Java学习个人笔记(一)配置java环境变量(Feb04,2013 - )


    写这个个人笔记完全是出于记录自己所学,方便本人日后参考,可能很零散。这个笔记是建立在C语言编程基础上,本人学习Java只学习它与C语言不同的地方,或者我在C编程过程中很少用到的地方。所用的教材是Youtube一位达人做的视频:Java编程简明教程 by Thenewboston(Youtube)


   ---------- Oct 14, 2014 ---------

下载安装JDK for x86 (32bit) or x64(64bit).

	变量值jdk的目录,例如本人:E:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_40

变量名: path 
	变量值: ;%JAVA_HOME%\bin
	变量值: ;%JAVA_HOME%\lib

(For my backup:)
<span style="white-space:pre">	</span>JAVA_HOME
<span style="white-space:pre">	</span>F:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_20   //java jdk 1.8
<span style="white-space:pre">	</span>C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_67   //java jdk 1.7

<span style="white-space: pre;">	</span>path
<span style="white-space: pre;">	</span>;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin

<span style="white-space: pre;">	</span>classpath
<span style="white-space: pre;">	</span>;%JAVA_HOME%\lib;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar

用法: java [-options] class [args...]
   或  java [-options] -jar jarfile [args...]
           (执行 jar 文件)
    -d32          使用 32 位数据模型 (如果可用)
    -d64          使用 64 位数据模型 (如果可用)
    -client       选择 "client" VM
    -server       选择 "server" VM
                  默认 VM 是 client.
	用法: javac <options> <source files>

   ---------- Feb 04, 2013 ---------

    个人理解:Java 的基本架构是通过class建立。class相当于C函数集,每个Class 里面的 method 相当于C的函数。

    1. 关于Class 中对别的class中的method的使用,创建:

        题目:main method在 apple class中,引用tuna class中的println(); method, 输出一行字。
理解:对象的创建与使用。System.out.println() 的使用。

//file: project/
class apples{
	public static void main(String args[]){
		tuna tunaObj = new tuna();    //create an obj: "tuna" - class name, tunaObj-Obj name, 

//file: project/
public class tuna{
	public void MysimpleMessage(){
	System.out.println("This is class tuna");		

    2. 题目:创建和使用Scanner对象,以从键盘获取输入:

//file: project/
import java.util.Scanner;

class apples{
	public static void main(String args[]){
		Scanner input = new Scanner(;  //creat an scanner obj
		tuna tunaObj = new tuna();    //create an obj: "tuna" - class name, tunaObj-Obj name, 

		System.out.println("Enter your name here: ");
		String name = input.nextLine();



//file: project/
public class tuna{
	public void MysimpleMessage(String name){
	System.out.println("Hello" + name);

    3. 从main method传递值到别的class的method中:
要求:通过 GetName method 把 name 传递进class tuna中,通过tuna中的saying method 内部调用ret_name method 打印出 name.
2、class 内部互相调用method
3、跨 class 调用method

//----------------------- tutorial 16
//file: project/
import java.util.Scanner;

class apples{
	// Create a method named "main" Type"void":
	public static void main(String args[]){
		//Create method body:
		//Create a Scanner Obj:
		Scanner input = new Scanner(;
		//Create a tuna Obj:
		tuna tunaObj = new tuna();
		String name;
		System.out.println("Enter your name here: ");
		//wait usr to input a string:  
		name = input.nextLine();
		//call class, use method MysimpleMessage();

//file: project/
public class tuna {
		private String girlname;
		public void GetName(String name){
			girlname = name;
		public String retName(){
			return girlname;
		public void saying(){
			System.out.printf("your name: %s",retName());		

    4. Constructor的使用,用于创建对class_Obj的使用时,同时设置class_Obj的初始参数。比如一个班的学生的姓名,年龄等。

·副class结构:从本例可以看出,一个副class的结构大致为: class名-> class private variable 声明 -> Constructor声明 -> methods声明 (熟悉基本结构很重要)

//----------------------- tutorial 17
//file: project/
class apples{
	// Create a method named "main" Type"void":
	public static void main(String args[]){
		tuna tunaObj1 = new tuna("Amily",16);
		tuna tunaObj2 = new tuna("Banry",19);

//file: project/
public class tuna{
	private String girlname;
	private int girlage;
	public tuna(String name, int age){    //Create constructor, this "tuna" is exactly the name of this class
		girlname = name;
		girlage  = age;
/*	public void GetNmae(String name){
		girlname = name;		
	public String retName(){
		return girlname;
	public void saying(){
		System.out.printf("Your name is: %s, Age: %d \n", retName(), girlage);

