and :
We recommend using Ubuntu Precise (12.04) hosts for working with OHMM. If you are using OHMM in a course, the provided Ubuntu installations should already be configured. However, if you want to use your own installation, the recommended packages are (install with sudo apt-get install):
build-essential yasm subversion avr-libc avrdude minicom ckermit screen openssh-server openjdk-6-jdk librxtx-java libcv-dev libcvaux-dev libhighgui-dev python-opencv libusb-1.0-0-dev freeglut3
Note: to fix a bug with current distributions of avrdude, sudo vi /etc/avrdude.conf and setchip_erase_delay to 55000 for m324p and m1284p. Or just run these commands (assuming you are running the defaultsh, bash, or dash shell) to make the edits automatically:
avrparts="m324p m1284p" for p in $avrparts; do sudo sed -i -e "/id.*=.*$p/,/part/ s/chip_erase_delay.*=.*/chip_erase_delay = 55000;/" /etc/avrdude.conf done
Some libraries, such as javacv, jscheme, and libpololu-avr that are needed by the OHMM code are not available from the standard repositories or require custom patches. We have packaged these as.deb packages for OHMM. You can install them by checking out the ohmm-sw open source repository and running these commands
cd ohmm-sw/ext make
This will install all the packages in subdirectories of ext, except those subdirectories which contain a file namedDISABLED, which are not currently needed.
Optional packages:
gcc-doc make-doc cpp-doc libstdc++6-4.5-doc cmake ant mercurial git-core ntp traceroute x2x lynx emacs23 eclipse gimp inkscape transfig pstoedit mplayer mencoder ffmpeg
Other configuration:
extragrps="dialout cdrom floppy audio video plugdev users adm lpadmin sambashare uucp" sudo sed -i -e "s/^[# ]*EXTRA_GROUPS.*=.*$/EXTRA_GROUPS=\"$extragrps\"/" $addusrcnf sudo sed -i -e "s/^.*ADD_EXTRA_GROUPS.*=.*/ADD_EXTRA_GROUPS=1/" $addusrcnf sudo usermod -a -G `echo "$extragrps" | sed -e "s/ /,/g"` `whoami`
cd ohmm-sw/hlp/scripts/firewall ./
cd ohmm-sw/hlp/scripts make kermitscr.install minicomscr.install
This will allow you to run commands like minicom acm1 to bring up a minicom serial terminal session on the /dev/ttyACM1 port to communicate directly to the LLP, or minicom usb0 to use the /dev/ttyUSB0 port for a USB-to-serial adapter connected to the HLP.
If you specifically want to run ubuntu from a VMware virtual machine on a USB flash drive you may want to make a few optimizations that seem to significantly improve performance. These only apply to running from a flash drive; we do not recommend any of these for a regular virtual machine stored on your hard drive. First, set these values in the VMware VMX file:
mainMem.backing = "unnamed" mainMem.useNamedFile = "FALSE" logging = "FALSE" # suppress the "I moved it/I copied it question" (always moved) uuid.action = "keep"
Then boot the VM and make these edits in the indicated files:
/etc/default/grub: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash elevator=noop" /etc/fstab: tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0
The first one sets the "elevator" to "noop" which can help resolve stuttering behavior due to the default disk IO scheduler (elevator). The second puts/tmp on a ramdisk, which increases the speed of access to the temporary but frequently modified files that many programs automatically put there. Finally run
> sudo update-grub
and reboot.
To add a user:
> sudo adduser LOGIN
where LOGIN is the desired username. Note, use the command "adduser", not "useradd". If you make a mistake, you can remove a user with
> sudo userdel -r LOGIN
but be very careful doing that, of course (you may omit the -r to leave the user's files around at/home/LOGIN).
You may be familiar with GUI tools, including NetworkManager in Ubuntu, to identify and connect to wireless networks. Normally you interact with NM graphically (via an icon in the task tray), but it is also possible to manipulate it from the command line. It runs as a daemon (background service) even when running headless (no GUI).
> nmcli con list
will show a list of the "connections" that NM knows about. "Auto eth0" is the wired ethernet network; the remainder are wireless networks that NM remembers; we have pre-configured some of these to get you started. (NM usually sets the name of a wifi connection to "Auto FOO" where FOO is the network SSID; the "Auto " prefix seems to tell NM to automatically connect to that network whenever it is available, without asking for confirmation.)
> nmcli con status
which will show the connection that NM has currently selected, and> ifconfigwhich will give the machine's IP address, if the connection was successful (look for inet addr in the section under wlan0 for a wireless connection, or eth0 for wired).
> nmcli con up id 'CONN'
where CONN is one of the connection names from con list, verbatim. (The quotes allow spaces in the connection name; for example, to connect to wired ethernet use 'Auto eth0'.) This will work for networks without security, or for those that use a "secret" (password) that is the same for all users of the network (in which case the secret is remembered along with the network). For networks that require username+password login, we have provided a script hlp/scripts/nm-connect-802-1x; run it at the command line to get a usage description. For networks that require you to click buttons or fill in forms on a web page, use lynx. To bring down a connection, replace up with down.
> sudo iwlist wlan0 scan | grep -e Quality -e ESSID -e Mode
# create a connetion to WPA protected network named ssid1, username foo, pass bar nm-create-system-connection wpa ssid1 foo bar # now connect to it nmcli con up id 'Auto ssid1' # create a connection to 802-1x protected network named ssid2 # credentials are per-user in this case nm-create-system-connection 802-1x ssid2 # now connect to it with username foo, pass bar nm-connect-802-1x 'Auto ssid2' foo bar
802-1x protected networks, which require per-user credentials vs a single global password for an entire (e.g.) WPA network, are often used in institutional settings. The commands to set the username and password without a GUI are also pretty arcane so we provide the nm-connect-802-1x script to help with that.
