Mercury公司相关产品的"The RPC server is unavailable"完整解决方案

你使用Mercury公司的相关产品时,当你的测试执行环境为windowsXP2时,可能会出现“The RPC server is unavailable”,在找相具体解决方案时,在sqaforums网站上找到了完整解决方案,今转贴回来,希望对你有用。


Hi I had the same issue and found that I needed to contact mercury to supply me with a solution and here it is. Knowledge base artcile 33501

Its a bit lengthy and causes a few security concerns but it works



Problem ID: 33501

Problem Description: Error: "RPC server is unavailable" when doing remote execution of automated scripts after installing Windows XP SP2

The user receives the following error message when executing a automated script remotely after installing Windows XP SP2:

"The RPC server is unavailable."

Executing the script locally works correctly.

Diagnosis: Security changes in Windows XP SP2 have blocked the remote agent of the testing tool from being launched. This caused the failure of the automated script execution.

Note: Windows XP SP2 is supported with TestDirector 8.0 SP2 and TestDirector for Quality Center 8.2 only.

Solution: Change the DCOM permissions on the Windows XP SP2 client to allow for remote execution


The security changes suggested below should be applied by your System Administrator. Please contact Microsoft Support if you have questions regarding changes in DCOM securities caused by installing Windows XP SP2.

If you disable the firewall installed with Windows XP SP2, you do not need to apply the steps in Part II below.

The following is the manual process for openning the firewall ports and modifying the DCOM properties for WR, QTP, BPT, System Test, and VAPI-XP.

Part I:
Add both machines into the same domain. For the domain users logged into both machines, add these domain users to the Local Administrators group on the QTP/WR machine. This is required for Windows to authenticate the remote user executing the tests against the DCOM objects.

Part II:
On the Testing Tool client machine configure Windows Firewall to allow Port 135 for DCOM:
1. Select Start -> Control Panel -> Windows Firewall.
2. Navigate to the Exceptions tab.
3. Configure the Remote Agent to be allowed under "Programs and Services." Configuration should be done for each testing tools as given below:

WinRunner Remote Agent (path: :/Program Files/Common Files/Mercury Interactive/WR_Remoter/wrrmtsrv.exe)
QuickTest Professional Remote Agent (path: :/Program Files/Mercury Interactive/QuickTest Professional/bin/AQTRmtAgent.exe)

Execution Agent for Business Process Testing (path: :/Program Files/Common Files/Mercury Interactive/TD2000_80/bp_exec_agent.exe)

4. Click on and add the DCOM TCP port 135 to the Exceptions list.
Note: The WR remote agent is a DCOM object and requires port 135 to work. The list of "Port Assignments for Commonly-Used Services" is provided in the URL below:

Part III:
Modify DCOM Security Properties:
1. Select Start -> Run and enter dcomcnfg.
2. Navigate to Console Root -> Component Services -> Computers -> My Computer.
Note: If Windows Security Alert dialog window appears, click on or .
3. Right-click on My Computers and select "Properties."
4. Navigate to the Default Properties tab.
5. Make sure the Default Impersonation Level is "Identify."
6. Click .
7. Navigate to the Defualt COM Security tab.
8. Under Access Permissions, click on . The Access Permission dialog window appears.
9. Click on . The Select Users or Groups dialog windows appear.
10. Click on .
11. Click on .
12. Add the following groups and users from the local machine (below is an example screenshot):

Authenticated User
Anonymous Logon

13. Click .
14. Add the following groups and users from the domain:


15. Click .
16. Give "Local Access" and "Remote Access" permissions to the groups and users.
17. Click .
18. Under Access Permissions, repeat steps 9-17 for .
19. Under Launch and Activation Permissions, click on . The Launch Permission dialog window appears.
20. Repeat steps 9-15.
21. Enable "Local Launch," "Remote Launch," "Local Activation," and "Remote Activation" permissions to the groups and users.

22. Click .
23. Repeat steps 20-22 for .
Part IV: (for QTP only)
1. While still in the Component Services window, navigate to Console Root -> Component Services -> Computers -> My Computer -> DCOM Config.

2. Look for the following.

QuickTest Professional Automation

3. For each of these DCOM applications, right click and select .
4. Under the Identity tab, select . This will allow the DCOM application to authenticate the process against the logged in Windows user and run the process in that security context.

5. Next, go to the Security tab.
6. For both the and , select . This will use the Default security settings as we did in Part III.

7. Click Apply, then OK to commit the changes.
8. Now, you are ready to run a remote execution test with QTP.
Example Screenshot of the Security Configuration (see word attachment)
Part V: (for WR only)
1. While still in the Component Services window, navigate to Console Root -> Component Services -> Computers -> My Computer -> DCOM Config.

2. Look for the following:

Wrun Document

3. For each of these DCOM applications, right click and select .
4. Under the Identity tab, select . This will allow the DCOM application to authenticate the process against the logged in Windows user and run the process in that security context.

5. Next, go to the Security tab.
6. For both the and , select . This will use the Default security settings as we did in Part III.

7. Click Apply, then OK to commit the changes.
8. Now, you are ready to run a remote execution test with WR.
Part VI: (For System Test, BPT, and VAPI-XP)
Repeat the procedure outlined in Part V above but replace the WR Application ID in step 2 with the appropriate one for each of the remote agent listed below:

Vapi-XP object

Business Process Testing object

System Test Remote Agent


If you have not configured the Remote Agent to be allowed under "Programs and Services," a Windows Security Alert message will appear while running a test remotely. Click to resolve this problem. The next time you execute an automated script, the warning will not appear.

If after performing all the described steps and you still receive "The RPC server is unavailable" message, create some shared folder anywhere on the Testing Tool machine.

Below is a list of supported Mercury's Testing Tools on Windows XP SP2:

TestDirector Version Testing Tool Testing tool versions
TestDirector for Quality Center 8.2 QuickTest Professional 8.2
WinRunner 8.0, 8.2
Business Process Testing 8.2
TestDirector 8.0 SP2 QuickTest Professional 8.2
WinRunner 8.0, 8.2

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