Spring MVC本身对Restful支持非常好。它的@RequestMapping
@RequestMapping 方法注解指定一个请求的URI映射地址. 类似于struts的action-mapping,同时可以指定POST或者GET请求类型。
@RequestMapping("/owners/{ownerId}", method=RequestMethod.GET) public String findOwner(@PathVariable String ownerId, Model model) { // ... }
The @PathVariable method parameter annotation is used to indicate that a method parameter should be bound to the value of a URI template variable. 用于抽取URL中的信息作为参数。(注意,不包括请求字符串,那是@RequestParam
@RequestMapping("/owners/{ownerId}", method=RequestMethod.GET) public String findOwner(@PathVariable String ownerId, Model model) { // ... }
@RequestMapping("/owners/{ownerId}", method=RequestMethod.GET) public String findOwner(@PathVariable("ownerId") String theOwner, Model model) { // implementation omitted }
注意:method parameters that are decorated with the @PathVariable annotation can be of any simple type such as int, long, Date... Spring automatically converts to the appropriate type and throws a TypeMismatchException if the type is not correct.
@RequestMapping("/imageUpload") public String processImageUpload(@RequestParam("name") String name, @RequestParam("description") String description, @RequestParam("image") MultipartFile image) throws IOException { this.imageDatabase.storeImage(name, image.getInputStream(), (int) image.getSize(), description); return "redirect:imageList"; }
@RequestMapping("/imageUpload") public String processImageUpload(@RequestParam(value="name", defaultValue="arganzheng") String name, @RequestParam("description") String description, @RequestParam("image") MultipartFile image) throws IOException { this.imageDatabase.storeImage(name, image.getInputStream(), (int) image.getSize(), description); return "redirect:imageList"; }
是针对整个HTTP请求或者返回消息的。前者只是针对HTTP请求消息中的一个 name=value 键值对(名称很贴切)。
负责将HTTP请求消息(HTTP request message)转化为对象,或者将对象转化为HTTP响应体(HTTP response body)。
public interface HttpMessageConverter<T> { // Indicate whether the given class is supported by this converter. boolean supports(Class<? extends T> clazz); // Return the list of MediaType objects supported by this converter. List<MediaType> getSupportedMediaTypes(); // Read an object of the given type form the given input message, and returns it. T read(Class<T> clazz, HttpInputMessage inputMessage) throws IOException, HttpMessageNotReadableException; // Write an given object to the given output message. void write(T t, HttpOutputMessage outputMessage) throws IOException, HttpMessageNotWritableException; }
Spring MVC对HttpMessageConverter
- StringHttpMessageConverter - converts strings
- FormHttpMessageConverter - converts form data to/from a MultiValueMap<String, String>
- ByteArrayMessageConverter - converts byte arrays
- SourceHttpMessageConverter - convert to/from a javax.xml.transform.Source
- RssChannelHttpMessageConverter - convert to/from RSS feeds
- MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter - convert to/from JSON using Jackson's ObjectMapper
- etc...