We have also provided a script ohmm-sw/hlp/scripts/nm-scripts/nm-panda-wifi-helper that can help connect the panda to wifi networks automatically (it should also already be installed for you if you are using OHMM in a course). It watches the user pushbutton on the panda. This is right next to the reset button, so be careful.
When the button is held down for about 1 second it displays information about the currently connected network (including the panda's IP address) on the LCD display on the LLP (it takes a few seconds to gather the info and display it after you press the button). Holding it down for 3 seconds triggers a procedure to try to automatically connect to a list of preferred networks from the file /etc/nm-panda-wifi-helper/ohmm-preferred-networks, with report about the effects on the LCD. Note that this currently only works for networks that don't require per-user authentication. Also, the LCD display functionality won't work if you are running other code on the pandaboard which has already connected to the orangutan LLP.
Say you want to ssh from a "client" machine, like your PC, to a "server", like the HLP on your robot.
> ssh-keygen -t dsa
If you have already done this at some point in the past, you do not want to do it again. If you are not sure, check if the file ~/.ssh/ exists ( ~ is shorthand for your home directory) --- if it does, you had run ssh-keygen before.
> scp ~/.ssh/ SERVER:~/
whhere SERVER is the DNS name of the server and CLIENT is the hostname of the client.
> mkdir .ssh > cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys > rm > chmod 700 .ssh > chmod 600 .ssh/*
The mkdir command will give an error message if ~/.ssh already exists, but this is harmless.
Because the onboard HLP typically runs headless (without a monitor, keyboard, and mouse attached), it can be very useful to run graphical programs on it that display on a remote computer. This is possible, though it can use a lot of network bandwidth. (For viewing images from the onboard camera we provide an HTTP image server that sends compressed JPEG or PNG images using much less bandwidth.)
The display system now used in Linux is a descendant of a very old system calledX11, or just "X". A key design aspect of X is that it is fundamentally aclient-server architecture.
You may be used to thinking of interacting with web "servers" as remote machines, with your local desktop machine the "client". In X, theX server is a daemon (background service) program running on your desktop, i.e. on the computer with the monitor to which graphics should be displayed.X clients are programs that want to display graphics in windows: web browsers, terminal programs, video players, etc.
When you run an X client it implicitly checks the value of the DISPLAY environment variable, which has the format[server]:d[.s]; server can be the DNS name or IP address of the machine running the X server, which does not need to be the same as the machine running the client program. It can also be "localhost" or omitted, in the common case that both the X client and server are on the same machine. d and the optional s are integers that can be used to select which part of a multi-screen display should be targetted; they are usually both 0 unless you know you need something else.
So, it seems that if we want to run an X client program, like xterm, on one machine (let's call itclient), and have it display on (possily another) machine server, then it should suffice to run these two commands onclient:
> export DISPLAY=server:0.0 > xterm &
Once upon a time, that would have worked, almost. Even in the old days there was a security mechanism: on the server you would have had to run
> xhost +client
to indicate that incoming X connections from client should be accepted. (Here we are usingclient and server as standins for the corresponding DNS names.)
Unfortunately, nowadays increased security means that the above steps alone usually do not work.
Also, networks are now often relatively complex; the above example assumes that bothclient and server can "see" each other on the network. In practice, it is now common to have "local subnets" like 192.168.1 which appear to machines outside the subnet as a single address corresponding to a router machine runningnetwork address translation (NAT, which used to be called "IP Masquerading", possibly a more informative name). Machines inside a local subnet can see out, but unless special arrangements are made, they cannot be seen from the outside.
Remote X display is usually still possible despite these challenges.
The usual situation is that you are sitting at the machine running the X server (server, e.g. your PC), and you ssh from there toclient (e.g. the HLP on your robot; note that we are using the server and client terms to refer to the "backwards" X connection; the ssh connection is actually fromserver to client.) client needs to be visible from server (but not vice-versa), and client also needs to be running an ssh server.
Ubuntu desktop editions to not come with an ssh server installed by default, but it can be easily added simply by running
sudo apt-get install openssh-server
which both installs the ssh server and starts it, or does nothing if it's already installed and up to date. (If you're taking a course using OHMM and using one of the pre-configured Ubuntu installations, this step should have already been done for you.)
There are only two steps needed in this common server-to-client use case:
> ssh -X -C [user@]client
which will log you in to client with X forwarding (and lossless compression) enabled. Then on client you can run> echo $DISPLAYwhich should return a value like localhost:10.0. This may seem confusing; what is happening is that ssh has arranged a tunnel so that when you run an X client program like> xterm &on client, it will connect to a special port on client that is tunneled back to the X server on server, all through the ssh connection.
It is less common, but possible, to do this all the other way around, i.e. to start onclient (e.g. your HLP), establish an ssh tunnel to server (e.g. your PC), and then run X client programs onclient that display on server. It is trickier to set this up. Here is a recipe:
> xhost +
on server (this will be forgotten when you log out). This step and the last two have opened the X server TCP port 6000, which would allow any X client to connect, if it were not for the firewall. The firewall only allows local X clients (i.e. those that appear as if they originate from server itself), but still allows incoming ssh connections.
> ssh -f [user@]server -L 6010:server:6000 -N > export DISPLAY=localhost:10.0 > xterm &
The first command establishes an ssh tunnel from the X server port 6010 on client to that port on server; the second tells X client programs onclient to connect to that local port (the convention is that the port number is 6000+d whered is the display number, here 10), which will be tunneled back to server.