[lubinsu@200-168-1-2 dpump]$ rman target=sys/lubinsu
Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Mon Sep 9 22:20:08 2013
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
connected to target database: ORCL (DBID=1326384392)
RMAN> list backup of database;
List of Backup Sets
BS Key Type LV Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
------- ---- -- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------------
10 Full 2.30G DISK 00:08:05 12-JUN-13
BP Key: 10 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: NO Tag: TAG20130612T155439
Piece Name: /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/flash_recovery_area/ORCL/backupset/2013_06_12/o1_mf_nnndf_TAG20130612T155439_8vjbb07f_.bkp
List of Datafiles in backup set 10
File LV Type Ckp SCN Ckp Time Name
---- -- ---- ---------- --------- ----
1 Full 13229464117948 12-JUN-13 /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/orcl/system01.dbf
2 Full 13229464117948 12-JUN-13 /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/orcl/undotbs01.dbf
3 Full 13229464117948 12-JUN-13 /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/orcl/sysaux01.dbf
4 Full 13229464117948 12-JUN-13 /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/orcl/users01.dbf
5 Full 13229464117948 12-JUN-13 /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/dbs/TBS_ORCL_DATA01.DBF
6 Full 13229464117948 12-JUN-13 /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/dbs/TBS_ORCL_IDX01.DBF
7 Full 13229464117948 12-JUN-13 /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/orcl/tbs_data.dbf
using channel ORA_DISK_1
List of Backup Pieces
BP Key BS Key Pc# Cp# Status Device Type Piece Name
------- ------- --- --- ----------- ----------- ----------
10 10 1 1 AVAILABLE DISK /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/flash_recovery_area/ORCL/backupset/2013_06_12/o1_mf_nnndf_TAG20130612T155439_8vjbb07f_.bkp
Do you really want to delete the above objects (enter YES or NO)? YES
deleted backup piece
backup piece handle=/home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/flash_recovery_area/ORCL/backupset/2013_06_12/o1_mf_nnndf_TAG20130612T155439_8vjbb07f_.bkp recid=10 stamp=817919680
Deleted 1 objects
RMAN> list backup of database;
List of Backup Sets
BS Key Type LV Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
------- ---- -- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------------
13 Full 923.35M DISK 00:01:45 09-SEP-13
BP Key: 13 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: NO Tag: TAG20130909T225045
Piece Name: /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/flash_recovery_area/ORCL/backupset/2013_09_09/o1_mf_nnndf_TAG20130909T225045_92vr25qj_.bkp
List of Datafiles in backup set 13
File LV Type Ckp SCN Ckp Time Name
---- -- ---- ---------- --------- ----
7 Full 13304094482623 09-SEP-13 /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/orcl/tbs_data.dbf
Starting backup at 09-SEP-13
using channel ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting full datafile backupset
channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) in backupset
including current control file in backupset
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting piece 1 at 09-SEP-13
channel ORA_DISK_1: finished piece 1 at 09-SEP-13
piece handle=/home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/flash_recovery_area/ORCL/backupset/2013_09_09/o1_mf_ncnnf_TAG20130909T225601_92vrd2km_.bkp tag=TAG20130909T225601 comment=NONE
channel ORA_DISK_1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:03
Finished backup at 09-SEP-13
Starting Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 09-SEP-13
piece handle=/home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/flash_recovery_area/ORCL/autobackup/2013_09_09/o1_mf_s_825720965_92vrd6cb_.bkp comment=NONE
Finished Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 09-SEP-13
List of Backup Sets
BS Key Type LV Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
------- ---- -- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------------
11 Full 6.89M DISK 00:00:03 12-JUN-13
BP Key: 11 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: NO Tag: TAG20130612T155439
Piece Name: /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/flash_recovery_area/ORCL/backupset/2013_06_12/o1_mf_ncsnf_TAG20130612T155439_8vjbs9gx_.bkp
Control File Included: Ckp SCN: 13229464118349 Ckp time: 12-JUN-13
BS Key Type LV Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
------- ---- -- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------------
14 Full 6.98M DISK 00:00:01 09-SEP-13
BP Key: 14 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: NO Tag: TAG20130909T225601
Piece Name: /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/flash_recovery_area/ORCL/backupset/2013_09_09/o1_mf_ncnnf_TAG20130909T225601_92vrd2km_.bkp
Control File Included: Ckp SCN: 13304094482798 Ckp time: 09-SEP-13
BS Key Type LV Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
------- ---- -- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------------