public class AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter extends WebContentGenerator implements HandlerAdapter, Ordered, BeanFactoryAware { ... public AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter() { // no restriction of HTTP methods by default super(false); // See SPR-7316 StringHttpMessageConverter stringHttpMessageConverter = new StringHttpMessageConverter(); stringHttpMessageConverter.setWriteAcceptCharset(false); this.messageConverters = new HttpMessageConverter[]{new ByteArrayHttpMessageConverter(), stringHttpMessageConverter, new SourceHttpMessageConverter(), new XmlAwareFormHttpMessageConverter()}; } }
<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter"> <property name="messageConverters"> <list> <bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.StringHttpMessageConverter"> <property name="supportedMediaTypes"> <list> <value>text/plain;charset=GBK</value> </list> </property> </bean> <bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter" /> </list> </property> </bean>
@RequestMapping(value = "api", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public boolean addApi(@RequestBody Api api, @RequestParam(value = "afterApiId", required = false) Integer afterApiId) { Integer id = apiMetadataService.addApi(api); return id > 0; } @RequestMapping(value = "api/{apiId}", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Api getApi(@PathVariable("apiId") int apiId) { return apiMetadataService.getApi(apiId, Version.primary); }
package me.arganzheng.study.springmvc.util; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintStream; import org.codehaus.jackson.map.ObjectMapper; import org.codehaus.jackson.map.annotate.JsonSerialize.Inclusion; import org.springframework.http.HttpOutputMessage; import org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotWritableException; import org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter; import org.springframework.web.context.request.RequestAttributes; import org.springframework.web.context.request.RequestContextHolder; import org.springframework.web.context.request.ServletRequestAttributes; public class MappingJsonpHttpMessageConverter extends MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter { public MappingJsonpHttpMessageConverter() { ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); objectMapper.setSerializationConfig(objectMapper.getSerializationConfig().withSerializationInclusion(Inclusion.NON_NULL)); setObjectMapper(objectMapper); } @Override protected void writeInternal(Object o, HttpOutputMessage outputMessage) throws IOException, HttpMessageNotWritableException { String jsonpCallback = null; RequestAttributes reqAttrs = RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes(); if(reqAttrs instanceof ServletRequestAttributes){ jsonpCallback = ((ServletRequestAttributes)reqAttrs).getRequest().getParameter("jsonpCallback"); } if(jsonpCallback != null){ new PrintStream(outputMessage.getBody()).print(jsonpCallback + "("); } super.writeInternal(o, outputMessage); if(jsonpCallback != null){ new PrintStream(outputMessage.getBody()).println(");"); } } }
public String test(@CookieValue(value="JSESSIONID", defaultValue="") String sessionId){ ... }
public String test2(@CookieValue(value="JSESSIONID", defaultValue="") Cookie sessionId){ ... }
注意: 如果是使用cookies值来保持回话状态的话,推荐使用Spring的Bean Scopes机制,具体参见笔者的另一篇文章:Spring的Bean Scopes。非常方便。
@RequestMapping(value="/header") public String test( @RequestHeader("User-Agent") String userAgent, @RequestHeader(value="Accept") String[] accepts)
accept header表示请求一个XML资源,带上application/pdf
则表示期望收到pdf格式资源。 这其实就是Spring MVC默认的三个ContentNegotiationStrategy
,即所谓的PPA Strategy(path extension, then parameter, then Accept header) ,顺序也是先path extension,然后parameter(默认是format参数),然后才是accept头。
public class ContentNegotiatingViewResolver extends WebApplicationObjectSupport implements ViewResolver, Ordered { private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(ContentNegotiatingViewResolver.class); private static final String ACCEPT_HEADER = "Accept"; private static final boolean jafPresent = ClassUtils.isPresent("javax.activation.FileTypeMap", ContentNegotiatingViewResolver.class.getClassLoader()); private static final UrlPathHelper urlPathHelper = new UrlPathHelper(); private int order = Ordered.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE; private boolean favorPathExtension = true; private boolean favorParameter = false; private String parameterName = "format"; private boolean useNotAcceptableStatusCode = false; private boolean ignoreAcceptHeader = false; private boolean useJaf = true; private ConcurrentMap<String, MediaType> mediaTypes = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, MediaType>(); private List<View> defaultViews; private MediaType defaultContentType; private List<ViewResolver> viewResolvers; // ignore some setter and getter... public void setMediaTypes(Map<String, String> mediaTypes) { Assert.notNull(mediaTypes, "'mediaTypes' must not be null"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : mediaTypes.entrySet()) { String extension = entry.getKey().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parseMediaType(entry.getValue()); this.mediaTypes.put(extension, mediaType); } } public void setDefaultViews(List<View> defaultViews) { this.defaultViews = defaultViews; } public void setDefaultContentType(MediaType defaultContentType) { this.defaultContentType = defaultContentType; } public void setViewResolvers(List<ViewResolver> viewResolvers) { this.viewResolvers = viewResolvers; } @Override protected void initServletContext(ServletContext servletContext) { if (this.viewResolvers == null) { Map<String, ViewResolver> matchingBeans = BeanFactoryUtils.beansOfTypeIncludingAncestors(getApplicationContext(), ViewResolver.class); this.viewResolvers = new ArrayList<ViewResolver>(matchingBeans.size()); for (ViewResolver viewResolver : matchingBeans.values()) { if (this != viewResolver) { this.viewResolvers.add(viewResolver); } } } if (this.viewResolvers.isEmpty()) { logger.warn("Did not find any ViewResolvers to delegate to; please configure them using the " + "'viewResolvers' property on the ContentNegotiatingViewResolver"); } OrderComparator.sort(this.viewResolvers); } public View resolveViewName(String viewName, Locale locale) throws Exception { RequestAttributes attrs = RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes(); Assert.isInstanceOf(ServletRequestAttributes.class, attrs); List<MediaType> requestedMediaTypes = getMediaTypes(((ServletRequestAttributes) attrs).getRequest()); if (requestedMediaTypes != null) { List<View> candidateViews = getCandidateViews(viewName, locale, requestedMediaTypes); View bestView = getBestView(candidateViews, requestedMediaTypes); if (bestView != null) { return bestView; } } if (this.useNotAcceptableStatusCode) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("No acceptable view found; returning 406 (Not Acceptable) status code"); } return NOT_ACCEPTABLE_VIEW; } else { logger.debug("No acceptable view found; returning null"); return null; } } protected List<MediaType> getMediaTypes(HttpServletRequest request) { if (this.favorPathExtension) { String requestUri = urlPathHelper.getRequestUri(request); String filename = WebUtils.extractFullFilenameFromUrlPath(requestUri); MediaType mediaType = getMediaTypeFromFilename(filename); if (mediaType != null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Requested media type is '" + mediaType + "' (based on filename '" + filename + "')"); } return Collections.singletonList(mediaType); } } if (this.favorParameter) { if (request.getParameter(this.parameterName) != null) { String parameterValue = request.getParameter(this.parameterName); MediaType mediaType = getMediaTypeFromParameter(parameterValue); if (mediaType != null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Requested media type is '" + mediaType + "' (based on parameter '" + this.parameterName + "'='" + parameterValue + "')"); } return Collections.singletonList(mediaType); } } } if (!this.ignoreAcceptHeader) { String acceptHeader = request.getHeader(ACCEPT_HEADER); if (StringUtils.hasText(acceptHeader)) { try { List<MediaType> mediaTypes = MediaType.parseMediaTypes(acceptHeader); MediaType.sortByQualityValue(mediaTypes); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Requested media types are " + mediaTypes + " (based on Accept header)"); } return mediaTypes; } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Could not parse accept header [" + acceptHeader + "]: " + ex.getMessage()); } return null; } } } if (this.defaultContentType != null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Requested media types is " + this.defaultContentType + " (based on defaultContentType property)"); } return Collections.singletonList(this.defaultContentType); } else { return Collections.emptyList(); } } protected MediaType getMediaTypeFromFilename(String filename) { String extension = StringUtils.getFilenameExtension(filename); if (!StringUtils.hasText(extension)) { return null; } extension = extension.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); MediaType mediaType = this.mediaTypes.get(extension); if (mediaType == null && this.useJaf && jafPresent) { mediaType = ActivationMediaTypeFactory.getMediaType(filename); if (mediaType != null) { this.mediaTypes.putIfAbsent(extension, mediaType); } } return mediaType; } protected MediaType getMediaTypeFromParameter(String parameterValue) { return this.mediaTypes.get(parameterValue.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } private List<View> getCandidateViews(String viewName, Locale locale, List<MediaType> requestedMediaTypes) throws Exception { List<View> candidateViews = new ArrayList<View>(); for (ViewResolver viewResolver : this.viewResolvers) { View view = viewResolver.resolveViewName(viewName, locale); if (view != null) { candidateViews.add(view); } for (MediaType requestedMediaType : requestedMediaTypes) { List<String> extensions = getExtensionsForMediaType(requestedMediaType); for (String extension : extensions) { String viewNameWithExtension = viewName + "." + extension; view = viewResolver.resolveViewName(viewNameWithExtension, locale); if (view != null) { candidateViews.add(view); } } } } if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(this.defaultViews)) { candidateViews.addAll(this.defaultViews); } return candidateViews; } private List<String> getExtensionsForMediaType(MediaType requestedMediaType) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Entry<String, MediaType> entry : this.mediaTypes.entrySet()) { if (requestedMediaType.includes(entry.getValue())) { result.add(entry.getKey()); } } return result; } private View getBestView(List<View> candidateViews, List<MediaType> requestedMediaTypes) { MediaType bestRequestedMediaType = null; View bestView = null; for (MediaType requestedMediaType : requestedMediaTypes) { for (View candidateView : candidateViews) { if (StringUtils.hasText(candidateView.getContentType())) { MediaType candidateContentType = MediaType.parseMediaType(candidateView.getContentType()); if (requestedMediaType.includes(candidateContentType)) { bestRequestedMediaType = requestedMediaType; bestView = candidateView; break; } } } if (bestView != null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Returning [" + bestView + "] based on requested media type '" + bestRequestedMediaType + "'"); } break; } } return bestView; } ... }
有点类似于ComposeCommand(参见Command模式 by GoF),它本身实现了ViewResolver接口,所以它是一个ViewResolver,但是它组合了一堆的ViewResolver,根据一定的规则(前面讨论的content negotiation)将视图请求转发给最match的ViewResolver。所以关键在两点:
1.content negotiation策略 (ContentNegotiationStrategy
This view resolver uses the requested media type to select a suitable View for a request. This media type is determined by using the following criteria:
- If the requested path has a file extension and if the setFavorPathExtension(boolean) property is true, the mediaTypes property is inspected for a matching media type.
- If the request contains a parameter defining the extension and if the setFavorParameter(boolean) property is true, the mediaTypes property is inspected for a matching media type. The default name of the parameter is format and it can be configured using the parameterName property.
- If there is no match in the mediaTypes property and if the Java Activation Framework (JAF) is both enabled and present on the classpath, FileTypeMap.getContentType(String) is used instead.
- If the previous steps did not result in a media type, and ignoreAcceptHeader is false, the request Accept header is used.
- Once the requested media type has been determined, this resolver queries each delegate view resolver for a View and determines if the requested media type is compatible with the view's content type). The most compatible view is returned.
这个就是上面提到的Spring MVC默认的三个ContentNegotiationStrategy
,即所谓的PPA Strategy(path extension, then parameter, then Accept header) ,顺序也是先path extension,然后parameter(默认是format参数),然后才是accept头。
2. 供选择的SingleViewResolver
The ContentNegotiatingViewResolver does not resolve views itself, but delegates to other ViewResolvers. By default, these other view resolvers are picked up automatically from the application context, though they can also be set explicitly by using the viewResolvers property. Note that in order for this view resolver to work properly, the order property needs to be set to a higher precedence than the others (the default is Ordered.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE.)
private List<ViewResolver> viewResolvers;
属性。但是你需要告诉Spring MVC,你希望controller返回的view都是由ContentNegotiationViewResolover
配置最高的order(其实默认就是最高了)。Additionally, this view resolver exposes the defaultViews property, allowing you to override the views provided by the view resolvers. Note that these default views are offered as candicates, and still need have the content type requested (via file extension, parameter, or Accept header, described above). You can also set the default content type directly, which will be returned when the other mechanisms (Accept header, file extension or parameter) do not result in a match.
