CS_BOM_EXPL_KND_V1 SAP Function module - BOM explosion for material

CALL FUNCTION 'CS_BOM_EXPL_KND_V1' "BOM explosion for material
*   ftrel = SPACE               " csdata-xfeld  Limited multi-level - stop explosion at items not relevant to production
*   aufsw = SPACE               " csdata-xfeld  Determine and enter order level and channel
*   aumgb = SPACE               " csdata-xfeld  Calculate scrap quantity
*   aumng =                     " stko-bmeng    Scrap quantity
*   auskz = SPACE               " csdata-xfeld  Scrap
*   bagrp = SPACE               " mara-matnr    Assembly restriction
*   beikz = SPACE               " stpo-beikz    Material provision indicator
*   bessl = SPACE               " csdata-xfeld  Material provision selection indicator
*   bgixo = SPACE               " csdata-xfeld  Load assembly information for exploded assemblies only
*   brems = SPACE               " csdata-xfeld  Limited explosion
*   capid = 'STD1'              " tc04-capid    Application ID
*   cospr = SPACE               " csdata-xfeld  Internal: (CO) order-spec. MatPreRead
*   cuobj = 000000000000000     " marc-cuobj    Configuration
*   datuv = 00000000            " stko-datuv    Validity date
*   delnl = SPACE               " csdata-xfeld  Delete items not kept in stock from list
*   emeng = 0                   " stko-bmeng    Required quantity
*   erskz = SPACE               " stpo-erskz    Spare part indicator
*   erssl = SPACE               " csdata-xfeld  Spare part selection indicator
*   fbstp = SPACE               " csdata-xfeld  Limited multi-level - stop explosion at externally procured item
*   mbwls = SPACE               " csdata-xfeld  Read material valuation
*   mdmps = SPACE               " csdata-xfeld  Limited multi-level - explode phantom assemblies at least
*   mehrs = SPACE               " csdata-xfeld  Multi-level explosion
*   mkmat = SPACE               " csdata-xfeld  Limited multi-level; explode KMAT
*   mmaps = SPACE               " csdata-xfeld  Limited multi-level - explode at least M assembly (M order)
*   mmory = SPACE               " csdata-xfeld  Memory use ('1'=on;'0'=off;' '=no reaction)
*   mtnrv = SPACE               " mara-matnr    Material
*   postp = SPACE               " stpo-postp    Item category
*   rndkz = SPACE               " csdata-xfeld  Round off: ' '=always, '1'=never, '2'=only levels > 1
*   rvrel = SPACE               " stpo-rvrel    Relevant to sales
*   sanfr = SPACE               " stpo-sanfe    Production
*   sanin = SPACE               " stpo-sanin    Maintenance
*   sanka = SPACE               " stpo-sanka    Costing
*   sanko = SPACE               " stpo-sanko    Engineering/design
*   sanvs = SPACE               " stpo-sanvs    Shipping
*   schgt = SPACE               " stpo-schgt    Bulk material
*   stkkz = SPACE               " stpo-stkkz    PM assembly
*   stlal = SPACE               " stko-stlal    Alternative BOM
*   stlan = SPACE               " stzu-stlan    BOM usage
*   werks = SPACE               " marc-werks    Plant
*   mdnot = SPACE               " csdata-xfeld  Restriction on MDMPS: do not explode M phantom
*   panot = SPACE               " csdata-xfeld  Restriction on MDMPS: no parallel discontinue
*   vbeln = SPACE               " kdst-vbeln    Sales order number
*   vbpos =                     " kdst-vbpos    Item in sales order
    topmat =                    " cstmat        Data for start material
    dstst =                     " csdata-xfeld  Structure destroyed by filter
    stb =                       " stpox         Collective item data table
*   matcat =                    " cscmat        Material catalog (sub-assemblies)
    ALT_NOT_FOUND = 1           "               Alternative not found
    CALL_INVALID = 2            "               Incorrect parameter combination
    MATERIAL_NOT_FOUND = 3      "               Material not found
    MISSING_AUTHORIZATION = 4   "               No authorization (bill of material)
    NO_BOM_FOUND = 5            "               No BOM for this material
    NO_PLANT_DATA = 6           "               Material not maintained in plant
    NO_SUITABLE_BOM_FOUND = 7   "               BOM does not exist
    .  "  CS_BOM_EXPL_KND_V1

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