Android SDK tools R12, ADT 12.0.0 发布了

这个两个是配套使用的,是用SDK Manager更新 SDK Tools, 然后用exlipse 更新ADT

ADT 12.0.0 (July 2011)

    ADT 12.0.0 is designed for use with SDK Tools r12. If you haven'talready installed SDK Tools r12 into your SDK, usethe Android SDK and AVD Manager to do so.
Visual Layout Editor:

        New RelativeLayout drop support with guideline suggestions for attachments and cycle prevention (more info).
        Resize support in most layouts along with guideline snapping to the sizes dictated by wrap_content and match_parent. In LinearLayout, sizes are mapped to weights instead of pixel widths. (more info).
        Previews of drawables and colors in the resource chooser dialogs (more info).
        Improved error messages and links for rendering errors including detection of misspelled class names (more info).

Build system

        A new option lets you disable the packaging step in the automatic builders. This improves performance when saving files by not performing a full build, which can take a long time for large projects. If the option is enabled, the APK is packaged when the application is deployed to a device or emulator or when the release APK is exported (more info).

Bug fixes
    Many bug fixes are part of this release(more info).

SDK Tools, Revision 12 (July 2011)


    If you are developing in Eclipse with ADT, note that the SDK Tools r12 is designed for use withADT 12.0.0 and later. If you haven't already, we highly recommend updating your ADT Plugin to 12.0.0.

    If you are developing outside Eclipse, you must have ApacheAnt 1.8 or later.
General notes:

        The AVD manager and emulator can now use system images compiled for ARM v7 and x86 CPUs.