     5.  Java中使用 " ((条件判断) ? 语句1 :语句2) " 替代并简化if条件判断语句:

//----------------------- tutorial 36/37 Display Regurlar Time
//file: project/

class apples{
	// Create a method named "main" Type"void":
	public static void main(String args[]){
		tuna tunaObj = new tuna();
		tunaObj.setTime(14, 56, 20);


//file: project/
public class tuna{
	private int hour;
	private int minute;
	private int second;
	public void setTime(int h, int m, int s){
		hour = ((h>=0 && h<=24) ? h : 0);    //equivalent with"  if (h>=0 && h<=24)  {hour = h;} else {hour = 0;} 
		minute = ((m>=0 && m<=60) ? m : 0);
		second = ((s>=0 && s<=60) ? s : 0);
	public String dispTime(){
		return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", hour, minute, second);
	public String dispRegTime(){
		return String.format("%d:%02d:%02d  %s", 
				((hour<=12) ? hour : hour%12), minute, second, ((hour>12) ? "PM" : "AM"));

    6.  Java中this关键字,public /private概念。当constructor 中arguments 和 variable 的名称完全一样时候,用this可以指明调用哪一个值。

//----------------------- Tutorial - 38 - Public, Private and this
//file: project/
class apples{
	// Create a method named "main" Type"void":
	public static void main(String args[]){
		tuna tunaObj = new tuna();
		tunaObj.setTime(14, 56, 20);


//file: project/
public class tuna{
	private int hour = 1;
	private int minute = 2;
	private int second = 3;
	public void setTime(int hour, int minute, int second){
		this.hour = hour;
		this.minute = 5;    // Use the value of 5 when minute is called by dispTime() method
		second = 6;         // Use the value of 3 when second is called by dispTime() method

//		hour = ((h>=0 && h<=24) ? h : 0);
//		minute = ((m>=0 && m<=60) ? m : 0);
//		second = ((s>=0 && s<=60) ? s : 0);
	public String dispTime(){
		return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", hour, minute, second);
	public String dispRegTime(){
		return String.format("%d:%02d:%02d  %s", 
				((hour<=12) ? hour : hour%12), minute, second, ((hour>12) ? "PM" : "AM"));

    7. Constructor 的嵌套使用,适用于constructor输入参数个数不确定的情形:

//----------------------- tutorial 40/41 - Building Objects for Constructors
//file: project/
class apples{
	public static void main(String[] args){
		//create 4 diff objs as there are 4 diff constructor
		tuna tunaObj0 = new tuna();
		tuna tunaObj1 = new tuna(5);
		tuna tunaObj2 = new tuna(5,13);
		tuna tunaObj3 = new tuna(5,13,14);
		//use the objs


//file: project/
public class tuna{
	private int hour;
	private int minute;
	private int second;
	public tuna(){
	public tuna(int h){
	public tuna(int h, int m){
	public tuna(int h, int m, int s){
	public void setTime(int h, int m, int s){
	public void setHour(int h){
		hour = ((h>=0 && h<24)? h: 0);
	public void setMinute(int m){
		minute = ((m>=0 && m<60)? m: 0);
	public void setSecond(int s){
		second = ((s>=0 && s<60)? s: 0);
	public int getHour(){
		return hour;
	public int getMinute(){
		return minute;
	public int getSecond(){
		return second;
	public String toMilitary(){
		return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d",getHour(),getMinute(),getSecond());

     8. 比较复杂一个例子。

1)关于toString() method的使用。在potpie class中,每次声明使用potpie class时,由于其中constructor 语句里具有一个“

System.out.printf("The constructor for this is %s \n", this);
” ,所以每次声明都会打印一句The constructor for this is .xxx ,xxx的内容就调用this. this 会指向the following "toString()" method. 

