作者:zhanhailiang 日期:2014-11-23
1. console.log
2. 使用Node.js内置的调试器
通过node debug xxx.js来进行调试:
[root@~/wade/nodejs/professional-nodejs/chapter18]# node debug app_with_bug.js < debugger listening on port 5858 connecting... ok debug> help Commands: run (r), cont (c), next (n), step (s), out (o), backtrace (bt), setBreakpoint (sb), clearBreakpoint (cb), watch, unwatch, watchers, repl, restart, kill, list, scripts, breakOnException, breakpoints, version
3. 使用Node Inspector来进行调试
1). 安装
npm install -g node-inspector
2). 启动Node Inspector(默认监听8080端口)
[root@~/wade/nodejs/professional-nodejs/chapter18]# node-inspector Node Inspector v0.7.4 Visit to start debugging.
3). 运行应用程序(通过–debug或–debug-brk来启运应用程序)
node --debug-brk app_with_bug.js
4). 通过Chrome浏览器访问http://ip:8080/debug?port=5858,此时即可使用Chrome Inspector进行界面化调试,如下:
4. 参考
<Professional Node.js> Chapter18 Debugging Modules and Applications