March, 03

The office-Malfunction (57)

Key vocabulary

1)      ASAP=as soon as possible

2)      Tech=technology

3)      Toner=ink used in a printer or photocopier

4)      On (someone’s)way=while moving from one place to another

5)      Break down=suddenly stop working (停顿)

6)      Never mind=forget the last thing I said, don’t worry about it 不用担心,没有关系

7)      Practical joke=a joke where something is done, rather than said

8)      Ridiculous=very unreasonable or silly

9)      Malfunction=a problem causing a thing to stop working properly

A: Hey Carl, can you make a copy of this contract for me please? When you have it ready, send it out ASAP to our subbranch.

B: Sure! Um…I think I broke this thing. Maxine, can you help me out here? I’m not really a tech guy.

C: Yeah, sure, I think it’s just out of toner. You can go use the other one upstairs. On your way up, can you fax this while I try fix this thing?

B: SureDammit! Everything in this office seems to be breaking down! Never mind. I’ll send this stupid fax later. Oh, great! Is someone playing a practical joke on me? This is ridiculous.

D: The elevator has some sort of malfunction. Just take the stairs dude. What floor are you going to?

B: I have to go up fifteen floors. Never mind, made it. There is the copier.

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