15 Full 7.02M DISK 00:00:02 09-SEP-13
BP Key: 15 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: NO Tag: TAG20130909T225605
Piece Name: /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/flash_recovery_area/ORCL/autobackup/2013_09_09/o1_mf_s_825720965_92vrd6cb_.bkp
Control File Included: Ckp SCN: 13304094482804 Ckp time: 09-SEP-13
Starting backup at 09-SEP-13
current log archived
using channel ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting archive log backupset
channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying archive log(s) in backup set
input archive log thread=1 sequence=314 recid=224 stamp=825503205
input archive log thread=1 sequence=315 recid=225 stamp=825505293
input archive log thread=1 sequence=316 recid=226 stamp=825586993
input archive log thread=1 sequence=317 recid=227 stamp=825716627
input archive log thread=1 sequence=318 recid=228 stamp=825721134
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting piece 1 at 09-SEP-13
channel ORA_DISK_1: finished piece 1 at 09-SEP-13
piece handle=/home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/flash_recovery_area/ORCL/backupset/2013_09_09/o1_mf_annnn_TAG20130909T225854_92vrkht4_.bkp tag=TAG20130909T225854 comment=NONE
channel ORA_DISK_1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:37
Finished backup at 09-SEP-13
Starting Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 09-SEP-13
piece handle=/home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/flash_recovery_area/ORCL/autobackup/2013_09_09/o1_mf_s_825721171_92vrlmn7_.bkp comment=NONE
Finished Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 09-SEP-13
List of Backup Sets
BS Key Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
------- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------------
12 4.01M DISK 00:00:01 12-JUN-13
BP Key: 12 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: NO Tag: TAG20130612T160307
Piece Name: /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/flash_recovery_area/ORCL/backupset/2013_06_12/o1_mf_annnn_TAG20130612T160307_8vjbsw9s_.bkp
List of Archived Logs in backup set 12
Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time
---- ------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------
1 186 13229464115033 12-JUN-13 13229464118372 12-JUN-13
BS Key Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
------- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------------
16 135.92M DISK 00:00:27 09-SEP-13
BP Key: 16 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: NO Tag: TAG20130909T225854
Piece Name: /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/flash_recovery_area/ORCL/backupset/2013_09_09/o1_mf_annnn_TAG20130909T225854_92vrkht4_.bkp
List of Archived Logs in backup set 16
Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time
---- ------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------
1 314 13304094353391 28-AUG-13 13304094377767 07-SEP-13
1 315 13304094377767 07-SEP-13 13304094385250 07-SEP-13
1 316 13304094385250 07-SEP-13 13304094427370 08-SEP-13
1 317 13304094427370 08-SEP-13 13304094479019 09-SEP-13
1 318 13304094479019 09-SEP-13 13304094482934 09-SEP-13
Starting backup at 09-SEP-13
using channel ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting incremental level 0 datafile backupset
channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) in backupset
input datafile fno=00004 name=/home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/orcl/users01.dbf
input datafile fno=00007 name=/home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/orcl/tbs_data.dbf
input datafile fno=00001 name=/home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/orcl/system01.dbf
input datafile fno=00003 name=/home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/orcl/sysaux01.dbf
input datafile fno=00002 name=/home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/orcl/undotbs01.dbf
input datafile fno=00008 name=/home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/orcl/tbs_lubinsu_idx.dbf
input datafile fno=00005 name=/home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/dbs/TBS_ORCL_DATA01.DBF
input datafile fno=00006 name=/home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/dbs/TBS_ORCL_IDX01.DBF
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting piece 1 at 09-SEP-13
channel ORA_DISK_1: finished piece 1 at 09-SEP-13
piece handle=/home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/flash_recovery_area/ORCL/backupset/2013_09_09/o1_mf_nnnd0_TAG20130909T230341_92vrthmf_.bkp tag=TAG20130909T230341 comment=NONE
channel ORA_DISK_1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:08:57
Finished backup at 09-SEP-13
Starting Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 09-SEP-13
piece handle=/home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/flash_recovery_area/ORCL/autobackup/2013_09_09/o1_mf_s_825721959_92vsc9vb_.bkp comment=NONE
Finished Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 09-SEP-13