
system      SUNWxwplr X Window System platform software configuration
system      SUNWxwplt X Window System platform software
