<span style="font-size:18px;"> //1.swift提供了可以以区间的形式遍历的方法 for item in 1...5 { println(item) } //2.闪光点 : 你可以使用下划线(_)替代变量名来忽略对值的访问 let base = 3 let power = 10 var answer = 1 for _ in 1...power { answer *= base } println("\(base) to the power of \(power) is \(answer)") // 输出 "3 to the power of 10 is 59049" //3.遍历字典 var dict = ["key1" : 1 ,"key2" : 2,"key3" : 3] for (key1 ,value1) in dict { println(key1+"\(value1)") } //4.遍历字符串 for char in "hello" { println(char) } //5.在初始化表达式中声明的常量和变量(比如var index = 0)只在for循环的生命周期里有效。如果想在循环结束后访问index的值,你必须要在循环生命周期开始前声明index。 var index: Int for index = 0; index < 3; ++index { println("index is \(index)") } // index is 0 // index is 1 // index is 2 println("The loop statements were executed \(index) times") // 输出 "The loop statements were executed 3 times </span>
<span style="font-size:18px;"> //1.switch 可以case 多个条件 var intNum = 1 switch intNum { case 1,3,5,7,9 : println("1") println("123") case 2,4,6,8,10 : println("2") default: println("other") } //2.switch 可以判断区间 var intNum2 = 201 switch intNum2 { case 1...200 : println("<200") case 201...500: println("200< && <500") default : println("other") } //3.switch 判断元组,用作point的判断太合适了!!! var point = (x : 110,y : 99) switch point { case (0..100 , 0..100 ): println("左上角") case (220..320 , 0..100 ) : println("右上角") case (0..100 , 380..480) : println("左下角") case (220..320 , 380..480) : println("右下角") case (_,_) :// _ 可以代表所有值 println("中间") default : println("error") } //4.可以绑定值 let anotherPoint = (2, 0) switch anotherPoint { case (let x, 0): println("on the x-axis with an x value of \(x)") case (0, let y): println("on the y-axis with a y value of \(y)") case let (x, y): println("somewhere else at (\(x), \(y))") } // 输出 "on the x-axis with an x value of 2" </span>
<span style="font-size:18px;">//5.switch 判断元组 , 用where 做判断条件 var point1 = (10,99) switch point1 { case let (x, y) where x < 100 && y < 100: println("左上角") case let (x, y) where 220 < x && x < 320 && y < 100: println("右上角") case let (x, y) where x < 100 && y < 480 && y > 380: println("左下角") case let (x, y) where 200 < x && x < 100 && y < 480 && y > 380: println("右下角") case (_,_) :// _ 可以代表所有值 println("中间") default : println("error") </span>
<span style="font-size:18px;"> //6. 使用贯穿来进入下一个case let integerToDescribe = 5 var description = "The number \(integerToDescribe) is" switch integerToDescribe { case 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19: description += " a prime number, and also" fallthrough default: description += " an integer." } println(description) // 输出 "The number 5 is a prime number, and also an integer."</span>
<span style="font-size:18px;">//7 . 标签 gameLoop: while square != finalSquare { if ++diceRoll == 7 { diceRoll = 1 } switch square + diceRoll { case finalSquare: // 到达最后一个方块,游戏结束 break gameLoop case let newSquare where newSquare > finalSquare: // 超出最后一个方块,再掷一次骰子 continue gameLoop default: // 本次移动有效 square += diceRoll square += board[square] } } println("Game over!")</span>