        2)在tuna class中声明并使用了一个 potpie object,这个object是由第6行的语句传递进去的,第16行的(potpie birthday)语句定义了它的入口。

        3)tuna class 继续使用toString method来服务 apples class 中 main method 中 System.out.println(tunaObj);语句对它的调用。

        明显感觉我还对toString() method 的使用理解不够深入。包括 this 和 toString 的配合使用。

//----------------- tutorial 42 toString methods, 43-Composition
//file: project/
class apples{
	public static void main(String[] args){
		potpie potObj = new potpie(4,5,2006);
		tuna tunaObj = new tuna("Jack",potObj); //take the potObj just built up

//file: project/
public class tuna{
	private String name;
	private potpie date;
	public tuna(String theName, potpie birthday){
		name = theName;
		date = birthday;
	public String toString(){
		return String.format("Your name is %s, and birthday is %s", name, date);

//file: project/
public class potpie {
	private int month;
	private int day;
	private int year;
	public potpie(int m, int d, int y){
		month = m;
		day   = d;
		year  = y;
		System.out.printf("The constructor for this is %s \n", this);
		//this is a reference to the obj we just built whenever we call this class
	public String toString(){
		return String.format("%d/%d/%d",month,day,year);


    9. 枚举类型enum的使用。

//----------------------- tutorial 44/45 Enumeration 枚举
//file: project/
//import java.utile.EnumSet;   // enable to use EnumSet.rang(from,to);
class apples{
	public static void main(String[] args){
		for (tuna people : tuna.values())
			System.out.printf("%s\t%s\t%s \n", 
					people, people.getDesc(),people.getYear());
		System.out.println("\n And now for the range of constants!\n");
//		for (tuna people: EnumSet.range(tuna.kelsey,tuna.candy))   // pick up part of the members from tuna
//			System.out.printf("%s\t%s\t%s \n", 
//					people, people.getDesc(),people.getYear());

//file: project/
public enum tuna{            // change class into enum
	// enu constants/obj:
	julia("bigmistake", "12"),
	private final String desc;  // variable(String)
	private final String year;
	// build enum constructor
	tuna(String description, String birthday){
		desc = description;
		year = birthday;
	public String getDesc(){
		return desc;
	public String getYear(){
		return year;

10. 关于Static的用法:(此处包含变量的static和method的static)

//----------------------- tutorial 46/47 Static
//file: project/
//file: project/
class apples{
	public static void main(String[] args){
		tuna member1 = new tuna("Megan","Fox");
		tuna member2 = new tuna("Natalie","Portman");
		System.out.println(   tuna.getsMembers()); //getsMembers() is a static method

//file: project/
public class tuna{
	private String first;
	private String last;
	private static int members = 0;   //static variable, like "in-class globel variable"

	public tuna(String fn,String ln) {
		first = fn;
		last  = ln;
		System.out.printf("Constructor for %s %s, members in the club: %d\n",first,last,members);
	public String getFirst(){
		return first;
	public String getLast(){
		return last;
	public int getMembers(){
		return members;
	public static int getsMembers(){
		return members;

    11. final的理解和用法:

//----------------------- tutorial 48 final
//file: project/
class apples{
	public static void main(String[] args){
		tuna tunaObj = new tuna(10);
		tuna tunaObj2= new tuna(1);
		for(int i = 0; i<3 ; i++){
		for(int i = 0; i<3 ; i++){

//file: project/
public class tuna{
	private int sum;
	private final int NUMBER;

	public tuna(int x){
		NUMBER = x;  // you can only modify it once in one class
		//NUMBER = 5;  //can not change its value again
	public void add(){
	public String toString(){
		return String.format("sum = %d\n",sum);

    12. Inheritance -- 继承 ,这是我接触到的新概念。 什么是java 的继承?  1)被继承的class叫做super class, super class 中private的变量和method不能被继承。  2)继承的class中如果method名与super class中的method名重合,则使用继承object时,运行继承class中重合的method代码,即以继承class 为准。此谓overwrite.

//----------------------- tutorial 49 Inheritance 继承
//----------------------- tutorial 49 Inheritance 继承
//file: project/
class apples{
	public static void main(String[] args){
		tuna tunaObj = new tuna();
		potpie potpieObj = new potpie();

		System.out.println("--- ---");;
		System.out.println("--- potpieObj.drink() ---");
		System.out.println("--- potpieObj.potpiemethod() ---");

//file: project/  //super class
public class food{
	public void eat(){
		System.out.println("I am eat methods from food");
	public void drink(){
		System.out.println("I am drink methods from food");
	private void bite(){     //private methods cannot be inheritance
		System.out.println("I am bite methods from food");

//file: project/
public class tuna extends food{ // Inheriance from food
	public void eat(){
		System.out.println("tuna overwritten eas() of food");		

//file: project/
public class potpie extends food{ // Inheritance from food
	public void potmethod(){
		System.out.println("I am potmethod from potpie");


你可能感兴趣的:(Java学习个人笔记(一)配置java环境变量(Feb04,2013 - ))