
1. 变量定义:

类: CL_BCS –Business Communication Service, 发送邮件主要用到的功能类, 包括创建发送请求,添加发送内容,添加发送地址, 到最终的发送指令发出.

send_requesttype ref to cl_bcs.

类: CL_DOCUMENT_BCS, 用来放置发送的内容.

document typeref to cl_document_bcs.

类: CX_BCS, 不用多说,这是个异常类,用于捕捉发送邮件过程中出现的异常.

fail type refto cx_bcs.

接口: IF_RECIPIENT_BCS,用来做邮件地址的存储转换.

recipient typeref to if_recipient_bcs.

2.?? 编程步骤:

2.1. 创建发送请求:

send_request =cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).

2.2. 创建整理发送内容

document =cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
i_type?????? = ‘RAW’
i_text?????? = 邮件内容
i_subject = 邮件抬头 ).


2.3. 添加邮件内容到发送请求

send_request->set_document( document).

2.4. 邮件地址转换

recipient =cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( 邮件地址)

2.5. 添加邮件地址到发送请求

send_request->add_recipient( recipient)

2.6. 正式发送并且提交作业

send_request->send( i_with_error_screen =‘X’ )

commit workand wait.

3. 具体实例


4. 效果查看:
