DWREngine 作为dwr客户端的stub,_execute是其核心方法
* @private Send a request. Called by the Javascript interface stub
* @param path part of URL after the host and before the exec bit without leading or trailing /s
* @param scriptName The class to execute
* @param methodName The method on said class to execute
* @param func The callback function to which any returned data should be passed
if this is null, any returned data will be ignored
* @param vararg_params The parameters to pass to the above class
DWREngine._execute = function(path, scriptName, methodName, vararg_params) {
var singleShot = false;
if (DWREngine._batch == null) {
singleShot = true;
// To make them easy to manipulate we copy the arguments into an args array
var args = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length - 3; i++) {
args[i] = arguments[i + 3];
// All the paths MUST be to the same servlet
if (DWREngine._batch.path == null) {
DWREngine._batch.path = path;
else {
if (DWREngine._batch.path != path) {
DWREngine._handleError("Can't batch requests to multiple DWR Servlets.");
// From the other params, work out which is the function (or object with
// call meta-data) and which is the call parameters
var params;
var callData;
var firstArg = args[0];
var lastArg = args[args.length - 1];
if (typeof firstArg == "function") {
callData = { callback:args.shift() };
params = args;
else if (typeof lastArg == "function") {
callData = { callback:args.pop() };
params = args;
else if (typeof lastArg == "object" && lastArg.callback != null && typeof lastArg.callback == "function") {
callData = args.pop();
params = args;
else if (firstArg == null) {
// This could be a null callback function, but if the last arg is also
// null then we can't tell which is the function unless there are only
// 2 args, in which case we don't care!
if (lastArg == null && args.length > 2) {
if (DWREngine._warningHandler) {
DWREngine._warningHandler("Ambiguous nulls at start and end of parameter list. Which is the callback function?");
callData = { callback:args.shift() };
params = args;
else if (lastArg == null) {
callData = { callback:args.pop() };
params = args;
else {
if (DWREngine._warningHandler) {
DWREngine._warningHandler("Missing callback function or metadata object.");
// Get a unique ID for this call
var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10001);
var id = (random + "_" + new Date().getTime()).toString();
var prefix = "c" + DWREngine._batch.map.callCount + "-";
// batchMetaData stuff the we allow in callMetaData for convenience
if (callData.method != null) {
DWREngine._batch.method = callData.method;
delete callData.method;
//设置_batch的verb 属性
if (callData.verb != null) {
DWREngine._batch.verb = callData.verb;
delete callData.verb;
//设置_batch的async 属性
if (callData.async != null) {
DWREngine._batch.async = callData.async;
delete callData.async;
////设置_batch的timeout 属性
if (callData.timeout != null) {
DWREngine._batch.timeout = callData.timeout;
delete callData.timeout;
//如果callData存在preHook ,那么将此preHook 加入_batch的preHook数组的第一个
// callMetaData stuff that we handle with the rest of the batchMetaData
if (callData.preHook != null) {
delete callData.preHook;
//如果callData存在postHook ,那么将此preHook 加入_batch的postHooks数组的最后一个
if (callData.postHook != null) {
delete callData.postHook;
// Default the error and warning handlers
if (callData.errorHandler == null) callData.errorHandler = DWREngine._errorHandler;
if (callData.warningHandler == null) callData.warningHandler = DWREngine._warningHandler;
// Save the callMetaData
DWREngine._handlersMap[id] = callData;
DWREngine._batch.map[prefix + "scriptName"] = scriptName;
DWREngine._batch.map[prefix + "methodName"] = methodName;
DWREngine._batch.map[prefix + "id"] = id;
// Serialize the parameters into batch.map
//比如一个一个js字符串的值为323YN2O2,那么编码后成为 "string:323YN2O2"
//比如一个对象编码为"Object:{tvUserId:reference:c0-e6, userNo:reference:c0-e7, loginName:reference:c0-e8}"
for (i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
DWREngine._serializeAll(DWREngine._batch, [], params[i], prefix + "param" + i);
// Now we have finished remembering the call, we incr the call count
if (singleShot) {
ids (字符数组),map(对象)(主要包含c0-id.c0-methodName,c0-scriptName,callCount,c0-paramx(x为0或1或2,有几个参数就有几个paramx ),还包含很多细小的参数对象的属性编码,每个编码都为一个属性),paramCount(数值),path(字符串),preHooks(函数数组),postHooks(函数数组)