private List<View> defaultViews;
和private MediaType defaultContentType;
Spring MVC不仅大大的简化了服务端RESTful服务的开发和开放,还提供了一些辅助类来方便客户端调用REST服务。
String uri = "http://example.com/hotels/1/bookings"; PostMethod post = new PostMethod(uri); String request = // create booking request content post.setRequestEntity(new StringRequestEntity(request)); httpClient.executeMethod(post); if (HttpStatus.SC_CREATED == post.getStatusCode()) { Header location = post.getRequestHeader("Location"); if (location != null) { System.out.println("Created new booking at :" + location.getValue()); } }
太过底层,而且代码比较冗长,一般都要手动封装一下(即类似于SDK,封装了签名和HTTP发送和接受细节)。我们看一下Spring MVC是怎么解决这个问题的。 利用RestTemplate是client-site HTTP access的核心类。正如它的名称所示,RestTemplate
,这个工厂类使用Jakarta Commons HttpClient来创建HTTP请求。这样就可以使用HttpClient提供的认证和链接池功能了。
- DELETE delete(String url, String… urlVariables)
- GET getForObject(String url, Class responseType, String… urlVariables)
- HEAD headForHeaders(String url, String… urlVariables)
- OPTIONS optionsForAllow(String url, String… urlVariables)
- POST postForLocation(String url, Object request, String… urlVariables)
- PUT put(String url, Object request, String…urlVariables)
- ANY exchange(String, HttpMethod, HttpEntity, Class, Object...) execute(String, HttpMethod, RequestCallback, ResponseExtractor, Object...)
方法名称很有规律,都是这个pattern——${HTTP Method}${WhatIsReturne}
。例如getForObject() will perform a GET, convert the HTTP response into an object type of your choice, and returns that object. postForLocation will do a POST, converting the given object into a HTTP request, and returns the response HTTP Location header where the newly created object can be found. As you can see, these methods try to enforce REST best practices.
来转换为Http Request或者Http Response。这点与前面介绍服务端RESTful的@RequestBody
是一样的,Spring MVC默认会注册常用的Converter,你也可以自定义。
另外,每个方法的第一个参数都是一个url string,但是这个URI可以带有变量(还记得@PathVariable
作为字符串变量数组(String variable arguments array)
String result = restTemplate.getForObject("http://example.com/hotels/{hotel}/bookings/{booking}", String.class, "42", "21");
The map variant expands the template based on variable name, and is therefore more useful when using many variables, or when a single variable is used multiple times.
Map<String, String> vars = new HashMap<String, String>(); vars.put("hotel", "42"); vars.put("booking", "21"); String result = restTemplate.getForObject("http://example.com/hotels/{hotel}/bookings/{booking}", String.class, vars);
在开发功能模块之前,应该先把URL设计好。比查对 消息 这个资源的操作URL可以这么设计:
http://arganzheng.me/messages/show/123456 http://arganzheng.me/messages/preview/123456 http://arganzheng.me/messages/delete/123456 http://arganzheng.me/messages/new http://arganzheng.me/message/update
说明:可以看到我们的URL中有动作在里面,事实上纯粹的RESTful URL是把动作隐含在HTTP头中:GET、PUT、DELETE、POST。不过这样对用户编码有要求,这个相对简单点。
<!-- REST servlet-mapping --> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>DispatcherServlet<srvlet-name> <url-pattern>/</url-pattern> <srvlet-mapping>
但是这样的话有个问题,就是静态文件也被mapping了,会导致找不到资源。Spring提供了一个resources配置项支持静态文件的处理16.14.5 Configuring Serving of Resources:
<!-- Forwards requests to the "/" resource to the "welcome" view --> <mvc:view-controller path="/" view-name="index"/> <!-- Handles HTTP GET requests for /resources/** by efficiently serving up static resources in the ${webappRoot}/resources/ directory --> <mvc:resources mapping="/resources/**" location="/resources/" /> <!-- 注意:配置了mvc:resources就必须配置这个选项,否则handler mapping都失效了 @see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7910845/the-handler-mapping-from-the-mvcresource-override-other-mappings-which-defined --> <mvc:annotation-driven />
但是有个奇怪的问题,就是配置这个之后,原来动态东西就不能访问到了,提示找不到对应的handler,解决方案是增加一个<mvc:annotation-driven />
<!-- 避免被Spring DispatcherServlet接管 --> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>default<srvlet-name> <url-pattern>*.html</url-pattern> <srvlet-mapping>