下述代码就是sourceforge的这个project的源码,版权属于这个youdao-free project所有,我只是推荐,不拥有版权,特此声明。
#! /usr/bin/python import re; import urllib; import urllib2; import sys; def debug(): xml = open("word.xml").read(); print get_text(xml); print get_elements_by_path(xml, "custom-translation/content"); #print_translations(xml, False, False); def get_elements_by_path(xml, elem): if type(xml) == type(''): xml = [xml]; if type(elem) == type(''): elem = elem.split('/'); if (len(xml) == 0): return []; elif (len(elem) == 0): return xml; elif (len(elem) == 1): result = []; for item in xml: result += get_elements(item, elem[0]); return result; else: subitems = []; for item in xml: subitems += get_elements(item, elem[0]); return get_elements_by_path(subitems, elem[1:]); textre = re.compile("\!\[CDATA\[(.*?)\]\]", re.DOTALL); def get_text(xml): match = re.search(textre, xml); if not match: return xml; return match.group(1); def get_elements(xml, elem): p = re.compile("<" + elem + ">" + "(.*?)</" + elem + ">", re.DOTALL); it = p.finditer(xml); result = []; for m in it: result.append(m.group(1)); return result; GREEN = "\033[1;32m"; DEFAULT = "\033[0;49m"; BOLD = "\033[1m"; UNDERLINE = "\033[4m"; NORMAL = "\033[m"; RED = "\033[1;31m" def crawl_xml(queryword): return urllib2.urlopen("http://dict.yodao.com/search?keyfrom=dict.python&q=" + urllib.quote_plus(queryword) + "&xmlDetail=true&doctype=xml").read(); def print_translations(xml, with_color, detailed): #print xml; original_query = get_elements(xml, "original-query"); queryword = get_text(original_query[0]); custom_translations = get_elements(xml, "custom-translation"); print BOLD + UNDERLINE + queryword + NORMAL; translated = False; for cus in custom_translations: source = get_elements_by_path(cus, "source/name"); print RED + "Translations from " + source[0] + DEFAULT; contents = get_elements_by_path(cus, "translation/content"); if with_color: for content in contents[0:5]: print GREEN + get_text(content) + DEFAULT; else: for content in contents[0:5]: print get_text(content); translated = True; yodao_translations = get_elements(xml, "yodao-web-dict"); printed = False; for trans in yodao_translations: webtrans = get_elements(trans, "web-translation"); for web in webtrans[0:5]: if not printed: print RED + "Translations from yodao:" + DEFAULT; printed = True; keys = get_elements(web, "key"); values = get_elements_by_path(web, "trans/value"); summaries = get_elements_by_path(web, "trans/summary"); key = keys[0].strip(); value = values[0].strip(); #summary = summaries[0].strip(); #lines = get_elements(summary, "line"); if with_color: print BOLD + get_text(key) + ":\t" +DEFAULT + GREEN + get_text(value) + NORMAL; #for line in lines: # print GREEN + get_text(line) + DEFAULT; #print get_text(summary) + DEFAULT; else: print get_text(value); #print get_text(summary); #translated = True; #if not detailed: # break def usage(): print "usage: dict.py word_to_translate"; def main(argv): if len(argv) <= 0: usage(); #debug(); sys.exit(1); xml = crawl_xml(" ".join(argv)); print_translations(xml, True, False); if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:]);
python dict.py word,这个word就是要查询的单词,中文英文都可以。为了方便使用,可以写成脚本youdao 或者yd或者 youdao.sh。
#!/bin/bash python /bin/dict.py $@
huang@huang-Lenovo:~/Desktop/apue$ youdao presentation presentation Translations from 有道词典 n. 描述,陈述;介绍;赠送 Translations from WordNet the activity of formally presenting something (as a prize or reward) the act of making something publicly available; presenting news or other information by broadcasting or printing it a show or display; the act of presenting something to sight or view the act of presenting a proposal a visual representation of something Translations from yodao: Presentation: 表现 face presentation: 面先露
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